-- | An applicative version of parser. This provides a restricted
-- parser which has only an applicative instance.

module Raaz.Core.Parse.Applicative
       ( Parser, parseWidth, parseError
       , unsafeRunParser
       , parse, parseStorable
       , parseVector, parseStorableVector
       , unsafeParseVector, unsafeParseStorableVector
       , parseByteString
       ) where

import           Data.ByteString           (ByteString)
import           Data.Monoid               (Sum(..))
import           Data.Vector.Generic       (Vector, generateM)
import           Foreign.Ptr               (castPtr)
import           Foreign.Storable          (Storable, peek, peekElemOff)

import           Raaz.Core.MonoidalAction
import           Raaz.Core.Types.Endian
import           Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer
import           Raaz.Core.Util.ByteString (createFrom)

type BytesMonoid   = Sum (BYTES Int)
type ParseAction   = FieldM IO Pointer

-- | An applicative parser type for reading data from a pointer.
type Parser = TwistRF ParseAction BytesMonoid

makeParser :: LengthUnit l => l -> (Pointer -> IO a) -> Parser a
makeParser l action = TwistRF (liftToFieldM action) (Sum $ inBytes l)

-- | A parser that fails with a given error message.
parseError  :: String -> Parser a
parseError msg = makeParser (0 :: BYTES Int) $ \ _ -> fail msg

-- | Return the bytes that this parser will read.
parseWidth :: Parser a -> BYTES Int
parseWidth =  getSum . twistMonoidValue

-- | Run the given parser.
runParser :: Parser a -> CryptoBuffer -> IO (Maybe a)
runParser pr cbuf = withCryptoBuffer cbuf $ \ sz cptr ->
  if sz < parseWidth pr then return Nothing
  else Just <$> unsafeRunParser pr cptr

-- | Run the parser given the
runParser' :: Parser a -> CryptoBuffer -> IO a
runParser' pr = fmap fromJust . runParser pr


-- | Run the parser without checking the length constraints.
unsafeRunParser :: Parser a -> Pointer -> IO a
unsafeRunParser = runFieldM . twistFunctorValue

-- | The primary purpose of this function is to satisfy type checkers.
undefParse :: Parser a -> a
undefParse _ = undefined

-- | Parses a value which is an instance of Storable. Beware that this
-- parser expects that the value is stored in machine endian. Mostly
-- it is useful in defining the `peek` function in a complicated
-- `Storable` instance.
parseStorable :: Storable a => Parser a
parseStorable = pa
  where pa = makeParser (byteSize $ undefParse pa) (peek . castPtr)

-- | Parse a crypto value. Endian safety is take into account
-- here. This is what you would need when you parse packets from an
-- external source. You can also use this to define the `load`
-- function in a complicated `EndianStore` instance.
parse :: EndianStore a => Parser a
parse = pa
  where pa = makeParser (byteSize $ undefParse pa) load

-- | Parses a strict bytestring of a given length.
parseByteString :: LengthUnit l => l -> Parser ByteString
parseByteString l = makeParser l $ createFrom l

-- | Similar to @parseStorableVector@ but is expected to be slightly
-- faster. It does not check whether the length parameter is
-- non-negative and hence is unsafe. Use it only if you can prove that
-- the length parameter is non-negative.
unsafeParseStorableVector :: (Storable a, Vector v a) => Int -> Parser (v a)
unsafeParseStorableVector n = pvec
  where pvec      = makeParser  width $ \ cptr -> generateM n (getA cptr)
        width     = fromIntegral n * byteSize (undefA pvec)
        undefA    :: (Storable a, Vector v a)=> Parser (v a) -> a
        undefA _  = undefined
        getA      = peekElemOff . castPtr

-- | Similar to @parseVector@ but is expected to be slightly
-- faster. It does not check whether the length parameter is
-- non-negative and hence is unsafe. Use it only if you can prove that
-- the length parameter is non-negative.
unsafeParseVector :: (EndianStore a, Vector v a) => Int -> Parser (v a)
unsafeParseVector n = pvec
  where pvec     = makeParser  width $ \ cptr -> generateM n (loadFromIndex cptr)
        width    = fromIntegral n * byteSize (undefA pvec)
        undefA   :: (EndianStore a, Vector v a)=> Parser (v a) -> a
        undefA _ = undefined

-- | Similar to `parseVector` but parses according to the host
-- endian. This function is essentially used to define storable
-- instances of complicated data. It is unlikely to be of use when
-- parsing externally serialised data as one would want to keep track
-- of the endianness of the data.
parseStorableVector :: (Storable a, Vector v a) => Int -> Parser (v a)
parseStorableVector n | n < 0      = parseError $ "parseStorableVector on " ++ show n
                      | otherwise  = unsafeParseStorableVector n

-- | Parses a vector of elements. It takes care of the correct endian
-- conversion. This is the function to use while parsing external
-- data.
parseVector :: (EndianStore a, Vector v a) => Int -> Parser (v a)
parseVector n | n < 0      = parseError $ "parseVector on " ++ show n
              | otherwise  = unsafeParseVector n