module Quoridor.Cmdline.Render ( runRender , runRenderColor , putColoredBoardTerm , putColoredStrJson , putColoredBoardHtml , putChatMessageJson ) where import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, reader, runReaderT) import Control.Monad.State (StateT, get, gets, modify, runStateT) import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, runWriter, tell, void) import Data.List (partition, sort, sortBy) import qualified Data.Set as S (toAscList) import Text.Printf (printf) import qualified Data.DList as D import qualified System.Console.ANSI as CA import Quoridor import Quoridor.Cmdline.Messages (msgInputInstr, validMovesChars) -- | Monad stack used for rendering the board. -- ReaderT with game configuration -- Writer for accumulating the String which represents the board -- StateT for a state of sorted lists o what is left to -- render on the board (e.g. players, gates). type Render = ReaderT GameConfig (StateT RenderState (Writer (D.DList Char))) -- | Sorted lists of what is left to render on the board. -- The rendering of the board is linear, and at every tile -- or in between tiles, whether something should be rendered there -- or not is checked. To avoid going over all the lists every turn, -- only the head is checked (but for that to be correct the lists -- must be sorted). data RenderState = RenderState { players :: [Player] , vertHalfGates :: [HalfGate] , horizHalfGates :: [HalfGate] , validMoves :: [Cell] , leftValidMovesChars :: String } --- exported functions -- | Returns a String of the game board along with some basic info runRender :: GameState -> GameConfig -> ValidMoves -> String runRender gs gc vms = D.toList w where (_,w) = runWriter (runStateT (runReaderT (render cp) gc) initialRenderState) initialRenderState = RenderState psSorted vhgs hhgs vmSorted validMovesChars psSorted = sortPlayers $ playerList gs vmSorted = sort vms (hhgs, vhgs) = partitionHalfGates $ S.toAscList $ halfGates gs cp = currP gs -- | Returns a String of the game board along with some basic info, -- and a series of IO () actions, one per character, which describe how -- to set the terminal color. putColoredStr can be used to apply -- those actions automatically runRenderColor :: GameState -> GameConfig -> ValidMoves -> (String, [CA.Color]) runRenderColor = ((addColor .) .) . runRender -- | Given an input such as the output of runRenderColor, writes the -- game board along with some basic info, to the screen, applying -- the IO actions to colorize the output. putColoredBoardTerm :: (String, [CA.Color]) -> IO () putColoredBoardTerm (str, colors) = mapM_ putColoredChar $ zip str colors where putColoredChar (ch, col) = colorToAction col >> putChar ch colorToAction col = CA.setSGR [CA.SetColor CA.Foreground CA.Vivid col] -- | This is wasteful compared to having this logic in the browser's javascript. -- However this is still amounts to very little data being transferred, and that way -- I can avoid duplicating the coloring logic" putColoredBoardHtml :: (String, [CA.Color]) -> IO () putColoredBoardHtml (str, colors) = putStr $ concatMap addColorProp $ zip str colors where addColorProp (ch, CA.White) = [ch] addColorProp (ch, col) = printf "%c" (show col) ch putColoredStrJson :: String -> String -> IO () putColoredStrJson msgType text = putStrLn $ printf "{ \ \ \"msgType\": \"%s\", \ \ \"text\": \"%s\" \ \ }" msgType text putChatMessageJson :: Color -> String -> IO () putChatMessageJson col msg = putColoredStrJson "chat" inner where inner = printf "%s : %s" (show col) msg :: String --- helper functions render :: Player -> Render () render cp = do renderBoard tellLine msgInputInstr tellLine $ "It's " ++ show (color cp) ++ "'s Turn." ++ " " ++ show (gatesLeft cp) ++ " gates left." tellNewLine tellStr :: String -> Render () tellStr str = tell $ D.fromList str tellLine :: String -> Render () tellLine str = tellStr str >> tellNewLine tellNewLine :: Render () tellNewLine = tellStr "\n" -- | Actually specifies how to render the board. -- Using 'renderTileRow' and 'renderBetweenRow' renderBoard :: Render () renderBoard = do bs <- reader boardSize let go y | y == bs = return () | otherwise = do let lineRuler = show y ++ tail linePadding tellStr lineRuler >> renderTileRow y tellStr linePadding >> renderBetweenRow y go $ y+1 tellRulerLine = tellLine $ linePadding ++ unwords (map show []) tellRulerLine tellNewLine go 0 tellRulerLine tellNewLine -- | Rendering of a tile row -- (i.e. a row with players and/or vertical gates potentially on it) renderTileRow :: Int -> Render () renderTileRow row = do bs <- reader boardSize let go y x | x == bs = void $ tellStr "\n" | otherwise = do RenderState ps vhgs _ vms vmcs <- get let (cp, ps') = getCharAndList ps ((==) (y,x) . pos) noP (colorLetter $ color $ head ps) (cg, vhgs') = getCharAndList vhgs (== ((y,x),(y,x+1))) noG vgc (cvm, vms') = getCharAndList vms (== (y,x)) noP (head vmcs) vmcs' = if cvm /= noP then tail vmcs else vmcs cTile | cp /= noP = cp | cvm /= noP = cvm | otherwise = noP modify $ \s -> s { players = ps' , vertHalfGates = vhgs' , validMoves = vms' , leftValidMovesChars = vmcs' } tellStr [cTile,cg] go y (x+1) go row 0 -- | Rendering of a between row -- (i.e. a row with horizontal gates potentially on it) renderBetweenRow :: Int -> Render () renderBetweenRow row = do bs <- reader boardSize let go y x | x == bs = void $ tellStr "\n" | otherwise = do hhgs <- gets horizHalfGates let (c, hhgs') = getCharAndList hhgs (== ((y,x),(y+1,x))) noG hgc modify $ \s -> s { horizHalfGates = hhgs' } tellStr (c:" ") go y $ x+1 go row 0 -- | This function, checks if the first item in the sorted list -- (of players/gates/valid moves) satisfies a predicate. -- The predicate is basically, whether or not that item should be printed -- in the current position of the board render. -- It returns the according character that should be printed in that -- potential tile, and returns the tail of the list if there's a match. getCharAndList :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> Char -> Char -> (Char, [a]) getCharAndList [] _ cFalse _ = (cFalse, []) getCharAndList (x:xs) predicate cFalse cTrue | predicate x = (cTrue, xs) | otherwise = (cFalse, x:xs) -- | Partition 'HalfGate's into horizontal and vertical. partitionHalfGates :: [HalfGate] -> ([HalfGate],[HalfGate]) partitionHalfGates = partition $ \((_,x),(_,x')) -> x == x' sortPlayers :: [Player] -> [Player] sortPlayers = sortBy func where func p1 p2 | pos p1 < pos p2 = LT | pos p1 > pos p2 = GT | otherwise = EQ colorLetter :: Color -> Char colorLetter = head . show -- | Given a board render, attaches a color per character addColor :: String -> (String, [CA.Color]) addColor str = (str, map addColorChar str) where addColorChar ch | ch == noP = CA.Yellow | ch == hgc || ch == vgc = CA.Magenta | ch `elem` validMovesChars = CA.Cyan | ch == 'W' = CA.White | ch == 'B' = CA.Blue | ch == 'R' = CA.Red | ch == 'G' = CA.Green | otherwise = CA.White -- constants noP, noG, hgc, vgc :: Char noP = 'E' noG = ' ' hgc = '-' vgc = '|' linePadding :: String linePadding = replicate 2 ' '