{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LINE 1 "Quipper/Libraries/Simulation/CliffordSimulation.hs" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Quipper.Libraries.Simulation.CliffordSimulation where
import Quipper
import Quipper.Internal
import Quipper.Internal.Generic (encapsulate_generic, qc_unbind)
import Quipper.Internal.Transformer (transform_bcircuit_rec, bindings_empty)
import Quipper.Libraries.Simulation.QuantumSimulation (gateQinv, rotQinv)
import Quipper.Libraries.Simulation.ClassicalSimulation (simulate_cgate)
import Quipper.Utils.Auxiliary
import qualified Quipper.Utils.Stabilizers.Clifford as C
import Control.Monad.State (StateT)
import Data.Either
stabilizer_transformer :: Transformer (StateT C.Tableau IO) C.Qubit Bool
stabilizer_transformer (T_QGate "not" 1 0 _ ncf f) = f $
\[qt] [] c -> case control_info c of
None -> do
C.gate_X qt
return ([qt], [], c)
Classical b -> do
if b then C.gate_X qt else return ()
return ([qt], [], c)
OneQuantum (Signed qc positive) b -> do
if not positive then C.gate_X qc else return ()
if b then C.controlled_X qc qt else return ()
if not positive then C.gate_X qc else return ()
return ([qt], [], c)
_ -> error "stabilizer_transformer: Toffoli gate not available"
stabilizer_transformer (T_QGate "multinot" _ 0 _ ncf f) = f $
\ws [] c -> case control_info c of
None -> do
mapM_ C.gate_X ws
return (ws, [], c)
Classical b -> do
if b then mapM_ C.gate_X ws else return ()
return (ws, [], c)
OneQuantum (Signed qc positive) b -> do
if not positive then C.gate_X qc else return ()
if b then mapM_ (C.controlled_X qc) ws else return ()
if not positive then C.gate_X qc else return ()
return (ws, [], c)
_ -> error "stabilizer_transformer: (Multi) Toffoli gate not available"
stabilizer_transformer (T_QGate "H" 1 0 _ ncf f) = f $
\[qt] [] c -> case control_info c of
None -> do
C.gate_H qt
return ([qt], [], c)
Classical b -> do
if b then C.gate_H qt else return ()
return ([qt], [], c)
_ -> error "stabilizer_transformer: controlled-Hadamard currently not supported"
stabilizer_transformer (T_QGate "swap" 2 0 _ ncf f) = f $
\[w, v] [] c -> case control_info c of
None -> do
C.swap w v
return ([w, v], [], [])
Classical b -> do
if b then C.swap w v else return ()
return ([w, v], [], [])
_ -> error "stabilizer_transformer: quantum controlled-swap not available"
stabilizer_transformer (T_QGate "W" 2 0 _ ncf f) = f $
\[w, v] [] c -> error "stabilizer_transformer: W currently not supported"
stabilizer_transformer (T_QGate name _ _ inv ncf f) = f $
\ws vs c ->
case vs of
[] ->
case ws of
[qt] -> case control_info c of
None -> do
C.gate_Unitary u1 qt
return ([qt], vs, c)
Classical b -> do
if b then C.gate_Unitary u1 qt else return ()
return ([qt], vs, c)
OneQuantum (Signed qc positive) b -> do
if b then C.gate_Unitary2 u2 qc qt else return ()
return ([qt], vs, c)
_ -> error "stabilizer_transformer: Multiple quantum controls not supported"
where u1 = case name of
"X" -> C.x
"Y" -> C.y
"Z" -> C.z
"S" -> C.s
"E" -> C.e
name -> C.from_matrix (gateQinv name inv)
u2 = case name of
"X" -> C.cnot
"Z" -> C.cz
name -> C.from_matrix_controlled (gateQinv name inv)
_ -> error "stabilizer_transformer: Named gates on multiple Qubits not available"
_ -> error "stabilizer_transformer: generalised controls not currently supported"
stabilizer_transformer (T_QRot name _ _ inv t ncf f) = f $
\ws vs c -> error "stabilizer_transformer: QRot not currently supported"
stabilizer_transformer (T_GPhase t ncf f) = f $
\qs c -> error "stabilizer_transformer: GPhase currently not supported"
stabilizer_transformer (T_CNot ncf f) = f $
\q c -> case control_info c of
None -> return (not q,c)
Classical b -> if b then return (not q,c) else return (q,c)
_ -> error "stabilizer_transformer: Quantum control on classical gate"
stabilizer_transformer (T_CGate name ncf f) = f $
\ws -> return (simulate_cgate name ws,ws)
stabilizer_transformer (T_CGateInv name ncf f) = f $
\v ws -> if (simulate_cgate name ws == v) then return ws else error "stabilizer_transformer: CGateInv not inverse"
stabilizer_transformer (T_CSwap ncf f) = f $
\w v c -> case control_info c of
None -> return (w,v,c)
Classical b -> if b then return (v,w,c) else return (w,v,c)
_ -> error "stabilizer_transformer: Quantum control on classical gate"
stabilizer_transformer (T_QPrep ncf f) = f $
\w -> error "stabilizer_transformer: QPrep currently not supported"
stabilizer_transformer (T_QUnprep ncf f) = f $
\w -> error "stabilizer_transformer: QUnprep currently not supported"
stabilizer_transformer (T_QInit b ncf f) = f $
C.init_qubit b
stabilizer_transformer (T_CInit b ncf f) = f $
return b
stabilizer_transformer (T_QTerm b ncf f) = f $
\w -> do
res <- C.measure_qubit w
if res == b then return () else error "stabilizer_transformer: QTerm condition failed"
stabilizer_transformer (T_CTerm b ncf f) = f $
\w -> if w == b then return () else error "stabilizer_transformer: CTerm condition failed"
stabilizer_transformer (T_QMeas f) = f $
\w -> C.measure_qubit w
stabilizer_transformer (T_QDiscard f) = f $
\w -> return ()
stabilizer_transformer (T_CDiscard f) = f $
\w -> return ()
stabilizer_transformer (T_DTerm b f) = f $
\w -> error "stabilizer_transformer: DTerm currently not supported"
stabilizer_transformer (T_Subroutine n inv ncf scf ws_pat a1 vs_pat a2 rep f) = f $
\namespace ws c -> error "stabilizer_transformer: Subroutine currently not supported"
stabilizer_transformer (T_Comment s inv f) = f $
\ws -> return ()
data ControlInfo = None | Classical Bool | OneQuantum (Signed C.Qubit) Bool | ManyQuantum
control_info :: Ctrls C.Qubit Bool -> ControlInfo
control_info cs = case split_controls cs of
([],[]) -> None
([],cs) -> Classical (all_equal cs)
([q],cs) -> OneQuantum q (all_equal cs)
_ -> ManyQuantum
split_controls :: Ctrls a b -> ([Signed a],[Signed b])
split_controls cs = partitionEithers (map either_control cs)
either_control :: Signed (B_Endpoint a b) -> Either (Signed a) (Signed b)
either_control (Signed (Endpoint_Qubit a) value) = Left (Signed a value)
either_control (Signed (Endpoint_Bit b) value) = Right (Signed b value)
all_equal :: [Signed Bool] -> Bool
all_equal cs = and (map (\(Signed b val) -> b == val) cs)
toCliffordCirc :: (QCData qa, QCDataPlus qb) => (qa -> Circ qb) -> (BType qa -> C.CliffordCirc (BType qb))
toCliffordCirc (f :: qa -> Circ qb) input = do
let ((), circuit, cb) = encapsulate_generic errmsg (\() -> qc_init input >>= \qi -> f qi >>= \qi' -> qc_measure qi') ()
out_bind' <- transform_bcircuit_rec stabilizer_transformer circuit bindings_empty
let out_bind = out_bind'
let output = qc_unbind out_bind cb
return output
errmsg x = ("simulate: " ++ x)
eval_unary :: (QCData qa, QCDataPlus qb) => (qa -> Circ qb) -> (BType qa -> IO C.Tableau)
eval_unary circ input = C.eval (toCliffordCirc circ input)
run_clifford_unary :: (QCData qa, QCDataPlus qb) => (qa -> Circ qb) -> (BType qa -> IO (BType qb))
run_clifford_unary circ input = C.sim (toCliffordCirc circ input)
run_clifford_generic :: (QCData qa, QCDataPlus qb, QCurry qfun qa qb, Curry qfun' (BType qa) (IO (BType qb))) => qfun -> qfun'
run_clifford_generic f = g where
f1 = quncurry f
g1 = run_clifford_unary f1
g = mcurry g1