{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Data.RAList.Tree.Internal ( Leaf (..), Node (..), Dir (..), -- * Tree class -- | TODO move to private module so new instances cannot be defined IsTree (..), Size, Offset, ) where import Prelude (Bool (..), Eq (..), Functor (..), Int, Maybe (..), Num (..), Ord (..), Show, div, otherwise, seq, (&&), (.)) import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..), (<$>)) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..)) import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..)) import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..)) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..)) import qualified Data.Foldable as I (Foldable (..)) import qualified Data.Traversable as I (Traversable (..)) #ifdef MIN_VERSION_distributive import qualified Data.Distributive as I (Distributive (..)) #ifdef MIN_VERSION_adjunctions import qualified Data.Functor.Rep as I (Representable (..)) #endif #endif #ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids import Data.Functor.Apply (Apply (..)) import qualified Data.Semigroup.Foldable as I (Foldable1 (..)) import qualified Data.Semigroup.Traversable as I (Traversable1 (..)) #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A 'Leaf' is isomorphic to 'Identity', but we reimplement it here -- to have domain specific type. The short constructor name is a bonus. newtype Leaf a = Lf a deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, I.Traversable) -- | 'Node' is a product of two @f@. This way we can form a perfect binary tree. data Node f a = Nd (f a) (f a) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, I.Traversable) -- | Direction in 'Node'. data Dir a = L a | R a deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, I.Foldable, I.Traversable) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These instances are manually implemented, because we can have efficient -- foldr and foldl instance I.Foldable Leaf where foldMap f (Lf x) = f x foldr f z (Lf x) = f x z foldl f z (Lf x) = f z x foldr' f z (Lf x) = f x z foldl' f z (Lf x) = f z x length _ = 1 null _ = False instance I.Foldable f => I.Foldable (Node f) where foldMap f (Nd x y) = mappend (I.foldMap f x) (I.foldMap f y) foldr f z (Nd x y) = I.foldr f (I.foldr f z y) x foldl f z (Nd x y) = I.foldl f (I.foldl f z x) y foldr' f z (Nd x y) = let !acc = I.foldr' f z y in I.foldr' f acc x foldl' f z (Nd x y) = let !acc = I.foldl' f z x in I.foldl' f acc y length (Nd x y) = I.length x + I.length y null (Nd x y) = I.null x && I.null y #ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids instance I.Foldable1 Leaf where foldMap1 f (Lf x) = f x instance I.Traversable1 Leaf where traverse1 f (Lf x) = Lf <$> f x instance I.Foldable1 f => I.Foldable1 (Node f) where foldMap1 f (Nd x y) = I.foldMap1 f x <> I.foldMap1 f y instance I.Traversable1 f => I.Traversable1 (Node f) where traverse1 f (Nd x y) = Nd <$> I.traverse1 f x <.> I.traverse1 f y #endif instance NFData a => NFData (Leaf a) where rnf (Lf a) = rnf a instance NFData (f a) => NFData (Node f a) where rnf (Nd x y) = rnf x `seq` rnf y instance Hashable a => Hashable (Leaf a) where hashWithSalt salt (Lf x) = hashWithSalt salt x instance Hashable (f a) => Hashable (Node f a) where hashWithSalt salt (Nd x y) = salt `hashWithSalt` x `hashWithSalt` y #ifdef MIN_VERSION_distributive instance I.Distributive Leaf where distribute xs = Lf (fmap (\(Lf x) -> x) xs) instance I.Distributive f => I.Distributive (Node f) where distribute xs = Nd (I.distribute (fmap (\(Nd x _) -> x) xs)) (I.distribute (fmap (\(Nd _ y) -> y) xs)) #ifdef MIN_VERSION_adjunctions instance I.Representable Leaf where type Rep Leaf = () index (Lf x) _ = x tabulate f = Lf (f ()) instance I.Representable f => I.Representable (Node f) where type Rep (Node f) = Dir (I.Rep f) index (Nd x _) (L i) = I.index x i index (Nd _ y) (R j) = I.index y j tabulate f = Nd (I.tabulate (f . L)) (I.tabulate (f . R)) #endif #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IsLeaf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Size of a tree. type Size = Int type Offset = Int class ( #ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids I.Traversable1 t #else I.Traversable t #endif ) => IsTree t where -- indexing safeIndex :: Size -> t a -> Int -> Maybe a head :: t a -> a last :: t a -> a -- folding ifoldr :: Offset -> Size -> (Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b ifoldMap1 :: Semigroup s => Offset -> Size -> (Int -> a -> s) -> t a -> s foldr1Map :: ( a -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> t a -> b ifoldr1Map :: Offset -> Size -> (Int -> a -> b -> b) -> (Int -> a -> b) -> t a -> b -- mapping adjust :: Size -> Int -> (a -> a) -> t a -> t a itraverse :: Applicative f => Offset -> Size -> (Int -> a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b) #ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids traverse1 :: Apply f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b) itraverse1 :: Apply f => Offset -> Size -> (Int -> a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b) #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IsTree Leaf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance IsTree Leaf where -- indexing safeIndex _ (Lf x) 0 = Just x safeIndex _ _ _ = Nothing head (Lf x) = x last = head -- folding foldr1Map _ z (Lf x) = z x ifoldr !o _ f z (Lf x) = f o x z ifoldMap1 !o _ f (Lf x) = f o x ifoldr1Map !o _ _ z (Lf x) = z o x -- mapping adjust _ !i f (Lf x) | 0 == i = Lf (f x) | otherwise = Lf x itraverse !o _ f (Lf x) = fmap Lf (f o x) #ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids traverse1 f (Lf x) = fmap Lf (f x) itraverse1 !o _ f (Lf x) = fmap Lf (f o x) #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IsTree Node ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance IsTree f => IsTree (Node f) where -- indexing safeIndex s (Nd x y) i | i < s2 = safeIndex s2 x i | otherwise = safeIndex s2 y (i - s2) where s2 = s `div` 2 head (Nd x _) = head x last (Nd _ y) = last y -- folding foldr1Map f z (Nd x y) = I.foldr f (foldr1Map f z y) x ifoldr1Map !o !s f z (Nd x y) = ifoldr o s2 f (ifoldr1Map (o + s2) s2 f z y) x where s2 = s `div` 2 ifoldr !o !s f z (Nd x y) = ifoldr o s2 f (ifoldr (o + s2) s2 f z y) x where s2 = s `div` 2 ifoldMap1 !o !s f (Nd x y) = ifoldMap1 o s2 f x <> ifoldMap1 (o + s2) s2 f y where s2 = s `div` 2 -- mapping adjust s i f nd@(Nd x y) | i < s2 = Nd (adjust s2 i f x) y | i < s = Nd x (adjust s2 (i - s2) f y) | otherwise = nd where s2 = s `div` 2 itraverse !o !s f (Nd x y) = Nd <$> itraverse o s2 f x <*> itraverse (o + s2) s2 f y where s2 = s `div` 2 #ifdef MIN_VERSION_semigroupoids traverse1 f (Nd x y) = Nd <$> traverse1 f x <.> traverse1 f y itraverse1 !o !s f (Nd x y) = Nd <$> itraverse1 o s2 f x <.> itraverse1 (o + s2) s2 f y where s2 = s `div` 2 #endif