This package was tested to work with these dependency versions and compiler version. These are the minimum versions given in the .cabal file. Tested as of: 2014-03-08 16:06:41.98594 UTC Path to compiler: ghc-7.4.1 Compiler description: 7.4.1 /opt/ghc/7.4.1/lib/ghc-7.4.1/package.conf.d: Cabal-1.14.0 array- base- bin-package-db- binary- bytestring- containers- deepseq- directory- extensible-exceptions- filepath- (ghc-7.4.1) ghc-prim- (haskell2010- (haskell98- hoopl- hpc- integer-gmp- old-locale- old-time- pretty- process- rts-1.0 template-haskell- time-1.4 unix- /home/massysett/rainbow/sunlight-12650/db: rainbow- terminfo-0.3.2 text-