(2018-03-18) ==================== * Put dependency on pcg-random behind a cabal flag, which is on by default. This enables builds stackage nightly. 0.1.3 (2018-03-17) ================== * Support for GHC-8.4.1 0.1.2 ===== * Add support for PCG as PRNG in addition to MWC. The module `Data.ByteString.Random.PCG` uses PCG. The module `Data.ByteString.Random.MWC` uses MWC. The module `Data.ByteString.Random` uses MWC for backward compatibility. * Support usage of custom PRNGs through the type class `RandomWords` and the function `generate` in the module `Data.ByteString.Random.Internal`. * Add some benchmark results to package description 0.1.1 ===== * Support for GHC-8.2.1 and Cabal-2.0 0.1.0 ===== * In the implementation of `random`, use `withSystemGen` that seeds the PRNG from the system randomness source. 0.0.1 ===== * First public release