Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module provides property tests for functions that operate on
list-like data types. If your data type is fully polymorphic in its
element type, is it recommended that you use foldableLaws
from Test.QuickCheck.Classes
. However, if your
list-like data type is either monomorphic in its element type
(like Text
or ByteString
) or if it requires a typeclass
constraint on its element (like Data.Vector.Unboxed
), the properties
provided here can be helpful for testing that your functions have
the expected behavior. All properties in this module require your data
type to have an IsList
- isListLaws :: (IsList a, Show a, Show (Item a), Arbitrary a, Arbitrary (Item a), Eq a) => Proxy a -> Laws
- foldrProp :: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a) => Proxy a -> (forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> c -> b) -> Property
- foldlProp :: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a) => Proxy a -> (forall b. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> c -> b) -> Property
- foldlMProp :: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a) => Proxy a -> (forall s b. (b -> a -> ST s b) -> b -> c -> ST s b) -> Property
- mapProp :: (IsList c, IsList d, Eq d, Show d, Show b, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary b, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a) => Proxy a -> Proxy b -> ((a -> b) -> c -> d) -> Property
- imapProp :: (IsList c, IsList d, Eq d, Show d, Show b, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary b, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a) => Proxy a -> Proxy b -> ((Int -> a -> b) -> c -> d) -> Property
- imapMProp :: (IsList c, IsList d, Eq d, Show d, Show b, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary b, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a) => Proxy a -> Proxy b -> (forall s. (Int -> a -> ST s b) -> c -> ST s d) -> Property
- traverseProp :: (IsList c, IsList d, Eq d, Show d, Show b, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary b, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a) => Proxy a -> Proxy b -> (forall s. (a -> ST s b) -> c -> ST s d) -> Property
- generateProp :: (Item c ~ a, Eq c, Show c, IsList c, Arbitrary a, Show a) => Proxy a -> (Int -> (Int -> a) -> c) -> Property
- generateMProp :: (Item c ~ a, Eq c, Show c, IsList c, Arbitrary a, Show a) => Proxy a -> (forall s. Int -> (Int -> ST s a) -> ST s c) -> Property
- replicateProp :: (Item c ~ a, Eq c, Show c, IsList c, Arbitrary a, Show a) => Proxy a -> (Int -> a -> c) -> Property
- replicateMProp :: (Item c ~ a, Eq c, Show c, IsList c, Arbitrary a, Show a) => Proxy a -> (forall s. Int -> ST s a -> ST s c) -> Property
- filterProp :: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, Eq c, CoArbitrary a, Function a) => Proxy a -> ((a -> Bool) -> c -> c) -> Property
- filterMProp :: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, Eq c, CoArbitrary a, Function a) => Proxy a -> (forall s. (a -> ST s Bool) -> c -> ST s c) -> Property
- mapMaybeProp :: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Eq d, IsList d, Arbitrary b, Show d, Show b, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, Eq c, CoArbitrary a, Function a) => Proxy a -> Proxy b -> ((a -> Maybe b) -> c -> d) -> Property
- mapMaybeMProp :: (IsList c, IsList d, Eq d, Show d, Show b, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary b, Show c, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Function a) => Proxy a -> Proxy b -> (forall s. (a -> ST s (Maybe b)) -> c -> ST s d) -> Property
isListLaws :: (IsList a, Show a, Show (Item a), Arbitrary a, Arbitrary (Item a), Eq a) => Proxy a -> Laws Source #
Tests the following properties:
- Partial Isomorphism
fromList . toList ≡ id
- Length Preservation
fromList xs ≡ fromListN (length xs) xs
Note: This property test is only available when
using base-4.7
or newer.
:: (Item c ~ a, Eq c, Show c, IsList c, Arbitrary a, Show a) | |
=> Proxy a | input element type |
-> (Int -> (Int -> a) -> c) | |
-> Property |
Property for the generate
function, which builds a container
of a given length by applying a function to each index.
:: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, Eq c, CoArbitrary a, Function a) | |
=> Proxy a | element type |
-> ((a -> Bool) -> c -> c) | map function |
-> Property |
Property for the filter
function, which keeps elements for which
the predicate holds true.
:: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, Eq c, CoArbitrary a, Function a) | |
=> Proxy a | element type |
-> (forall s. (a -> ST s Bool) -> c -> ST s c) | traverse function |
-> Property |
Property for the filterM
function, which keeps elements for which
the predicate holds true in an applicative context.
:: (IsList c, Item c ~ a, Item d ~ b, Eq d, IsList d, Arbitrary b, Show d, Show b, Arbitrary c, Show c, Show a, Eq c, CoArbitrary a, Function a) | |
=> Proxy a | input element type |
-> Proxy b | output element type |
-> ((a -> Maybe b) -> c -> d) | map function |
-> Property |
Property for the mapMaybe
function, which keeps elements for which
the predicate holds true.