----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Module : Data.List.Util -- Copyright : (c) 2012-16 Brian W Bush -- License : MIT -- -- Maintainer : Brian W Bush <consult@brianwbush.info> -- Stability : Unstable -- Portability : Portable -- -- | Miscellaneous functions for manipulating lists. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} module Data.List.Util ( -- * Subsets hasSubset , disjoint , replaceByFst , noDuplicates , sameElements , notDuplicatedIn , deleteOn , maybeList -- * Permutations , elemPermutation -- * Grouping and sorting , groupOn , nubOn , sortOn , sortedGroups , sortedGroupsOn , regroup , regroupBy -- * Bounded enumerations. , domain -- * Permutations. , powerSet , powerSetPermutations , uniquePowerSetPermutations , suffixes -- * Monads. , nest -- * Mapping. , map2 , zipf -- * Lookups. , lookupWithDefault , lookupWithDefaultFunction -- * Padding, stripping, and pruning. , replicateHead , padHead , padTail , chunk , stripHead , discardEnds , removeDuplicates , removeDuplicatesBy , extract , rollback -- * Splitting. , splitAtMatches , splitAround ) where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Monad (filterM) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List ((\\), deleteBy, deleteFirstsBy, elemIndex, groupBy, intersect, nub, nubBy, permutations, sort, sortBy, tails) import Data.List.Split (chunksOf, wordsBy) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) -- | Test for containment. hasSubset :: Eq a => [a] -- ^ The potential superset. -> [a] -- ^ The potential subset -> Bool -- ^ Whether the first set has the second as a subset. hasSubset x y = null $ y \\ x -- | Test for disjointness. disjoint :: Eq a => [a] -- ^ The first set. -> [a] -- ^ The second set. -> Bool -- ^ Whether the sets are disjoint. disjoint x y = null $ x `intersect` y -- | Replace the first occurrence in a lookup table. replaceByFst :: Eq a => (a, b) -- ^ The replacement key and value. -> [(a, b)] -- ^ The lookup table. -> [(a, b)] -- ^ The updated table. replaceByFst x = (x :) . deleteBy ((==) `on` fst) x -- | Test for duplicates. noDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -- ^ The list. -> Bool -- ^ Whether the list does not contain duplicates. noDuplicates x = length x == length (nub x) -- | Test for same elements. sameElements :: Ord a => [a] -- ^ The first list. -> [a] -- ^ The second list. -> Bool -- ^ Whether the lists have the same elements. sameElements x y = sort x == sort y -- | Test for membership of an element in a list. notDuplicatedIn :: Eq b => (a -> b) -- ^ The equality test. -> a -- ^ The value. -> [a] -- ^ The list. -> Bool -- ^ Whether the value is in the list. notDuplicatedIn f x ys = f x `notElem` map f ys -- | Delete using a function to extract values. deleteOn :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> a -> [a] -> [a] deleteOn f = deleteBy ((==) `on` f) -- | Lift a non-empty list. maybeList :: [a] -> Maybe [a] maybeList [] = Nothing maybeList xs = Just xs -- | Find the permutation of one list relative to another. elemPermutation :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [Int] elemPermutation = mapM . flip elemIndex -- | Group using a function to extract values. groupOn :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]] groupOn f = groupBy ((==) `on` f) -- | Nub using a function to extract values. nubOn :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] nubOn f = nubBy ((==) `on` f) -- | Sort using a function to extract values. sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] sortOn f = sortBy (compare `on` f) -- | Sort and group. sortedGroups :: Ord b => [(b, c)] -> [(b, [c])] sortedGroups = sortedGroupsOn fst snd -- | Sort and group using a function to extract values. sortedGroupsOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> [a] -> [(b, [c])] sortedGroupsOn f g = fmap ((f . head) &&& fmap g) . groupOn f . sortOn f -- | Ordered list of values in a bounded enumeration. domain :: (Bounded a, Enum a) => [a] domain = [minBound..maxBound] -- | Generate a power set. The algorithm used here is from <http://evan-tech.livejournal.com/220036.html>. powerSet :: [a] -> [[a]] powerSet = filterM (const domain) -- | Generate a power set's permutations. powerSetPermutations :: [a] -> [[a]] powerSetPermutations = concatMap permutations . powerSet -- | Generate a power set's unique permutations. uniquePowerSetPermutations :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]] uniquePowerSetPermutations = nub . powerSetPermutations -- | A list of suffixes of another list. suffixes :: [a] -> [[a]] suffixes = init . tails -- | Move a monad inside a list. nest :: Monad m => [a] -> [m a] nest = map return -- | Map at the second level. map2 :: (a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [[b]] map2 = map . map -- | The 'zipf' function applies a list of functions to corresponding elements in a list. zipf :: [a -> b] -- ^ The list of functions to be applied -> [a] -- ^ The list of elements to which the functions will be applied -> [b] -- ^ The result of the function applications zipf (f:fs) (x:xs) = f x : zipf fs xs zipf _ _ = [] -- | Look up a value in an association list. lookupWithDefault :: Eq a => b -- ^ The default value. -> a -- ^ The key. -> [(a, b)] -- ^ The associations. -> b -- ^ The value for the key, or the default if the key is not present. lookupWithDefault y = lookupWithDefaultFunction (const y) -- | Look up a value in an association list. lookupWithDefaultFunction :: Eq a => (a -> b) -- ^ The function for generating the default value. -> a -- ^ The key. -> [(a, b)] -- ^ The associations. -> b -- ^ The value for the key, or the default if the key is not present. lookupWithDefaultFunction f x = fromMaybe (f x) . lookup x -- | Relicating the head of a list. replicateHead :: Int -- ^ Number of times to replicate the head. -> [a] -- ^ The list. -> [a] -- ^ The list with the replicas of the head. replicateHead n = uncurry (++) . (replicate n . head &&& id) -- | Pad the head of a list. padHead :: Int -- ^ Length of result. -> a -- ^ Item to use for padding. -> [a] -- ^ The list. -> [a] -- ^ The padded list. padHead n y xs = replicate (n - length xs) y ++ xs -- | Pad the tail of a list. padTail :: Int -- ^ Length of the result. -> a -- ^ Item to use for padding. -> [a] -- ^ The list. -> [a] -- ^ THe padded list. padTail n y xs = xs ++ replicate (n - length xs) y -- | Break a list into equally sized chunks. chunk :: Int -- ^ Length of the chunks. -> [a] -- ^ The list. -> [[a]] -- ^ The chunked list. chunk = chunksOf {-# DEPRECATED chunk "Use 'Data.List.Split.chunksOf' instead." #-} -- | Remove leading items from a list. stripHead :: Eq a => a -- ^ The item to remove from the start of list. -> [a] -- ^ The list. -> [a] -- ^ The list without the leading items. stripHead x y@(ye : ys) | x == ye = stripHead x ys | otherwise = y stripHead _ [] = [] -- | The 'discard' function removes the first and last elements from a list. discardEnds :: [a] -- ^ The list -> [a] -- ^ The interior of the list discardEnds = init . tail -- | Remove duplicates from a list, maintaining its order. removeDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] removeDuplicates = removeDuplicatesBy (==) -- | Remove duplicates from a list, maintaining its order. removeDuplicatesBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -- ^ Equality test function. -> [a] -- ^ The list. -> [a] -- ^ The list with duplicates removed. removeDuplicatesBy equals x = let duplicates = nubBy equals (deleteFirstsBy equals x (nubBy equals x)) in deleteFirstsBy equals (nubBy equals x) duplicates -- | Extract one element from a list. extract :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], Maybe a) extract _ [] = ([], Nothing) extract p x = let extract' a @ (_, _, Just _) = a extract' a @ (_, [], Nothing) = a extract' (y', ze : zs, Nothing) | p ze = (y', zs, Just ze) | otherwise = extract' (ze : y', zs, Nothing) (y, z, w) = extract' ([], x, Nothing) in (rollback y z, w) -- | Reverse a first list and add it to a second one. rollback :: [a] -- ^ The list to be reversed and prepended. -> [a] -- ^ The list to be appended. -> [a] -- ^ The resulting list rollback = flip (foldl (flip (:))) -- | Split up a list at every match of a particular item. splitAtMatches :: Eq a => a -- ^ The separatrix. -> [a] -- ^ The list. -> [[a]] -- ^ The split list. splitAtMatches = wordsBy . (==) {-# DEPRECATED splitAtMatches "Use 'Data.List.Split.wordsBy' instead." #-} -- | Split a list around a particular element. splitAround :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], a, [a]) splitAround n x = let (y, z) = splitAt (n + 1) x in (init y, last y, z) -- | Sort and regroup elements of an association using its keys. regroup :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> [(a, [b])] regroup = regroupBy id -- | Sort and regroup elements of an association using its keys. regroupBy :: Ord a => ([b] -> c) -- ^ The function for summarizing the second element of pairs. -> [(a, b)] -- ^ The associations. -> [(a, c)] -- ^ The regrouped associations. regroupBy f = let sorter (x, _) (y, _) = compare x y grouper x y = fst x == fst y crusher ys = (fst $ head ys, f $ map snd ys) in map crusher . groupBy grouper . sortBy sorter