{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- | -- Module: Data.ByteString.Random -- Copyright: (c) Lars Kuhtz 2017 -- License: MIT -- Maintainer: lakuhtz@gmail.com -- Stability: experimental -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- module Data.ByteString.Random ( random , randomGen ) where import Control.Exception (bracketOnError) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafePackAddressLen) import Data.Word (Word8, Word64) import Foreign (mallocBytes, poke, plusPtr, free, castPtr) import GHC.Ptr (Ptr(..)) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import System.Random.MWC (uniform, GenIO, withSystemRandom) -- $setup -- >>> import qualified Data.ByteString as B -- >>> import Test.QuickCheck -- | Generate a random bytestring of length n. The PRNG is seeded -- from the system randomness source. -- -- prop> ioProperty $ ((fromIntegral n ===) . B.length) <$> random n -- prop> n > 4 ==> ioProperty $ (/=) <$> random n <*> random n -- random ∷ Natural -- ^ Length of the result bytestring in bytes → IO ByteString random n = withSystemRandom $ \gen → randomGen gen n -- | Generate a random bytestring of length n using the given -- PRNG. -- randomGen ∷ GenIO -- ^ A PRNG that is used to generate random bytes. → Natural -- ^ Length of the result bytestring in bytes → IO ByteString randomGen gen n = bracketOnError (mallocBytes len8) free $ \ptr@(Ptr !addr) → do {-# SCC "go" #-} go ptr {-# SCC "pack" #-} unsafePackAddressLen len8 addr where len8, len64 ∷ Int !len8 = fromIntegral n !len64 = len8 `div` 8 go ∷ Ptr Word64 → IO () go !startPtr = loop64 startPtr where -- Would it help to add more manual unrolling levels? -- How smart is the compiler about unrolling loops? -- Generate 64bit values fin64Ptr ∷ Ptr Word64 !fin64Ptr = startPtr `plusPtr` (len64 * 8) loop64 ∷ Ptr Word64 → IO () loop64 !curPtr | curPtr < fin64Ptr = {-# SCC "loop64" #-} do !b ← uniform gen ∷ IO Word64 {-# SCC "poke64" #-} poke curPtr b loop64 $ {-# SCC "ptr_inc" #-} curPtr `plusPtr` 8 | otherwise = loop8 $ castPtr curPtr -- Generate 8bit values fin8Ptr ∷ Ptr Word8 !fin8Ptr = startPtr `plusPtr` len8 loop8 ∷ Ptr Word8 → IO () loop8 !curPtr | curPtr < fin8Ptr = {-# SCC "loop8" #-} do !b ← uniform gen ∷ IO Word8 poke curPtr b loop8 $ curPtr `plusPtr` 1 | otherwise = return ()