{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LINE 1 "Quipper/Algorithms/CL/Test.hs" #-}
module Quipper.Algorithms.CL.Test where
import Quipper
import Quipper.Libraries.Arith
import Quipper.Libraries.FPReal
import Quipper.Algorithms.CL.Auxiliary
import Quipper.Algorithms.CL.Types
import Quipper.Algorithms.CL.RegulatorClassical
import Quipper.Algorithms.CL.CL
import Quipper.Algorithms.CL.SmithReduction
import Data.Ratio
import Data.List
sample_matrix :: CLMatrix Integer
sample_matrix = matrix_from_list [
[ 8, 16, 16 ],
[ 32, 6, 12 ],
[ 8, -4, -16 ]
sample_matrix_2 :: CLMatrix Integer
sample_matrix_2 = matrix_from_list [
[ 5, 1, 5, 253, 15, -725, 1 ],
[ 253,2,1001,11,23,273,14079 ],
[ 1,-185861,-28,11,91,29,-2717 ],
[ -319,1,-19,11,3146,1,-1 ],
[ 19285,-493,145,25,-1482,1,6647]
sample_matrix_3 :: CLMatrix Integer
sample_matrix_3 = matrix_from_list [
[ 4, 8, 4 ],
[ 8, 4, 8 ]
sample_CLReal :: Int -> FPReal
sample_CLReal l = (fprealx 0 (intm l 0))
sample_Ideal :: CLIntP -> Ideal
sample_Ideal bigD =
let l = max (length_for_ab bigD) (length_for_ml bigD)
x = (intm l 0)
in (Ideal bigD x x x x)
sample_IdealQ :: CLIntP -> IdealQ
sample_IdealQ = qshape . sample_Ideal
sample_IdealRed :: CLIntP -> IdealRed
sample_IdealRed bigD =
let l = max (length_for_ab bigD) (length_for_ml bigD)
x = (intm l 0)
in (IdealRed bigD x x)
sample_IdealRedQ :: CLIntP -> IdealRedQ
sample_IdealRedQ = qshape . sample_IdealRed
sample_IdDist :: CLIntP -> IdDist
sample_IdDist bigD = (sample_Ideal bigD, sample_CLReal (length_for_ab bigD))
sample_IdDistQ :: CLIntP -> IdDistQ
sample_IdDistQ = qshape . sample_IdDist
sample_IdRedDist :: CLIntP -> IdRedDist
sample_IdRedDist bigD = (sample_IdealRed bigD, sample_CLReal (length_for_ab bigD))
sample_IdRedDistQ :: CLIntP -> IdRedDistQ
sample_IdRedDistQ = qshape . sample_IdRedDist
test_SNF :: IO ()
test_SNF = do
flip mapM_ [sample_matrix,sample_matrix_2,sample_matrix_3] $ \m -> do
putStrLn $ show $ m
putStrLn $ show $ structure_constants_from_matrix m
putStrLn $ show $ group_order_from_matrix m
putStrLn ""
period_of_ideals :: (IdDist->IdDist) -> IdDist -> (CLReal, [IdDist])
period_of_ideals func o = (delta $ last list, list)
list = takePeriod False (iterate (\i -> func i) o)
takePeriod :: Bool -> [IdDist] -> [IdDist]
takePeriod got_first_o [] = undefined
takePeriod got_first_o (x:xs) =
if (fst x == fst o) then
if (got_first_o) then
x : takePeriod True xs
x : takePeriod got_first_o xs
show_period_for_bigD :: CLIntP -> String
show_period_for_bigD bigD =
let (delta, ideals) = period_of_ideals rho_d $ (unit_ideal bigD, 0)
in "For bigD=" ++ (show bigD) ++ " the period has "
++ (show $ (length ideals) - 1) ++ " ideals and sum delta is "
++ (show delta)
show_period_for_many_bigDs :: Int -> IO()
show_period_for_many_bigDs n = do
putStrLn $ unlines $ map (\bigD -> show_period_for_bigD bigD) $ sort $ take n all_bigDs
show_period_for_some_bigD :: CLIntP -> IO()
show_period_for_some_bigD bigD = do
putStrLn $ show_period_for_bigD bigD
putStrLn "Fwd rho_d:"
putStrLn $ unlines $ map printIdeal ideals
putStrLn "Inv rho_d:"
putStrLn $ unlines $ map printIdeal invideals
(delta, ideals) = period_of_ideals rho_d $ (unit_ideal bigD, 0)
(invdelta, invideals) = period_of_ideals rho_inv_d $ (unit_ideal bigD, 0)
printIdeal ideal =
(show ideal)
++ " Reduced: "
++ if (is_reduced $ fst ideal) then "true" else "false"
show_bigDs :: Int -> IO()
show_bigDs n = do
putStrLn $ show $ take n all_bigDs
first_few :: IO()
first_few = do
putStrLn $ "O :" ++ show j_0
putStrLn $ "j1/2:" ++ show j_05
putStrLn $ "j1 :" ++ show j_1
bigD = 17
j_0 = (unit_ideal bigD, 0)
j_05 = rho_d j_0
j_1 = rho_d j_05
op_all_ideals :: (IdDist -> IdDist -> IdDist) -> String -> CLIntP -> IO()
op_all_ideals op opString bigD = do
putStrLn $ unlines $ [ doOp i j | i <- ideals, j <- ideals ]
(delta, ideals_with_o) = period_of_ideals rho_d $ (unit_ideal bigD, 0)
ideals = init ideals_with_o
doOp i j = "(" ++ (show i) ++ ")" ++ opString ++ "(" ++ (show j) ++ ") = "
++ (show (i_op_j))
++ " Reduced:"
++ (if (is_reduced $ fst i_op_j) then "true" else "false")
where i_op_j = i `op` j
dot_all_ideals :: CLIntP -> IO()
dot_all_ideals bigD = op_all_ideals dot "." bigD
star_all_ideals :: CLIntP -> IO()
star_all_ideals bigD = op_all_ideals star "*" bigD
test_bounded_while :: (Show int, Integral int) => int -> int -> IO()
test_bounded_while bound start = do
putStrLn $ show $
bounded_while (\k -> k > 0) bound
(\k -> k-1) start
main :: IO()
main = do
star_all_ideals 28
test_primes :: IO ()
test_primes = do
putStrLn $ show $ primes_to 8000