name: rasa version: 0.1.1 synopsis: A modular text editor homepage: license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: Chris Penner maintainer: copyright: 2016 Chris Penner category: Text Editor, Executable build-type: Simple extra-source-files: cabal-version: >=1.10 description: A modular text editor This is only a snippet, see the project's . . Rasa is a text editor project with a few interesting goals. For better or worse it attempts to be as modular as possible. This means that most functionality which would typically be considered to be 'core' in other editors is implemented as extensions in Rasa. This approach comes with its own share of pros and cons, for instance: . /Pros/ . * Implementing most core functionality as extensions ensures a powerful and elegant extension interface. * Flexibility; don't like the default cursor implementation? Write your own! * Adaptability; the core of Rasa is miniscule, you can mix and match extensions to build any editor you want. . /Cons/ . * Module cross-dependencies makes the community infrastructure more fragile; We'll likely have to develop a solution to this as a community as time goes on. * Fragmentation; Not having a single implementation for a given feature means extensions that depend on a feature have to pick a specific implementation to augment. Over time data-structures and types will be standardized into Rasa's core to help alleviate this. . While highly experimental, I've found the current API to be quite expressive and adaptable; for instance I was able to implement the notion of multiple cursors using the extension API in less than a day. I hope to keep the learning curve low as development continues. . /Getting Started/ . First clone the and try running the example-config included there. Once you get it running (see the ) then you can customize your keymap to add a few mappings you like. Then I'd check out the . It goes in depth into everything you'd want to know! . If you have any issues (and I'm sure there'll be a few; it's a new project!) please report them and we'll talk about it! library hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Rasa Rasa.Ext Rasa.Internal.Action Rasa.Internal.Buffer Rasa.Internal.Directive Rasa.Internal.Editor Rasa.Internal.Events Rasa.Internal.Extensions Rasa.Internal.Range Rasa.Internal.Scheduler Rasa.Internal.Text ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5 , async , containers , data-default , lens , mtl , text , text-lens , transformers , yi-rope default-language: Haskell2010 source-repository head type: git location: