{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} -- | Non-empty length-indexed random access list. module Data.RAVec.NonEmpty ( -- * Random access list NERAVec (..), NERAVec' (..), -- * Construction singleton, singleton', cons, consTree, withCons, withConsTree, -- * Conversion toList, toList', toNonEmpty, toNonEmpty', reifyNonEmpty, reifyNonEmpty', -- * Indexing (!), index', tabulate, tabulate', unsingleton, head, head', last, last', -- * Folds foldMap, foldMap', foldMap1, foldMap1', ifoldMap, ifoldMap', ifoldMap1, ifoldMap1', foldr, foldr', ifoldr, ifoldr', foldr1Map, foldr1Map', ifoldr1Map, ifoldr1Map', -- * Mapping map, map', imap, imap', traverse, traverse', itraverse, itraverse', #ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids traverse1, traverse1', itraverse1, itraverse1', #endif -- * Zipping zipWith, zipWith', izipWith, izipWith', repeat, repeat', -- * Universe universe, universe', -- * QuickCheck liftArbitrary, liftArbitrary', liftShrink, liftShrink', ) where import Prelude (Bool (..), Eq (..), Functor (..), Int, Ord (..), Show, seq, uncurry, ($), (.)) import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..), (<$>)) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..)) import Data.Bin (BinP (..)) import Data.BinP.PosP (PosP (..), PosP' (..)) import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..)) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..)) import Data.Nat (Nat (..)) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..)) import Data.Type.BinP (SBinP (..), SBinPI (..)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEList import qualified Data.RAVec.Tree as Tree import qualified Data.Type.BinP as BP import qualified Data.Type.Nat as N import qualified Data.Foldable as I (Foldable (..)) import qualified Data.Traversable as I (Traversable (..)) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import qualified Data.Foldable.WithIndex as WI (FoldableWithIndex (..)) import qualified Data.Functor.WithIndex as WI (FunctorWithIndex (..)) import qualified Data.Traversable.WithIndex as WI (TraversableWithIndex (..)) #ifdef MIN_VERSION_distributive import qualified Data.Distributive as I (Distributive (..)) #ifdef MIN_VERSION_adjunctions import qualified Data.Functor.Rep as I (Representable (..)) #endif #endif #ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids import Data.Functor.Apply (Apply (..)) import qualified Data.Semigroup.Foldable as I (Foldable1 (..)) import qualified Data.Semigroup.Traversable as I (Traversable1 (..)) #endif import Data.RAVec.Tree (Tree (..)) import TrustworthyCompat -- $setup -- >>> :set -XScopedTypeVariables -XDataKinds -- >>> import Prelude (print, Char, Bounded (..)) -- >>> import Data.List (sort) -- >>> import Data.Wrd (Wrd (..)) -- >>> import Data.Bin.Pos (top, pop) -- >>> import qualified Data.Bin.Pos as P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Random access vec ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Non-empty random access list. newtype NERAVec (b :: BinP) a = NE (NERAVec' 'Z b a) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable) -- | Non-empty random access list, undelying representation. data NERAVec' (n :: Nat) (b :: BinP) a where Last :: Tree n a -> NERAVec' n 'BE a Cons0 :: NERAVec' ('S n) b a -> NERAVec' n ('B0 b) a Cons1 :: Tree n a -> NERAVec' ('S n) b a -> NERAVec' n ('B1 b) a deriving (Typeable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deriving instance Eq a => Eq (NERAVec' n b a) deriving instance Show a => Show (NERAVec' n b a) instance Ord a => Ord (NERAVec' n b a) where compare xs ys = compare (toList' xs) (toList' ys) instance Functor (NERAVec b) where fmap = map instance Functor (NERAVec' n b) where fmap = map' instance I.Foldable (NERAVec b) where foldMap = foldMap foldr = foldr null _ = False instance I.Foldable (NERAVec' n b) where foldMap = foldMap' foldr = foldr' null _ = False instance I.Traversable (NERAVec b) where traverse = traverse instance I.Traversable (NERAVec' n b) where traverse = traverse' -- | @since 0.2 instance WI.FunctorWithIndex (PosP n) (NERAVec n) where imap = imap -- | @since 0.2 instance WI.FoldableWithIndex (PosP n) (NERAVec n) where ifoldMap = ifoldMap ifoldr = ifoldr -- | @since 0.2 instance WI.TraversableWithIndex (PosP n) (NERAVec n) where itraverse = itraverse -- | @since 0.2 instance WI.FunctorWithIndex (PosP' n m) (NERAVec' n m) where imap = imap' -- | @since 0.2 instance WI.FoldableWithIndex (PosP' n m) (NERAVec' n m) where ifoldMap = ifoldMap' ifoldr = ifoldr' -- | @since 0.2 instance WI.TraversableWithIndex (PosP' n m) (NERAVec' n m) where itraverse = itraverse' #ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids instance I.Foldable1 (NERAVec b) where foldMap1 = foldMap1 toNonEmpty = toNonEmpty instance I.Foldable1 (NERAVec' n b) where foldMap1 = foldMap1' toNonEmpty = toNonEmpty' instance I.Traversable1 (NERAVec b) where traverse1 = traverse1 instance I.Traversable1 (NERAVec' n b) where traverse1 = traverse1' #endif instance NFData a => NFData (NERAVec b a) where rnf (NE xs) = rnf xs instance NFData a => NFData (NERAVec' n b a) where rnf (Last t) = rnf t rnf (Cons0 r) = rnf r rnf (Cons1 t r) = rnf t `seq` rnf r instance Hashable a => Hashable (NERAVec b a) where hashWithSalt salt (NE xs) = hashWithSalt salt xs instance Hashable a => Hashable (NERAVec' n b a) where hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . toList' instance SBinPI b => Applicative (NERAVec b) where pure = repeat (<*>) = zipWith ($) x <* _ = x _ *> x = x liftA2 = zipWith instance (SBinPI b, N.SNatI n) => Applicative (NERAVec' n b) where pure = repeat' (<*>) = zipWith' ($) x <* _ = x _ *> x = x liftA2 = zipWith' #ifdef MIN_VERSION_distributive instance SBinPI b => I.Distributive (NERAVec b) where distribute f = tabulate (\k -> fmap (! k) f) instance (SBinPI b, N.SNatI n) => I.Distributive (NERAVec' n b) where distribute f = tabulate' (\k -> fmap (`index'` k) f) #ifdef MIN_VERSION_adjunctions instance SBinPI b => I.Representable (NERAVec b) where type Rep (NERAVec b) = PosP b index = (!) tabulate = tabulate instance (SBinPI b, N.SNatI n) => I.Representable (NERAVec' n b) where type Rep (NERAVec' n b) = PosP' n b index = index' tabulate = tabulate' #endif #endif instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (NERAVec b a) where (<>) = zipWith (<>) instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (NERAVec' n b a) where (<>) = zipWith' (<>) instance (Monoid a, SBinPI b) => Monoid (NERAVec b a) where mempty = repeat mempty mappend = zipWith mappend instance (Monoid a, SBinPI b, N.SNatI n) => Monoid (NERAVec' n b a) where mempty = repeat' mempty mappend = zipWith' mappend #ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids instance Apply (NERAVec b) where (<.>) = zipWith ($) liftF2 = zipWith _ .> x = x x <. _ = x instance Apply (NERAVec' n b) where (<.>) = zipWith' ($) liftF2 = zipWith' _ .> x = x x <. _ = x #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Construction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- singleton :: forall a. a -> NERAVec BP.BinP1 a singleton = coerce (singleton' :: a -> NERAVec' 'Z BP.BinP1 a) singleton' :: a -> NERAVec' 'Z BP.BinP1 a singleton' = Last . Tree.singleton -- | 'cons' for non-empty rals. cons :: forall a b. a -> NERAVec b a -> NERAVec (BP.Succ b) a cons x (NE xs) = NE (consTree (Leaf x) xs) consTree :: Tree n a -> NERAVec' n b a -> NERAVec' n (BP.Succ b) a consTree x (Last t) = Cons0 (Last (Node x t)) consTree x (Cons0 r) = Cons1 x r consTree x (Cons1 t r) = Cons0 (consTree (Node x t) r) -- | 'withCons' for non-empty rals. withCons :: SBinPI b => a -> NERAVec b a -> (SBinPI (BP.Succ b) => NERAVec (BP.Succ b) a -> r) -> r withCons x (NE xs) k = withConsTree sbinp (Leaf x) xs $ k . NE withConsTree :: SBinP b -> Tree n a -> NERAVec' n b a -> (SBinPI (BP.Succ b) => NERAVec' n (BP.Succ b) a -> r) -> r withConsTree SBE x (Last t) k = k (Cons0 (Last (Node x t))) withConsTree SB0 x (Cons0 r) k = k (Cons1 x r) withConsTree SB1 x (Cons1 t r) k = withConsTree sbinp (Node x t) r $ k . Cons0 unsingleton :: NERAVec 'BE a -> a unsingleton (NE (Last (Tree.Leaf x))) = x head :: NERAVec b a -> a head (NE x) = head' x head' :: NERAVec' n b a -> a head' (Last t) = Tree.leftmost t head' (Cons0 ral) = head' ral head' (Cons1 t _) = Tree.leftmost t last :: NERAVec b a -> a last (NE x) = last' x last' :: NERAVec' n b a -> a last' (Last t) = Tree.rightmost t last' (Cons0 ral) = head' ral last' (Cons1 _ ral) = last' ral ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Conversions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toList :: NERAVec b a -> [a] toList (NE xs) = toList' xs toList' :: NERAVec' n b a -> [a] toList' = foldr' (:) [] toNonEmpty :: NERAVec b a -> NonEmpty a toNonEmpty (NE xs) = toNonEmpty' xs toNonEmpty' :: NERAVec' n b a -> NonEmpty a toNonEmpty' = foldr1Map' NEList.cons (:|[]) reifyNonEmpty :: NonEmpty a -> (forall b. SBinPI b => NERAVec b a -> r) -> r reifyNonEmpty xs k = reifyNonEmpty' xs $ k . NE reifyNonEmpty' :: forall a r. NonEmpty a -> (forall b. SBinPI b => NERAVec' 'Z b a -> r) -> r reifyNonEmpty' (x0 :| xs0) = go x0 xs0 where go :: forall k. a -> [a] -> (forall b. SBinPI b => NERAVec' 'Z b a -> k) -> k go x [] k = k (Last (Leaf x)) go x (y:ys) k = go y ys $ \zs -> withConsTree sbinp (Leaf x) zs k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Indexing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (!) :: NERAVec b a -> PosP b -> a (!) (NE xs) (PosP p) = index' xs p index' :: NERAVec' n b a -> PosP' n b -> a index' (Last t) (AtEnd i) = t Tree.! i index' (Cons0 ral) (There0 i) = index' ral i index' (Cons1 t _) (Here i) = t Tree.! i index' (Cons1 _ ral) (There1 i) = index' ral i tabulate :: SBinPI b => (PosP b -> a) -> NERAVec b a tabulate f = NE (tabulate' (f . PosP)) tabulate' :: forall b n a. (SBinPI b, N.SNatI n) => (PosP' n b -> a) -> NERAVec' n b a tabulate' f = case sbinp :: SBinP b of SBE -> Last (Tree.tabulate (f . AtEnd)) SB0 -> Cons0 (tabulate' (f . There0)) SB1 -> Cons1 (Tree.tabulate (f . Here)) (tabulate' (f . There1)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Folds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> NERAVec b a -> m foldMap f (NE xs) = foldMap' f xs foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> NERAVec' n b a -> m foldMap' f (Last t) = Tree.foldMap f t foldMap' f (Cons0 r) = foldMap' f r foldMap' f (Cons1 t r) = mappend (Tree.foldMap f t) (foldMap' f r) ifoldMap :: Monoid m => (PosP b -> a -> m) -> NERAVec b a -> m ifoldMap f (NE xs) = ifoldMap' (f . PosP) xs ifoldMap' :: Monoid m => (PosP' n b -> a -> m) -> NERAVec' n b a -> m ifoldMap' f (Last t) = Tree.ifoldMap (f . AtEnd) t ifoldMap' f (Cons0 r) = ifoldMap' (f . There0) r ifoldMap' f (Cons1 t r) = Tree.ifoldMap (f . Here) t `mappend` ifoldMap' (f . There1) r foldMap1 :: Semigroup m => (a -> m) -> NERAVec b a -> m foldMap1 f (NE xs) = foldMap1' f xs foldMap1' :: Semigroup m => (a -> m) -> NERAVec' n b a -> m foldMap1' f (Last t) = Tree.foldMap1 f t foldMap1' f (Cons0 r) = foldMap1' f r foldMap1' f (Cons1 t r) = Tree.foldMap1 f t <> foldMap1' f r ifoldMap1 :: Semigroup m => (PosP b -> a -> m) -> NERAVec b a -> m ifoldMap1 f (NE xs) = ifoldMap1' (f . PosP) xs ifoldMap1' :: Semigroup m => (PosP' n b -> a -> m) -> NERAVec' n b a -> m ifoldMap1' f (Last t) = Tree.ifoldMap1 (f . AtEnd) t ifoldMap1' f (Cons0 r) = ifoldMap1' (f . There0) r ifoldMap1' f (Cons1 t r) = Tree.ifoldMap1 (f . Here) t <> ifoldMap1' (f . There1) r foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> NERAVec m a -> b foldr f z (NE xs) = foldr' f z xs foldr1Map :: (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> NERAVec m a -> b foldr1Map f z (NE xs) = foldr1Map' f z xs ifoldr1Map :: (PosP m -> a -> b -> b) -> (PosP m -> a -> b) -> NERAVec m a -> b ifoldr1Map f z (NE xs) = ifoldr1Map' (f . PosP) (z . PosP) xs foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> NERAVec' n m a -> b foldr' f z (Last t) = Tree.foldr f z t foldr' f z (Cons0 r) = foldr' f z r foldr' f z (Cons1 t r) = Tree.foldr f (foldr' f z r) t foldr1Map' :: (a -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> NERAVec' n m a -> b foldr1Map' f z (Last t) = Tree.foldr1Map f z t foldr1Map' f z (Cons0 r) = foldr1Map' f z r foldr1Map' f z (Cons1 t r) = Tree.foldr f (foldr1Map' f z r) t ifoldr1Map' :: (PosP' n m -> a -> b -> b) -> (PosP' n m -> a -> b) -> NERAVec' n m a -> b ifoldr1Map' f z (Last t) = Tree.ifoldr1Map (f . AtEnd) (z . AtEnd) t ifoldr1Map' f z (Cons0 r) = ifoldr1Map' (f . There0) (z . There0) r ifoldr1Map' f z (Cons1 t r) = Tree.ifoldr (f . Here) (ifoldr1Map' (f . There1) (z . There1) r) t ifoldr :: (PosP m -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> NERAVec m a -> b ifoldr f z (NE xs) = ifoldr' (f . PosP) z xs ifoldr' :: (PosP' n m -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> NERAVec' n m a -> b ifoldr' f z (Last t) = Tree.ifoldr (f . AtEnd) z t ifoldr' f z (Cons0 r) = ifoldr' (f . There0) z r ifoldr' f z (Cons1 t r) = Tree.ifoldr (f . Here) (ifoldr' (f . There1) z r) t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Special folds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TBW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Mapping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- map :: (a -> b) -> NERAVec m a -> NERAVec m b map f (NE xs) = NE (map' f xs) map' :: (a -> b) -> NERAVec' n m a -> NERAVec' n m b map' f (Last t ) = Last (Tree.map f t) map' f (Cons0 r) = Cons0 (map' f r) map' f (Cons1 t r) = Cons1 (Tree.map f t) (map' f r) imap :: (PosP m -> a -> b) -> NERAVec m a -> NERAVec m b imap f (NE xs) = NE (imap' (f . PosP) xs) imap' :: (PosP' n m -> a -> b) -> NERAVec' n m a -> NERAVec' n m b imap' f (Last t) = Last (Tree.imap (f . AtEnd) t) imap' f (Cons0 r) = Cons0 (imap' (f . There0) r) imap' f (Cons1 t r) = Cons1 (Tree.imap (f . Here) t) (imap' (f . There1) r) traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> NERAVec m a -> f (NERAVec m b) traverse f (NE xs) = fmap NE (traverse' f xs) traverse' :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> NERAVec' n m a -> f (NERAVec' n m b) traverse' f (Last t) = Last <$> Tree.traverse f t traverse' f (Cons0 r) = Cons0 <$> traverse' f r traverse' f (Cons1 t r) = Cons1 <$> Tree.traverse f t <*> traverse' f r itraverse :: Applicative f => (PosP m -> a -> f b) -> NERAVec m a -> f (NERAVec m b) itraverse f (NE xs) = fmap NE (itraverse' (f . PosP) xs) itraverse' :: Applicative f => (PosP' n m -> a -> f b) -> NERAVec' n m a -> f (NERAVec' n m b) itraverse' f (Last t) = Last <$> Tree.itraverse (f . AtEnd) t itraverse' f (Cons0 r) = Cons0 <$> itraverse' (f . There0) r itraverse' f (Cons1 t r) = Cons1 <$> Tree.itraverse (f . Here) t <*> itraverse' (f . There1) r #ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids traverse1 :: Apply f => (a -> f b) -> NERAVec m a -> f (NERAVec m b) traverse1 f (NE xs) = fmap NE (traverse1' f xs) traverse1' :: Apply f => (a -> f b) -> NERAVec' n m a -> f (NERAVec' n m b) traverse1' f (Last t) = Last <$> Tree.traverse1 f t traverse1' f (Cons0 r) = Cons0 <$> traverse1' f r traverse1' f (Cons1 t r) = Cons1 <$> Tree.traverse1 f t <.> traverse1' f r itraverse1 :: Apply f => (PosP m -> a -> f b) -> NERAVec m a -> f (NERAVec m b) itraverse1 f (NE xs) = fmap NE (itraverse1' (f . PosP) xs) itraverse1' :: Apply f => (PosP' n m -> a -> f b) -> NERAVec' n m a -> f (NERAVec' n m b) itraverse1' f (Last t) = Last <$> Tree.itraverse1 (f . AtEnd) t itraverse1' f (Cons0 r) = Cons0 <$> itraverse1' (f . There0) r itraverse1' f (Cons1 t r) = Cons1 <$> Tree.itraverse1 (f . Here) t <.> itraverse1' (f . There1) r #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Zipping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> NERAVec m a -> NERAVec m b -> NERAVec m c zipWith f (NE xs) (NE ys) = NE (zipWith' f xs ys) -- | Zip two 'NERAVec''s with a function. zipWith' :: (a -> b -> c) -> NERAVec' n m a -> NERAVec' n m b -> NERAVec' n m c zipWith' f (Last t) (Last t') = Last (Tree.zipWith f t t') zipWith' f (Cons0 r) (Cons0 r') = Cons0 (zipWith' f r r') zipWith' f (Cons1 t r) (Cons1 t' r') = Cons1 (Tree.zipWith f t t') (zipWith' f r r') izipWith :: (PosP m -> a -> b -> c) -> NERAVec m a -> NERAVec m b -> NERAVec m c izipWith f (NE xs) (NE ys) = NE (izipWith' (f . PosP) xs ys) -- | Zip two 'NERAVec''s with a function which also takes 'PosP'' index. izipWith' :: (PosP' n m -> a -> b -> c) -> NERAVec' n m a -> NERAVec' n m b -> NERAVec' n m c izipWith' f (Last t) (Last t') = Last (Tree.izipWith (f . AtEnd) t t') izipWith' f (Cons0 r) (Cons0 r') = Cons0 (izipWith' (f . There0) r r') izipWith' f (Cons1 t r) (Cons1 t' r') = Cons1 (Tree.izipWith (f . Here) t t') (izipWith' (f . There1) r r') repeat :: SBinPI b => a -> NERAVec b a repeat = NE . repeat' repeat' :: forall b n a. (N.SNatI n, SBinPI b) => a -> NERAVec' n b a repeat' x = case sbinp :: SBinP b of SBE -> Last (Tree.repeat x) SB0 -> Cons0 (repeat' x) SB1 -> Cons1 (Tree.repeat x) (repeat' x) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Universe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- universe :: forall b. SBinPI b => NERAVec b (PosP b) universe = coerce (universe' :: NERAVec' 'Z b (PosP' 'Z b)) universe' :: forall n b. (N.SNatI n, SBinPI b) => NERAVec' n b (PosP' n b) universe' = case sbinp :: SBinP b of SBE -> Last (fmap AtEnd Tree.universe) SB0 -> Cons0 (fmap There0 universe') SB1 -> Cons1 (fmap Here Tree.universe) (fmap There1 universe') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Out-of-order combining ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- appendB0 :: NERAVec b a -> NERAVec b a -> NERAVec ('B0 b) a appendB0 (NE xs) (NE ys) = NE (Cons0 (appendB' xs ys)) where appendB1 :: a -> NERAVec b a -> NERAVec b a -> NERAVec ('B1 b) a appendB1 x (NE ys) (NE zs) = NE (Cons1 (Tree.Leaf x) (appendB' ys zs)) appendB' :: NERAVec' n b a -> NERAVec' n b a -> NERAVec' ('S n) b a appendB' (Last t) (Last t') = Last (Tree.Node t t') appendB' (Cons0 r) (Cons0 r') = Cons0 (appendB' r r') appendB' (Cons1 t r) (Cons1 t' r') = Cons1 (Tree.Node t t') (appendB' r r') splitB0 :: NERAVec ('B0 b) a -> (NERAVec b a, NERAVec b a) splitB0 (NE (Cons0 xs)) = let (ys, zs) = splitB' xs in (NE ys, NE zs) splitB1 :: NERAVec ('B1 b) a -> (a, NERAVec b a, NERAVec b a) splitB1 (NE (Cons1 (Tree.Leaf x) xs)) = let (ys, zs) = splitB' xs in (x, NE ys, NE zs) splitB' :: NERAVec' ('S n) b a -> (NERAVec' n b a, NERAVec' n b a) splitB' (Last (Tree.Node t t')) = (Last t, Last t') splitB' (Cons0 r) = let (a, b) = splitB' r in (Cons0 a, Cons0 b) splitB' (Cons1 (Tree.Node t t') r) = let (a, b) = splitB' r in (Cons1 t a, Cons1 t' b) -} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- QuickCheck ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance BP.SBinPI b => QC.Arbitrary1 (NERAVec b) where liftArbitrary = liftArbitrary liftShrink = liftShrink liftArbitrary :: BP.SBinPI b => QC.Gen a -> QC.Gen (NERAVec b a) liftArbitrary = fmap NE . liftArbitrary' liftShrink :: (a -> [a]) -> NERAVec b a -> [NERAVec b a] liftShrink shr (NE r) = fmap NE (liftShrink' shr r) instance (BP.SBinPI b, N.SNatI n) => QC.Arbitrary1 (NERAVec' n b) where liftArbitrary = liftArbitrary' liftShrink = liftShrink' liftArbitrary' :: forall b n a. (BP.SBinPI b, N.SNatI n) => QC.Gen a -> QC.Gen (NERAVec' n b a) liftArbitrary' arb = case BP.sbinp :: BP.SBinP b of BP.SBE -> Last <$> QC.liftArbitrary arb BP.SB0 -> Cons0 <$> liftArbitrary' arb BP.SB1 -> Cons1 <$> QC.liftArbitrary arb <*> liftArbitrary' arb liftShrink' :: forall b n a. (a -> [a]) -> NERAVec' n b a -> [NERAVec' n b a] liftShrink' shr (Last t) = Last <$> Tree.liftShrink shr t liftShrink' shr (Cons0 r) = Cons0 <$> liftShrink' shr r liftShrink' shr (Cons1 t r) = uncurry Cons1 <$> QC.liftShrink2 (Tree.liftShrink shr) (liftShrink' shr) (t, r) instance (BP.SBinPI b, QC.Arbitrary a) => QC.Arbitrary (NERAVec b a) where arbitrary = QC.arbitrary1 shrink = QC.shrink1 instance QC.CoArbitrary a => QC.CoArbitrary (NERAVec b a) where coarbitrary (NE r) = QC.coarbitrary r instance QC.CoArbitrary a => QC.CoArbitrary (NERAVec' n b a) where coarbitrary (Last t) = QC.variant (0 :: Int) . QC.coarbitrary t coarbitrary (Cons0 r) = QC.variant (1 :: Int) . QC.coarbitrary r coarbitrary (Cons1 t r) = QC.variant (2 :: Int) . QC.coarbitrary (t, r) instance (BP.SBinPI b, QC.Function a) => QC.Function (NERAVec b a) where function = QC.functionMap (\(NE r) -> r) NE instance (N.SNatI n, BP.SBinPI b, QC.Function a) => QC.Function (NERAVec' n b a) where function = case BP.sbinp :: BP.SBinP b of SBE -> QC.functionMap (\(Last t) -> t) Last SB0 -> QC.functionMap (\(Cons0 r) -> r) Cons0 SB1 -> QC.functionMap (\(Cons1 t r) -> (t, r)) (uncurry Cons1)