This is the `RandProc` library, written by David Banas. For more info, please, see the comments in `Data/RandProc.hs`. Alternatively, view the Haddock generated HTML documentation: $ cabal haddock For information on the community support infrastructure for this library, view the home page for this library: There you will find links to: - mailing list - blog - bug tracker - etc. For usage examples, please, see: - test/Test.hs Darcs check-in tests - Data/RandProc/Examples/Problems/*.hs example problems, taken from the text upon which this library is based The intent of this library is to provide the data structures and support functions necessary for working with abstract probability spaces, in a mathematically rigorous way. It is not intended to provide functionality for generating distributions, moments, expectations, etc., as there are already libraries available for this. (`Probabilistic Functional Programming` is one that I've seen, but haven't had a chance to investigate, yet.)