{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- | Interface for cryptographically secure random byte generators.
module Raaz.Random
       ( -- * Cryptographically secure randomness.
         -- $randomness$
         RandM, RT, liftMT
       , randomByteString
       -- ** Types that can be generated randomly
       , Random(..)
         -- * Low level access to randomness.
       , fillRandomBytes
       , unsafeStorableRandom
       , reseed
       ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.ByteString             ( ByteString             )
import Data.Int
import Data.Vector.Unboxed  hiding ( replicateM, create     )
import Data.Word

import Foreign.Ptr      ( Ptr     , castPtr)
import Foreign.Storable ( Storable, peek   )
import Prelude

import Raaz.Core
import Raaz.Cipher.ChaCha20.Internal(KEY, IV)
import Raaz.Random.ChaCha20PRG

-- $randomness$
-- The raaz library gives a relatively high level interface to
-- randomness. The monad `RandM` captures a batch of actions that
-- generate/use cryptographically secure random bytes. In particular,
-- you can use the functions `random` and `randomByteString` to
-- actually generate random elements.
-- = Running a random action
-- Depending on whether the random bytes generated are sensitive or
-- not, you can use either of the combinators `securely` or
-- `insecurely`.  The combinator `securely` ensures that the seed of
-- the PRG is stored in a locked memory and hence will not be swapped
-- out to the disk. A use case for this is when you use the random
-- bytes to generate say a long term public key. On the other hand
-- locked memory is limited on most systems. So for cases where the
-- secrecy of the bytes are not important, we would recommend using
-- `insecurely`.
-- > -- Generate a pair of random Word8's
-- > import Raaz
-- > import Data.Word
-- >
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = insecurely rPair >>= print
-- >    where rPair :: RandM (Word8, Word8)
-- >          rPair = (,) <$> random <$> random
-- >
-- > -- A version of hello world that has gone nuts. Printed in base16
-- > -- to save some terminal grief.
-- >
-- > main = insecurely who >>= \ w -> putStrLn $ "hello " ++ showBase16 w
-- >   where who :: RandM ByteString
-- >         who = randomByteString 10
-- >
-- Some times you need additional memory to keep track of other
-- stuff. The monad @`RT` mem@ is meant for such uses. It should be
-- seen as the analogue of the monad @`MT` mem@ which in addition
-- allows you to pick cryptographically secure random data. In fact,
-- the combinator `liftMT` allows you to lift an `MT` action to the
-- corresponding `RT` action.
-- = Internal details
-- Generating unpredictable stream of bytes is one task that has burnt
-- the fingers of a lot of programmers. Unfortunately, getting it
-- correct is something of a black art.  Raaz uses a stream cipher
-- (chacha20), initialised with a starting random key/iv. The starting
-- seed is then drawn from the system entropy pool.
-- TODO: For system entropy we use @\/dev\/urandom@ on a posix systems
-- (no windows support yet). Even on posix systems, depending on
-- underlying operating system, there are better options. The
-- recommended way to generate randomness on an OpenBSD system is
-- through the function `arc4random` (note that arc4random does not
-- use rc4 cipher anymore).  Recent Linux kernels support the
-- `getrandom` system call which unfortunately is not yet
-- popular. These system specific calls are better because they take
-- into consideration many edge cases like for example
-- @\/dev\/urandom@ not being accessible or protection from interrupts
-- Eventually we will be supporting these calls.

-- | A batch of actions on the memory element @mem@ that uses some
-- randomness.
newtype RT mem a = RT { unMT :: MT (RandomState, mem) a }
                 deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)

-- | The monad for generating cryptographically secure random data.
type RandM = RT VoidMemory

-- | Lift a memory action to the corresponding RT action.
liftMT :: MT mem a -> RT mem a
liftMT = RT . onSubMemory snd

-- | Run a randomness thread. In particular, this combinator takes
-- care of seeding the internal prg at the start.
runRT :: RT m a
      -> MT (RandomState, m) a
runRT action = onSubMemory fst reseedMT >> unMT action

instance Memory mem => MonadMemory (RT mem) where
  insecurely = insecurely . runRT
  securely   = securely   . runRT

-- | Reseed from the system entropy pool. There is never a need to
-- explicitly seed your generator. The insecurely and securely calls
-- makes sure that your generator is seed before
-- starting. Furthermore, the generator also reseeds after every few
-- GB of random bytes generates. Generating random data from the
-- system entropy is usually an order of magnitude slower than using a
-- fast stream cipher. Reseeding often can slow your program
-- considerably without any additional security advantage.
reseed :: RT mem ()
reseed = RT $ onSubMemory fst reseedMT

-- | Fill the given input pointer with random bytes.
fillRandomBytes :: LengthUnit l => l ->  Pointer -> RT mem ()
fillRandomBytes l = RT . onSubMemory fst . fillRandomBytesMT l

-- | Types that can be generated at random. It might appear that all
-- storables should be an instance of this class, after all we know
-- the size of the element why not write that many random bytes. In
-- fact, this module provides an `unsafeStorableRandom` which does
-- exactly that. However, we do not give a blanket definition for all
-- storables because for certain refinements of a given type, like for
-- example, Word8's modulo 10, `unsafeStorableRandom` introduces
-- unacceptable skews.
class Random a where

  random :: Memory mem => RT mem a

-- | Generate a random element. The element picked is
-- crypto-graphically pseudo-random.
-- This is a helper function that has been exported to simplify the
-- definition of a `Random` instance for `Storable` types. However,
-- there is a reason why we do not give a blanket instance for all
-- instances `Storable` and why this function is unsafe? This function
-- generates a random element of type @a@ by generating @n@ random
-- bytes where @n@ is the size of the elements of @a@. For instances
-- that range the entire @n@ byte space this is fine. However, if the
-- type is actually a refinement of such a type --- consider for
-- example, @`Word8`@ modulo @10@ -- this function generates an
-- unacceptable skew in the distribution. Hence this function is
-- prefixed unsafe.
unsafeStorableRandom :: (Memory mem, Storable a) => RT mem a
unsafeStorableRandom = RT $ onSubMemory fst retA
  where retA = liftPointerAction alloc $ getIt . castPtr

        getIt        :: Storable a => Ptr a -> MT RandomState a
        getIt ptr    = unsafePokeManyRandom 1 ptr >> liftIO (peek ptr)
        getElement   :: MT RandomState a -> a
        getElement _ = undefined

        algn         = alignment $ getElement retA
        sz           = sizeOf    $ getElement retA

        alloc        = allocaAligned algn sz

-- | Generate a random byteString.

randomByteString :: LengthUnit l
                 => l
                 -> RT mem ByteString
randomByteString l = RT $ onSubMemory fst  $ liftPointerAction (create l) $ fillRandomBytesMT l

------------------------------- Some instances of Random ------------------------

instance Random Word8 where
  random = unsafeStorableRandom

instance Random Word16 where
  random = unsafeStorableRandom

instance Random Word32 where
  random = unsafeStorableRandom

instance Random Word64 where
  random = unsafeStorableRandom

instance Random Word where
  random = unsafeStorableRandom

instance Random Int8 where
  random = unsafeStorableRandom

instance Random Int16 where
  random = unsafeStorableRandom

instance Random Int32 where
  random = unsafeStorableRandom

instance Random Int64 where
  random = unsafeStorableRandom

instance Random Int where
  random = unsafeStorableRandom

instance Random KEY where
  random = unsafeStorableRandom

instance Random IV where
  random = unsafeStorableRandom

instance Random w => Random (LE w) where
  random = littleEndian <$> random

instance Random w => Random (BE w) where
  random = bigEndian <$> random

instance (Dimension d, Unbox w, Random w) => Random (Tuple d w) where
  random = repeatM random

-------------------------- Now comes the boring tuples -----------------

instance (Random a, Random b) => Random (a,b) where
  random = (,) <$> random <*> random

instance (Random a, Random b, Random c) => Random (a,b,c) where
  random = (,,) <$> random <*> random <*> random

instance (Random a, Random b, Random c, Random d) => Random (a,b,c,d) where
  random = (,,,) <$> random <*> random <*> random <*> random

instance (Random a, Random b, Random c, Random d, Random e) => Random (a,b,c,d,e) where
  random = (,,,,) <$> random <*> random <*> random <*> random <*> random

-- | The action @unsafePokeManyRandom n ptr@ pokes @n@ random elements
-- at the location starting at ptr.  If the underlying type does not
-- saturate its entire binary size (think of say Word8 modulo 5), the
-- distribution of elements can be rather skewed . Hence the prefix
-- unsafe. This function is exported to simplify the definition
-- `Random` instance. Do not use it unwisely.
unsafePokeManyRandom :: Storable a => Int -> Ptr a -> MT RandomState ()
unsafePokeManyRandom n ptr = fillRandomBytesMT totalSz $ castPtr ptr
  where totalSz = fromIntegral n * sizeOf (getElement ptr)
        getElement :: Ptr a -> a
        getElement _ = undefined