{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators             #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Test.StateMachine.Internal.Parallel
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2017, ATS Advanced Telematic Systems GmbH
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Stevan Andjelkovic <stevan@advancedtelematic.com>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- This module contains the building blocks needed to implement the
-- 'Test.StateMachine.parallelProperty' helper.

module Test.StateMachine.Internal.Parallel
  ( liftGenFork
  , liftGenFork'
  , liftShrinkFork
  , liftSemFork
  , checkParallelInvariant
  ) where

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO.Local
                   (parallel_, withPool)
import           Control.Concurrent.STM
                   (STM, atomically)
import           Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
                   (TChan, newTChanIO, tryReadTChan, writeTChan)
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.State
                   (StateT, evalStateT, execStateT, lift)
import           Data.Dynamic
                   (Dynamic, fromDynamic, toDyn)
import           Data.Kind
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Map                                   as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Singletons.Decide
import           Data.Singletons.Prelude
                   (DemoteRep, SingKind, TyFun, fromSing)
import           Data.Tree
import           Data.Typeable
import           System.Random
import           Test.QuickCheck
                   (Gen, Property, counterexample, property, (.&&.))
import           Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
import           Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen
                   (Doc, Pretty, pretty, prettyList, text, vsep, (<+>))

import           Test.StateMachine.Internal.IxMap
import qualified Test.StateMachine.Internal.IxMap           as IxM
import           Test.StateMachine.Internal.Sequential
import           Test.StateMachine.Internal.Types
import           Test.StateMachine.Internal.Types.IntRef
import           Test.StateMachine.Internal.Utils
import           Test.StateMachine.Internal.Utils.BoxDrawer
import           Test.StateMachine.Types


-- | Lift a generator of untyped commands with reference placeholders
--   into a generator of forks of untyped internal commands.
  :: Ord       ix
  => SingKind  ix
  => DemoteRep ix ~ ix
  => IxTraversable cmd
  => HasResponse   cmd
  => Gen (Untyped cmd (RefPlaceholder ix))  -- ^ Generator to be lifted.
  -> Gen (Fork [IntRefed cmd])
liftGenFork gen = liftGenFork' (lift gen) ()

  :: Ord       ix
  => SingKind  ix
  => DemoteRep ix ~ ix
  => IxTraversable cmd
  => HasResponse   cmd
  => StateT genState Gen (Untyped cmd (RefPlaceholder ix))
  -> genState
  -> Gen (Fork [IntRefed cmd])
liftGenFork' gen gs = do
  ((prefix, gs'), ns) <- liftGen' gen gs 0 M.empty
  left                <- fst . fst <$> liftGen' gen gs' 1 ns
  right               <- fst . fst <$> liftGen' gen gs' 2 ns
  return $ Fork
    (map (\(IntRefed cmd miref) ->
            IntRefed (ifmap (fixPid ns) cmd) miref) left)
    (map (\(IntRefed cmd miref) ->
            IntRefed (ifmap (fixPid ns) cmd) miref) right)
  fixPid ns i iref@(IntRef (Ref ref) _)
    | ref <= ns M.! fromSing i = IntRef (Ref ref) 0
    | otherwise                = iref


-- | Lift a shrinker of internal commands into a shrinker of forks of
--   untyped internal commands.
  :: forall cmd
  .  IxFoldable  cmd
  => HasResponse cmd
  => (forall resp. Shrinker (cmd ConstIntRef resp)) -- ^ Shrinker to be lifted.
  -> Shrinker (Fork [IntRefed cmd])
liftShrinkFork shrinker f@(Fork l0 p0 r0) =

  -- Only shrink the branches:
  [ Fork l' p0 r'
  | (l', r') <- shrinkPair (liftShrink shrinker)
                           (liftShrink shrinker)
                           (l0, r0)
  ] ++

  -- Only shrink the prefix:
  shrinkPrefix f

  shrinkPrefix :: Fork [IntRefed cmd] -> [Fork [IntRefed cmd]]
  shrinkPrefix (Fork _ []       _) = []
  shrinkPrefix (Fork l (p : ps) r) =
      [ Fork l'   []                      r'   ] ++
      [ Fork l''  (removeCommands p ps) r''  ] ++
      [ Fork l''' (p' : ps')              r'''
      | (p', Fork l''' ps' r''') <- shrinkPair (liftShrinker shrinker)
                                               (p, Fork l ps r)
      l'  = removeManyCommands (p : ps) l
      r'  = removeManyCommands (p : ps) r

      l'' = removeCommands p l
      r'' = removeCommands p r

      removeManyCommands :: [IntRefed cmd] -> [IntRefed cmd] -> [IntRefed cmd]
      removeManyCommands []       ds = ds
      removeManyCommands (c : cs) ds = removeManyCommands cs (removeCommands c ds)


type History cmd = [HistoryEvent (IntRefed cmd)]

data HistoryEvent cmd
  = InvocationEvent cmd     Pid
  | ResponseEvent   Dynamic Pid

getProcessIdEvent :: HistoryEvent cmd -> Pid
getProcessIdEvent (InvocationEvent _ pid) = pid
getProcessIdEvent (ResponseEvent   _ pid) = pid

data Operation cmd = forall resp.
  (Show (GetResponse_ resp),
   HasResponse cmd,
   Typeable resp,
   Typeable (Response_ ConstIntRef resp)) =>
  Operation (cmd ConstIntRef resp) (Response_ ConstIntRef resp) Pid

instance (ShowCmd cmd, IxFunctor cmd) => Pretty (Operation cmd) where
  pretty (Operation cmd resp _) =
    text (showCmd $ ifmap (const showRef) cmd) <+> text "-->" <+> text (showResponse_ (response cmd) resp)
  prettyList                     = vsep . map pretty

takeInvocations :: History cmd -> [HistoryEvent (IntRefed cmd)]
takeInvocations = takeWhile $ \h -> case h of
  InvocationEvent _ _ -> True
  _                   -> False

findCorrespondingResp :: Pid -> History cmd -> [(Dynamic, History cmd)]
findCorrespondingResp _   [] = []
findCorrespondingResp pid (ResponseEvent resp pid' : es) | pid == pid' = [(resp, es)]
findCorrespondingResp pid (e : es) =
  [ (resp, e : es') | (resp, es') <- findCorrespondingResp pid es ]

linearTree :: HasResponse cmd => History cmd -> [Tree (Operation cmd)]
linearTree [] = []
linearTree es =
  [ Node (Operation cmd (dynResp resp) pid) (linearTree es')
  | InvocationEvent (IntRefed cmd _) pid <- takeInvocations es
  , (resp, es')  <- findCorrespondingResp pid $ filter1 (not . matchInv pid) es
  dynResp resp = fromMaybe (error "linearTree: impossible.") (fromDynamic resp)

  filter1 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
  filter1 _ []                   = []
  filter1 p (x : xs) | p x       = x : filter1 p xs
                     | otherwise = xs

  -- Hmm, is this enough?
  matchInv pid (InvocationEvent _ pid') = pid == pid'
  matchInv _   _                        = False

  :: forall cmd model
  .  HasResponse cmd
  => StateMachineModel model cmd
  -> History cmd
  -> Property
linearise _                        [] = property True
linearise StateMachineModel {..} xs0 = anyP (step initialModel) . linearTree $ xs0
  step :: model ConstIntRef -> Tree (Operation cmd) -> Property
  step m (Node (Operation cmd resp _) roses) =
    postcondition m cmd resp .&&.
    anyP' (step (transition m cmd resp)) roses
    anyP' :: (a -> Property) -> [a] -> Property
    anyP' _ [] = property True
    anyP' p xs = anyP p xs


toForkOfOps :: forall cmd. HasResponse cmd => History cmd -> Fork [Operation cmd]
toForkOfOps h = Fork (mkOps l) p' (mkOps r)
  (p, h') = partition (\e -> getProcessIdEvent e == 0) h
  (l, r)  = partition (\e -> getProcessIdEvent e == 1) h'

  p'      = mkOps p

  mkOps :: [HistoryEvent (IntRefed cmd)] -> [Operation cmd]
  mkOps [] = []
  mkOps (InvocationEvent (IntRefed cmd _) _ : ResponseEvent resp pid : es)
    = Operation cmd (dynResp resp) pid : mkOps es
    dynResp = fromMaybe (error "toForkOfOps: impossible.") . fromDynamic
  mkOps _  = error "mkOps: Impossible."

toBoxDrawings :: forall cmd. (IxFunctor cmd, ShowCmd cmd, HasResponse cmd) => History cmd -> Doc
toBoxDrawings h = exec evT (fmap out (toForkOfOps h))
    out :: [Operation cmd] -> [String]
    out [] = []
    out (Operation cmd resp _ : os) = showCmd (ifmap (const showRef) cmd)
                                  : showResponse_ (response cmd) resp
                                  : out os
    toEventType :: History cmd -> [(EventType, Pid)]
    toEventType = map $ \e -> case e of
      InvocationEvent _ pid -> (Open, pid)
      ResponseEvent _ pid   -> (Close, pid)
    evT :: [(EventType, Pid)]
    evT = toEventType (filter (\e -> getProcessIdEvent e `elem` [1,2]) h)


data HistoryKit cmd refs = HistoryKit
  { getHistoryChannel   :: TChan (HistoryEvent (IntRefed cmd))
  , getProcessIdHistory :: Pid

mkHistoryKit :: Pid -> IO (HistoryKit cmd refs)
mkHistoryKit pid = do
  chan <- newTChanIO
  return $ HistoryKit chan pid

  :: SDecide ix
  => IxFunctor   cmd
  => HasResponse cmd
  => HistoryKit cmd ConstIntRef
  -> (forall resp. cmd refs resp -> IO (Response_ refs resp))
  -> [IntRefed cmd]
  -> StateT (IxMap ix IntRef refs) IO ()
runMany kit sem = flip foldM () $ \_ cmd'@(IntRefed cmd iref) -> do
  lift $ atomically $ writeTChan (getHistoryChannel kit) $
    InvocationEvent cmd' (getProcessIdHistory kit)
  resp <- liftSem sem cmd iref

  lift $ do
    threadDelay =<< randomRIO (0, 20)
    atomically $ writeTChan (getHistoryChannel kit) $
      ResponseEvent (toDyn resp) (getProcessIdHistory kit)

-- | Lift the semantics of a single typed command into a semantics for
--   forks of untyped internal commands. The prefix of the fork is
--   executed sequentially, while the two suffixes are executed in
--   parallel, and the result (or trace) is collected in a so called
--   history.
  :: forall
     (ix    :: Type)
     (cmd   :: Signature ix)
     (refs  :: TyFun ix Type -> Type)
  .  SDecide ix
  => IxFunctor   cmd
  => HasResponse cmd
  => (forall resp. cmd refs resp ->
        IO (Response_ refs resp))       -- ^ Semantics to be lifted.
  -> Fork [IntRefed cmd]
  -> IO (History cmd)
liftSemFork sem (Fork left prefix right) = do
  kit <- mkHistoryKit 0
  env <- execStateT (runMany kit sem prefix) IxM.empty
  withPool 2 $ \pool ->
    parallel_ pool
      [ evalStateT (runMany (kit { getProcessIdHistory = 1}) sem left)  env
      , evalStateT (runMany (kit { getProcessIdHistory = 2}) sem right) env
  getChanContents $ getHistoryChannel kit
  getChanContents :: forall a. TChan a -> IO [a]
  getChanContents chan = reverse <$> atomically (go [])
    go :: [a] -> STM [a]
    go acc = do
      mx <- tryReadTChan chan
      case mx of
        Just x  -> go $ x : acc
        Nothing -> return acc

-- | Check if a history can be linearised.
  :: (ShowCmd cmd, IxFunctor cmd, HasResponse cmd)
  => StateMachineModel model cmd -> History cmd -> PropertyM IO ()
checkParallelInvariant smm hist
  = liftProperty
  . counterexample (("Couldn't linearise:\n\n" ++) $ show $ toBoxDrawings hist)
  $ linearise smm hist