module Test.StateMachine.Types.History
( History(..)
, History'
, ppHistory
, HistoryEvent(..)
, getProcessIdEvent
, UntypedConcrete(..)
, Operation(..)
, linearTree
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Tree
import Data.Typeable
import Test.StateMachine.Internal.Types
import Test.StateMachine.Internal.Types.Environment
import Test.StateMachine.Types
newtype History act err = History
{ unHistory :: History' act err }
deriving Monoid
type History' act err = [HistoryEvent (UntypedConcrete act) err]
data HistoryEvent act err
= InvocationEvent act String Var Pid
| ResponseEvent (Result err Dynamic) String Pid
data UntypedConcrete (act :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) where
UntypedConcrete :: (Show resp, Typeable resp) =>
act Concrete resp -> UntypedConcrete act
:: forall model act err
. Show (model Concrete)
=> Show err
=> model Concrete -> Transition' model act err -> History act err -> String
ppHistory model0 transition
= showsPrec 10 model0
. go model0
. makeOperations
. unHistory
go :: model Concrete -> [Operation act err] -> String
go _ [] = "\n"
go model (Operation act astr resp rstr _ : ops) =
let model1 = transition model act (fmap Concrete resp) in
"\n\n " ++ astr ++ (case resp of
Success _ -> " --> "
Fail _ -> " -/-> ") ++ rstr ++ "\n\n" ++ show model1 ++ go model1 ops
getProcessIdEvent :: HistoryEvent act err -> Pid
getProcessIdEvent (InvocationEvent _ _ _ pid) = pid
getProcessIdEvent (ResponseEvent _ _ pid) = pid
takeInvocations :: [HistoryEvent a b] -> [HistoryEvent a b]
takeInvocations = takeWhile $ \h -> case h of
InvocationEvent {} -> True
_ -> False
findCorrespondingResp :: Pid -> History' act err -> [(Result err Dynamic, History' act err)]
findCorrespondingResp _ [] = []
findCorrespondingResp pid (ResponseEvent resp _ pid' : es) | pid == pid' = [(resp, es)]
findCorrespondingResp pid (e : es) =
[ (resp, e : es') | (resp, es') <- findCorrespondingResp pid es ]
data Operation act err = forall resp. Typeable resp =>
Operation (act Concrete resp) String (Result err resp) String Pid
dynResp :: forall err resp. Typeable resp => Result err Dynamic -> Result err resp
dynResp (Success resp) = Success
(either (error . show) (\(Concrete resp') -> resp') (reifyDynamic resp))
dynResp (Fail err) = Fail err
makeOperations :: History' act err -> [Operation act err]
makeOperations [] = []
makeOperations (InvocationEvent (UntypedConcrete act) astr _ pid :
ResponseEvent resp rstr _ : hist) =
Operation act astr (dynResp resp) rstr pid : makeOperations hist
makeOperations _ = error "makeOperations: impossible."
linearTree :: History' act err -> [Tree (Operation act err)]
linearTree [] = []
linearTree es =
[ Node (Operation act str (dynResp resp) "<resp>" pid) (linearTree es')
| InvocationEvent (UntypedConcrete act) str _ pid <- takeInvocations es
, (resp, es') <- findCorrespondingResp pid $ filter1 (not . matchInv pid) es
filter1 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter1 _ [] = []
filter1 p (x : xs) | p x = x : filter1 p xs
| otherwise = xs
matchInv pid (InvocationEvent _ _ _ pid') = pid == pid'
matchInv _ _ = False