module Test.StateMachine.Internal.Parallel
( generateParallelProgram
, shrinkParallelProgram
, executeParallelProgram
, checkParallelProgram
, History(..)
) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Local
(parallel_, withPool)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
(STM, atomically)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
(TChan, newTChanIO, tryReadTChan, writeTChan)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
(StateT, runStateT, evalState, evalStateT, execStateT, get,
lift, modify, runState)
import Data.Dynamic
(Dynamic, toDyn)
import Data.List
import Data.Set
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Tree
import Data.Typeable
import System.Random
import Test.QuickCheck
(Gen, Property, counterexample, property,
shrinkList, (.&&.))
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen
import Test.StateMachine.Internal.Sequential
import Test.StateMachine.Internal.Types
import Test.StateMachine.Internal.Types.Environment
import Test.StateMachine.Internal.Utils
import Test.StateMachine.Internal.Utils.BoxDrawer
import Test.StateMachine.Types
:: Generator model act
-> Precondition model act
-> Transition model act
-> model Symbolic
-> Gen (ParallelProgram act)
generateParallelProgram generator precondition transition model = do
let generate = generateProgram generator precondition transition
(prefix, model') <- runStateT (generate 0) model
let offset = length (unProgram prefix)
left <- evalStateT (generate offset) model'
let offset' = offset + length (unProgram left)
right <- evalStateT (generate offset') model'
return (ParallelProgram (Fork left prefix right))
:: HFoldable act
=> Shrinker act
-> Precondition model act
-> Transition model act
-> model Symbolic
-> (ParallelProgram act -> [ParallelProgram act])
shrinkParallelProgram shrinker precondition transition model
= fmap ParallelProgram
. go
. unParallelProgram
go (Fork l p r) = map forkFilterInvalid
[ Fork l' p' r'
| (p', (l', r')) <- shrinkPair' shrinker' (shrinkPair shrinker') (p, (l, r))
= map Program
. shrinkList (liftShrinkInternal shrinker)
. unProgram
forkFilterInvalid (Fork l p r) =
filterProgram = filterInvalid precondition transition
(p', (model', scope)) = runState (filterProgram p) (model, S.empty)
l' = evalState (filterProgram l) (model', scope)
r' = evalState (filterProgram r) (model', scope)
in Fork l' p' r'
:: forall act. HTraversable act
=> Show (Untyped act)
=> Semantics act IO
-> ParallelProgram act
-> IO (History act)
executeParallelProgram semantics = liftSemFork . unParallelProgram
:: HTraversable act
=> Show (Untyped act)
=> Fork (Program act)
-> IO (History act)
liftSemFork (Fork left prefix right) = do
hchan <- newTChanIO
env <- execStateT (runMany hchan (Pid 0) (unProgram prefix)) emptyEnvironment
withPool 2 $ \pool ->
parallel_ pool
[ evalStateT (runMany hchan (Pid 1) (unProgram left)) env
, evalStateT (runMany hchan (Pid 2) (unProgram right)) env
History <$> getChanContents hchan
getChanContents :: forall a. TChan a -> IO [a]
getChanContents chan = reverse <$> atomically (go [])
go :: [a] -> STM [a]
go acc = do
mx <- tryReadTChan chan
case mx of
Just x -> go $ x : acc
Nothing -> return acc
:: HTraversable act
=> Show (Untyped act)
=> TChan (HistoryEvent (UntypedConcrete act))
-> Pid
-> [Internal act]
-> StateT Environment IO ()
runMany hchan pid = flip foldM () $ \_ (Internal act sym@(Symbolic var)) -> do
env <- get
let cact = either (error . show) id (reify env act)
lift $ atomically $ writeTChan hchan $
InvocationEvent (UntypedConcrete cact) (show (Untyped act)) var pid
resp <- lift (semantics cact)
modify (insertConcrete sym (Concrete resp))
lift $ do
threadDelay =<< randomRIO (0, 20)
atomically $ writeTChan hchan $ ResponseEvent (toDyn resp) (show resp) pid
:: HFoldable act
=> Transition model act
-> Postcondition model act
-> InitialModel model
-> ParallelProgram act
-> History act
-> Property
checkParallelProgram transition postcondition model prog history
= counterexample ("Couldn't linearise:\n\n" ++ show (toBoxDrawings allVars history))
$ linearise transition postcondition model history
vars xs = [ getUsedVars x | Internal x _ <- xs]
Fork l p r = fmap (S.unions . vars . unProgram) $ unParallelProgram prog
allVars = S.unions [l, p, r]
newtype History act = History
{ unHistory :: History' act }
type History' act = [HistoryEvent (UntypedConcrete act)]
data UntypedConcrete (act :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) where
UntypedConcrete :: (Show resp, Typeable resp) =>
act Concrete resp -> UntypedConcrete act
data HistoryEvent act
= InvocationEvent act String Var Pid
| ResponseEvent Dynamic String Pid
getProcessIdEvent :: HistoryEvent act -> Pid
getProcessIdEvent (InvocationEvent _ _ _ pid) = pid
getProcessIdEvent (ResponseEvent _ _ pid) = pid
data Operation act = forall resp. Typeable resp =>
Operation (act Concrete resp) String (Concrete resp) Pid
takeInvocations :: [HistoryEvent a] -> [HistoryEvent a]
takeInvocations = takeWhile $ \h -> case h of
InvocationEvent {} -> True
_ -> False
findCorrespondingResp :: Pid -> History' act -> [(Dynamic, History' act)]
findCorrespondingResp _ [] = []
findCorrespondingResp pid (ResponseEvent resp _ pid' : es) | pid == pid' = [(resp, es)]
findCorrespondingResp pid (e : es) =
[ (resp, e : es') | (resp, es') <- findCorrespondingResp pid es ]
linearTree :: History' act -> [Tree (Operation act)]
linearTree [] = []
linearTree es =
[ Node (Operation act str (dynResp resp) pid) (linearTree es')
| InvocationEvent (UntypedConcrete act) str _ pid <- takeInvocations es
, (resp, es') <- findCorrespondingResp pid $ filter1 (not . matchInv pid) es
dynResp resp = either (error . show) id (reifyDynamic resp)
filter1 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter1 _ [] = []
filter1 p (x : xs) | p x = x : filter1 p xs
| otherwise = xs
matchInv pid (InvocationEvent _ _ _ pid') = pid == pid'
matchInv _ _ = False
:: forall model act
. Transition model act
-> Postcondition model act
-> InitialModel model
-> History act
-> Property
linearise transition postcondition model0 = go . unHistory
go :: History' act -> Property
go [] = property True
go es = anyP (step model0) (linearTree es)
step :: model Concrete -> Tree (Operation act) -> Property
step model (Node (Operation act _ resp@(Concrete resp') _) roses) =
postcondition model act resp' .&&.
anyP' (step (transition model act resp)) roses
anyP' :: (a -> Property) -> [a] -> Property
anyP' _ [] = property True
anyP' p xs = anyP p xs
toBoxDrawings :: Set Var -> History act -> Doc
toBoxDrawings knownVars (History h) = exec evT (fmap out <$> Fork l p r)
(p, h') = partition (\e -> getProcessIdEvent e == Pid 0) h
(l, r) = partition (\e -> getProcessIdEvent e == Pid 1) h'
out :: HistoryEvent act -> String
out (InvocationEvent _ str var _)
| var `S.member` knownVars = show var ++ " ← " ++ str
| otherwise = str
out (ResponseEvent _ str _) = str
toEventType :: [HistoryEvent act] -> [(EventType, Pid)]
toEventType = map go
go e = case e of
InvocationEvent _ _ _ pid -> (Open, pid)
ResponseEvent _ _ pid -> (Close, pid)
evT :: [(EventType, Pid)]
evT = toEventType (filter (\e -> getProcessIdEvent e `elem` map Pid [1,2]) h)