{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where -- import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import Control.Monad import Data.Char (isLetter) import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.RDF #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) #else #endif #else #endif import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import Text.Printf (hPrintf) -- TODO: cleanup and refactor main and elsewhere in this module main :: IO () main = do (opts, args) <- getArgs >>= compilerOpts when (Help `elem` opts) (putStrLn (usageInfo header options) >> exitSuccess) when (null args) ( ioError ( userError ("\n\n" <> "INPUT-URI required\n\n" <> usageInfo header options) ) ) let debug = Debug `elem` opts inputUri = head args inputFormat = getWithDefault (InputFormat "turtle") opts outputFormat = getWithDefault (OutputFormat "ntriples") opts inputBaseUri = getInputBaseUri inputUri args opts outputBaseUri = getWithDefault (OutputBaseUri inputBaseUri) opts unless (outputFormat == "ntriples" || outputFormat == "turtle") ( hPrintf stderr ( "'" <> outputFormat <> "' is not a valid output format. Supported output formats are: ntriples, turtle\n" ) >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1) ) when debug ( hPrintf stderr " INPUT-URI: %s\n\n" inputUri >> hPrintf stderr " INPUT-FORMAT: %s\n" inputFormat >> hPrintf stderr " INPUT-BASE-URI: %s\n\n" inputBaseUri >> hPrintf stderr " OUTPUT-FORMAT: %s\n" outputFormat >> hPrintf stderr "OUTPUT-BASE-URI: %s\n\n" outputBaseUri ) let mInputUri = if inputBaseUri == "-" then Nothing else Just (BaseUrl (T.pack inputBaseUri)) docUri = Just $ T.pack inputUri emptyPms = PrefixMappings Map.empty case (inputFormat, isUri $ T.pack inputUri) of ("turtle", True) -> parseURL (TurtleParser mInputUri docUri) inputUri >>= \(res :: Either ParseFailure (RDF TList)) -> write outputFormat docUri emptyPms res ("turtle", False) -> ( if inputUri /= "-" then parseFile (TurtleParser mInputUri docUri) inputUri else parseString (TurtleParser mInputUri docUri) <$> TIO.getContents ) >>= \(res :: Either ParseFailure (RDF TList)) -> write outputFormat docUri emptyPms res ("ntriples", True) -> parseURL NTriplesParser inputUri >>= \(res :: Either ParseFailure (RDF TList)) -> write outputFormat Nothing emptyPms res ("ntriples", False) -> ( if inputUri /= "-" then parseFile NTriplesParser inputUri else parseString NTriplesParser <$> TIO.getContents ) >>= \(res :: Either ParseFailure (RDF TList)) -> write outputFormat Nothing emptyPms res ("xml", True) -> parseURL (XmlParser mInputUri docUri) inputUri >>= \(res :: Either ParseFailure (RDF TList)) -> write outputFormat docUri emptyPms res ("xml", False) -> ( if inputUri /= "-" then parseFile (XmlParser mInputUri docUri) inputUri else parseString (XmlParser mInputUri docUri) <$> TIO.getContents ) >>= \(res :: Either ParseFailure (RDF TList)) -> write outputFormat docUri emptyPms res (str, _) -> putStrLn ("Invalid format: " <> str) >> exitFailure write :: (Rdf a) => String -> Maybe T.Text -> PrefixMappings -> Either ParseFailure (RDF a) -> IO () write format docUri pms res = case res of (Left (ParseFailure msg)) -> putStrLn msg >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1) (Right rdf) -> doWriteRdf rdf where doWriteRdf rdf = case format of "turtle" -> writeRdf (TurtleSerializer docUri pms) rdf "ntriples" -> writeRdf NTriplesSerializer rdf unknown -> error $ "Unknown output format: " <> unknown -- Get the input base URI from the argument list or flags, using the -- first string arg as the default if not found in string args (as -- the second item in the list) or in the flags as an explicitly -- selected flag. If the user submitted both a 2nd commandline arg -- after the INPUT-URI and used the -I/--input-base-uri arg, then -- the -I/--input-base-uri value is used and the 2nd commandline -- arg is silently discarded. getInputBaseUri :: String -> [String] -> [Flag] -> String getInputBaseUri inputUri args flags = if null $ tail args then getWithDefault (InputBaseUri inputUri) flags else getWithDefault (InputBaseUri (head $ tail args)) flags -- Determine if the bytestring represents a URI, which is currently -- decided solely by checking for a colon in the string. isUri :: T.Text -> Bool isUri str = not (T.null post) && T.all isLetter pre where (pre, post) = T.break (== ':') str -- Extract from the list of flags a flag of the same type as the first -- flag argument, returning its string value; if there is no such flag, -- return the string value of the first argument. getWithDefault :: Flag -> [Flag] -> String getWithDefault def args = case find (== def) args of Nothing -> strValue def Just val -> strValue val -- Convert the flag to a string, which is only valid for flags that have -- a string argument. strValue :: Flag -> String strValue (InputFormat s) = s strValue (InputBaseUri s) = s strValue (OutputFormat s) = s strValue (OutputBaseUri s) = s strValue flag = error $ "No string value for flag: " <> show flag -- The commandline arguments we accept. None are required. data Flag = Help | Debug | InputFormat String | InputBaseUri String | OutputFormat String | OutputBaseUri String deriving (Show) -- Two flags are equal if they are of the same type, regardless of value: a -- strange definition, but we never care about values when finding or comparing -- them. instance Eq Flag where Help == Help = True Debug == Debug = True InputFormat _ == InputFormat _ = True InputBaseUri _ == InputBaseUri _ = True OutputFormat _ == OutputFormat _ = True OutputBaseUri _ == OutputBaseUri _ = True _ == _ = False -- The top part of the usage output. header :: String header = "\nrdf4h_parse: an RDF parser and serializer\n\n" <> "\nUsage: rdf4h_parse [OPTION...] INPUT-URI [INPUT-BASE-URI]\n\n" <> " INPUT-URI a filename, URI or '-' for standard input (stdin).\n" <> " INPUT-BASE-URI the input/parser base URI or '-' for none.\n" <> " Default is INPUT-URI\n" <> " Equivalent to -I INPUT-BASE-URI, --input-base-uri INPUT-BASE-URI\n\n" options :: [OptDescr Flag] options = [ Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg Help) "Display this help, then exit", Option "d" ["debug"] (NoArg Debug) "Print debug info (like INPUT-BASE-URI used, etc.)", Option "i" ["input"] (ReqArg InputFormat "FORMAT") $ "Set input format/parser to one of:\n" <> " turtle Turtle (default)\n" <> " ntriples N-Triples\n" <> " xml RDF/XML", Option "I" ["input-base-uri"] (ReqArg InputBaseUri "URI") $ "Set the input/parser base URI. '-' for none.\n" <> " Default is INPUT-BASE-URI argument value.\n\n", Option "o" ["output"] (ReqArg OutputFormat "FORMAT") $ "Set output format/serializer to one of:\n" <> " ntriples N-Triples (default)\n" <> " turtle Turtle", Option "O" ["output-base-uri"] (ReqArg OutputBaseUri "URI") $ "Set the output format/serializer base URI. '-' for none.\n" <> " Default is input/parser base URI." ] compilerOpts :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String]) compilerOpts argv = case getOpt Permute options argv of (o, n, []) -> return (o, n) (_, _, errs) -> ioError (userError ("\n\n" <> concat errs <> usageInfo header options))