{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LINE 1 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Quipper.Algorithms.QLS.RealFunc where
import Data.List(mapAccumL)
import Quipper
import Quipper.Algorithms.QLS.CircLiftingImport
import Quipper.Algorithms.QLS.QSignedInt
import Quipper.Algorithms.QLS.QDouble
import Quipper.Algorithms.QLS.Utils
approx_sin :: FDouble -> FDouble
approx_sin x = let x2 = x * x in
let x3 = x2 * x in
let x4 = x2 * x2 in
let x5 = x4 * x in
let x7 = x2 * x5 in
let x9 = x2 * x7 in
let x11 = x2 * x9 in
x - (x3 / 6.0)
+ (x5 / 120.0)
- (x7 / 5040.0)
+ (x9 / 362880.0)
- (x11 / 39916800.0)
{-# LINE 34 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
$( decToCircMonad [d| approx_sin :: FDouble -> FDouble
approx_sin x = let x2 = x * x in
let x3 = x2 * x in
let x4 = x2 * x2 in
let x5 = x4 * x in
let x7 = x2 * x5 in
let x9 = x2 * x7 in
let x11 = x2 * x9 in
x - (x3 / 6.0)
+ (x5 / 120.0)
- (x7 / 5040.0)
+ (x9 / 362880.0)
- (x11 / 39916800.0)
|] )
{-# LINE 35 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
local_sin :: FDouble -> FDouble
local_sin x = let n = fromIntegral $ floor (x/(2.0*local_pi)) in
let y = x - 2.0*local_pi*n in
if (y < local_pi/2.0) then approx_sin y
else if (y > 3.0*local_pi/2.0) then approx_sin (y - 2.0*local_pi)
else approx_sin (local_pi - y)
{-# LINE 45 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
$( decToCircMonad [d| local_sin :: FDouble -> FDouble
local_sin x = let n = fromIntegral $ floor (x/(2.0*local_pi)) in
let y = x - 2.0*local_pi*n in
if (y < local_pi/2.0) then approx_sin y
else if (y > 3.0*local_pi/2.0) then approx_sin (y - 2.0*local_pi)
else approx_sin (local_pi - y)
|] )
{-# LINE 46 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
local_cos :: FDouble -> FDouble
local_cos x = local_sin (x + local_pi/2.0)
{-# LINE 54 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
$( decToCircMonad [d| local_cos :: FDouble -> FDouble
local_cos x = local_sin (x + local_pi/2.0)
|] )
{-# LINE 55 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
listAngle = snd $ mapAccumL (\a x -> (a+1, x / (2 ** a))) 3.0 (replicate after_radix_length pi)
template_listAngle = mapM (\x -> qinit $ fdouble x) listAngle
listCos = map cos listAngle
template_listCos = mapM (\x -> qinit $ fdouble x) listCos
listSin = map sin listAngle
template_listSin = mapM (\x -> qinit $ fdouble x) listCos
list_values = map (\(x,y,z) -> (fdouble x, fdouble y, fdouble z)) $
zip3 listAngle listCos listSin
template_list_values = mapM (\(x,y,z) -> do
x' <- qinit $ fdouble x
y' <- qinit $ fdouble y
z' <- qinit $ fdouble z
return (x',y',z')) $ zip3 listAngle listCos listSin
approx_sqrt :: Int -> FDouble -> FDouble
approx_sqrt n x = case n of
0 -> x
n -> let s = approx_sqrt (paramPred n) x in (s + x/s)/2.0
{-# LINE 92 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
$( decToCircMonad [d| approx_sqrt :: Int -> FDouble -> FDouble
approx_sqrt n x = case n of
0 -> x
n -> let s = approx_sqrt (paramPred n) x in (s + x/s)/2.0
|] )
{-# LINE 93 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
local_sqrt :: FDouble -> FDouble
local_sqrt x = approx_sqrt paramTen x
{-# LINE 98 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
$( decToCircMonad [d| local_sqrt :: FDouble -> FDouble
local_sqrt x = approx_sqrt paramTen x
|] )
{-# LINE 99 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
local_mag :: FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble
local_mag x y = local_sqrt (x * x + y * y)
{-# LINE 105 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
$( decToCircMonad [d| local_mag :: FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble
local_mag x y = local_sqrt (x * x + y * y)
|] )
{-# LINE 106 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
rotate :: FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble -> (FDouble,FDouble)
rotate a b c d x y = (a * x + b * y, c * x + d * y)
dummy = id_fdouble x
{-# LINE 119 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
$( decToCircMonad [d| rotate :: FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble -> (FDouble,FDouble)
rotate a b c d x y = (a * x + b * y, c * x + d * y)
dummy = id_fdouble x
|] )
{-# LINE 120 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
approx_atan2_aux :: FDouble -> FDouble -> (FDouble,FDouble, FDouble) -> (FDouble, FDouble, FDouble)
-> (FDouble,FDouble,FDouble)
approx_atan2_aux x y (angle, x', y') (r, cn, sn) =
let (a,(b,c)) = if (y' > y) then (angle - r, rotate cn sn (-sn) cn x' y')
else (angle + r, rotate cn (-sn) sn cn x' y')
in (a,b,c)
dummy_r = id_fdouble r
{-# LINE 131 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
$( decToCircMonad [d| approx_atan2_aux :: FDouble -> FDouble -> (FDouble,FDouble, FDouble) -> (FDouble, FDouble, FDouble)
-> (FDouble,FDouble,FDouble)
approx_atan2_aux x y (angle, x', y') (r, cn, sn) =
let (a,(b,c)) = if (y' > y) then (angle - r, rotate cn sn (-sn) cn x' y')
else (angle + r, rotate cn (-sn) sn cn x' y')
in (a,b,c)
dummy_r = id_fdouble r
|] )
{-# LINE 132 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
approx_atan2 :: FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble
approx_atan2 y x =
let list = list_values in
let (a,_,_) = foldl (approx_atan2_aux x y) (0.0, local_mag x y, 0.0) list in a
{-# LINE 139 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
$( decToCircMonad [d| approx_atan2 :: FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble
approx_atan2 y x =
let list = list_values in
let (a,_,_) = foldl (approx_atan2_aux x y) (0.0, local_mag x y, 0.0) list in a
|] )
{-# LINE 140 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
local_atan2 :: FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble
local_atan2 y' x' =
let (x,y,(pad,sign)) = if (x' >= 0.0 && y' >= 0.0) then ( x', y', (0.0, 1.0))
else if (x' >= 0.0 && y' < 0.0) then ( x', -y', (0.0, -1.0))
else if (x' < 0.0 && y' < 0.0) then (-x', -y', (-local_pi, 1.0))
else (-x', y', (local_pi, -1.0))
let angle = if (x > y) then approx_atan2 y x
else local_pi/2.0 - approx_atan2 x y
in sign * angle + pad
{-# LINE 153 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
$( decToCircMonad [d| local_atan2 :: FDouble -> FDouble -> FDouble
local_atan2 y' x' =
let (x,y,(pad,sign)) = if (x' >= 0.0 && y' >= 0.0) then ( x', y', (0.0, 1.0))
else if (x' >= 0.0 && y' < 0.0) then ( x', -y', (0.0, -1.0))
else if (x' < 0.0 && y' < 0.0) then (-x', -y', (-local_pi, 1.0))
else (-x', y', (local_pi, -1.0))
let angle = if (x > y) then approx_atan2 y x
else local_pi/2.0 - approx_atan2 x y
in sign * angle + pad
|] )
{-# LINE 154 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
local_mkPolar :: FDouble -> FDouble -> (FDouble,FDouble)
local_mkPolar p t = (p * local_cos t, p * local_sin t)
{-# LINE 164 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
$( decToCircMonad [d| local_mkPolar :: FDouble -> FDouble -> (FDouble,FDouble)
local_mkPolar p t = (p * local_cos t, p * local_sin t)
|] )
{-# LINE 165 "Quipper/Algorithms/QLS/RealFunc.hs" #-}
instance Floating FDouble where
pi = fromRational $ toRational pi
sin x = local_sin x
cos x = local_cos x
sinh x = (exp x - exp (-x)) / 2
cosh x = (exp x - exp (-x)) / 2
asinh x = error "asinh not defined for FDouble"
acosh x = error "acosh not defined for FDouble"
atanh x = error "atanh not defined for FDouble"
exp x = undefined
log x = undefined
asin x = error "asin not defined for FDouble"
acos x = error "acos not defined for FDouble"
atan x = atan2 x 1
instance RealFloat FDouble where
floatRadix _ = 2
floatDigits x = xdouble_length x
floatRange _ = (0,0)
decodeFloat (XDouble k n) = (integer_of_fsint n, -k)
encodeFloat x k = XDouble (-k) (fromInteger x)
isNaN _ = False
isInfinite _ = False
isDenormalized _ = False
isNegativeZero _ = False
isIEEE _ = False
atan2 y x = local_atan2 y x
class QFloating a where
q_sin :: a -> Circ a
q_cos :: a -> Circ a
instance QFloating QDouble where
q_sin x = (unpack template_local_sin) x
q_cos x = (unpack template_local_cos) x
q_atan2 :: QDouble -> QDouble -> Circ QDouble
q_atan2 = unpack template_local_atan2
q_magnitude :: (QDouble, QDouble) -> Circ QDouble
q_magnitude = Prelude.uncurry $ unpack template_local_mag
q_mkPolar :: QDouble -> QDouble -> Circ (QDouble,QDouble)
q_mkPolar = unpack template_local_mkPolar
q_Re :: (QDouble,QDouble) -> Circ QDouble
q_Re (x,y) = return x
q_Im :: (QDouble,QDouble) -> Circ QDouble
q_Im (x,y) = return y
my_test_fdouble = do
for 0 37 1 $ \i -> do
let x = fromIntegral i
let a1 = fromRational $ toRational (sin(x * pi/37))
let a2 = fromRational $ toRational (cos(x * pi/37))
let z1 = local_atan2 a1 a2
let z2 = fromRational $ toRational $ atan2 (sin(x * pi/37)) (cos(x * pi/37))
putStrLn $ show_fdouble $ abs (z1 - z2)
template_sin :: Circ (QDouble -> Circ QDouble)
template_sin = return $ \x -> box "sin" q_sin x
template_cos :: Circ (QDouble -> Circ QDouble)
template_cos = return $ \x -> box "cos" q_cos x
template_atan2 :: Circ (QDouble -> Circ (QDouble -> Circ QDouble))
template_atan2 = return $ \x -> return $ \y -> box "atan" (uncurry q_atan2) (x,y)
template_mkPolar :: Circ (QDouble -> Circ (QDouble -> Circ (QDouble,QDouble)))
template_mkPolar = return $ \x -> return $ \y -> box "mkPolar" (uncurry q_mkPolar) (x,y)
template_symb_colon_symb_plus_ :: Circ (QDouble -> Circ (QDouble -> Circ (QDouble,QDouble)))
template_symb_colon_symb_plus_ = return $ \x -> return $ \y -> return (x,y)
template_magnitude :: Circ ((QDouble,QDouble) -> Circ QDouble)
template_magnitude = return $ \p -> box "mag" q_magnitude p
template_realPart :: Circ ((QDouble,QDouble) -> Circ QDouble)
template_realPart = return $ \(x,y) -> return x
template_imagPart :: Circ ((QDouble,QDouble) -> Circ QDouble)
template_imagPart = return $ \(x,y) -> return y