{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Exception (catch) import Prelude import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import System.Process (StdStream(CreatePipe), proc, std_out, waitForProcess, withCreateProcess) import Test.DocTest (doctest) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup, withResource) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (expectFailure, ioProperty, testProperty, withMaxSuccess) import CircularBuffer import qualified CrudWebserverDb as WS import DieHard import Echo import ErrorEncountered import MemoryReference import TicketDispenser ------------------------------------------------------------------------ tests :: Bool -> TestTree tests docker0 = testGroup "Tests" [ testCase "Doctest Z module" (doctest ["src/Test/StateMachine/Z.hs"]) , testProperty "Die Hard" (expectFailure (withMaxSuccess 2000 prop_dieHard)) , testGroup "Memory reference" [ testProperty "No bug" (prop_sequential None) , testProperty "Logic bug" (expectFailure (prop_sequential Logic)) , testProperty "Race bug sequential" (prop_sequential Race) , testProperty "Race bug parallel" (expectFailure (prop_parallel Race)) , testProperty "Precondition failed" prop_precondition ] , testGroup "ErrorEncountered" [ testProperty "sequential" prop_error_sequential , testProperty "parallel" prop_error_parallel ] , testGroup "Crud webserver" [ webServer docker0 WS.None 8800 "No bug" WS.prop_crudWebserverDb , webServer docker0 WS.Logic 8801 "Logic bug" (expectFailure . WS.prop_crudWebserverDb) , webServer docker0 WS.Race 8802 "No race bug" WS.prop_crudWebserverDb , webServer docker0 WS.Race 8803 "Race bug" (expectFailure . WS.prop_crudWebserverDbParallel) ] , testGroup "Ticket dispenser" [ ticketDispenser "sequential" prop_ticketDispenser , ticketDispenser "parallel with exclusive lock" (withMaxSuccess 30 . prop_ticketDispenserParallelOK) , ticketDispenser "parallel with shared lock" (expectFailure . prop_ticketDispenserParallelBad) ] , testGroup "Circular buffer" [ testProperty "`unpropNoSizeCheck`: the first bug is found" (expectFailure unpropNoSizeCheck) , testProperty "`unpropFullIsEmpty`: the second bug is found" (expectFailure unpropFullIsEmpty) , testProperty "`unpropBadRem`: the third bug is found" (expectFailure (withMaxSuccess 1000 unpropBadRem)) , testProperty "`unpropStillBadRem`: the fourth bug is found" (expectFailure unpropStillBadRem) , testProperty "`prop_circularBuffer`: the fixed version is correct" prop_circularBuffer ] , testGroup "Echo" [ testProperty "sequential" (ioProperty (prop_echoOK <$> mkEnv)) , testProperty "parallel ok" (ioProperty (prop_echoParallelOK False <$> mkEnv)) , testProperty "parallel bad, see issue #218" (expectFailure (ioProperty (prop_echoParallelOK True <$> mkEnv))) ] ] where webServer docker bug port test prop | docker = withResource (WS.setup bug WS.connectionString port) WS.cleanup (const (testProperty test (prop port))) | otherwise = testCase ("No docker, skipping: " ++ test) (return ()) ticketDispenser test prop = withResource setupLock cleanupLock (\ioLock -> testProperty test (ioProperty (prop <$> ioLock))) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ main :: IO () main = do -- Check if docker is avaiable. ec <- rawSystemNoStdout "docker" ["version"] `catch` (\(_ :: IOError) -> return (ExitFailure 127)) let docker = case ec of ExitSuccess -> True ExitFailure _ -> False defaultMain (tests docker) where rawSystemNoStdout cmd args = withCreateProcess (proc cmd args) { std_out = CreatePipe } (\_ _ _ -> waitForProcess)