module Database.Sql.Util.Eval.Concrete where
import Database.Sql.Util.Eval
import Database.Sql.Type.Names
import Database.Sql.Type.Query
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.List (nub, sort)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Proxy
data Concrete
deriving instance Eq (RecordSet Concrete)
deriving instance Show (RecordSet Concrete)
data SqlValue
= SqlInt Integer
| SqlStr ByteString
| SqlBool Bool
| SqlStruct (Map (StructFieldName ()) SqlValue)
| SqlNull
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
truthy :: SqlValue -> Bool
truthy (SqlBool bool) = bool
truthy (SqlInt int) = int /= 0
truthy (SqlStr str) = not $ BL.null str
truthy (SqlStruct _) = True
truthy SqlNull = False
instance Evaluation Concrete where
type EvalValue Concrete = SqlValue
type EvalRow Concrete = []
type EvalMonad Concrete = Identity
addItems _ = (pure .) . (++)
removeItems _ exclude unfiltered = pure $ filter (not . (`S.member` S.fromList exclude)) unfiltered
unionItems _ xs ys = pure $ S.toList $ S.union (S.fromList xs) (S.fromList ys)
intersectItems _ xs ys = pure $ S.toList $ S.intersection (S.fromList xs) (S.fromList ys)
distinctItems _ = nub
offsetItems p offset RecordSet{..} = makeRecordSet p recordSetLabels $ drop offset recordSetItems
limitItems p limit RecordSet{..} = makeRecordSet p recordSetLabels $ take limit recordSetItems
filterBy expr (RecordSet cs rs) = do
rs' <- filterM ((truthy <$>) . exprToTable (eval Proxy expr) . makeRowMap cs) rs
pure $ makeRecordSet Proxy cs rs'
handleGroups cs gs = map (makeRecordSet Proxy cs) $ M.elems $ M.fromListWith (++) gs
inList x xs = pure $ SqlBool $ elem x xs
inSubquery x xss = pure $ SqlBool $ elem x $ concat xss
existsSubquery = pure . SqlBool . not . null
atTimeZone _ _ = throwError "AT TIME ZONE not yet handled in concrete evaluation"
handleConstant _ (StringConstant _ str) = pure $ SqlStr str
handleConstant _ (NumericConstant _ num) = pure $ SqlInt $ read $ TL.unpack num
handleConstant _ (NullConstant _) = pure SqlNull
handleConstant _ (BooleanConstant _ bool) = pure $ SqlBool bool
handleConstant _ (TypedConstant _ text dataType) = error "typed constant expression not yet supported" text dataType
handleConstant _ (ParameterConstant _) = throwError "no way to evaluate unsubstituted parameter"
handleCases p ((when_, then_):cases) else_ = do
truthy <$> eval p when_ >>= \case
True -> eval p then_
False -> handleCases p cases else_
handleCases _ [] Nothing = throwError "fell through case with no else"
handleCases p [] (Just expr) = eval p expr
handleFunction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = throwError "function exprs not yet supported"
handleLike _ _ _ _ _ = throwError "concrete evaluation for LIKE expressions not yet supported"
handleOrder p orders (RecordSet cs rs) = do
pairs <- forM rs $ \ r -> do
k <- (`exprToTable` makeRowMap cs r) $ forM orders $ \case
Order _ (PositionOrExprPosition _ pos _) (OrderAsc _) _ -> Ascending <$> return (r !! (pos 1))
Order _ (PositionOrExprPosition _ pos _) (OrderDesc _) _ -> Descending <$> return (r !! (pos 1))
Order _ (PositionOrExprExpr expr) (OrderAsc _) _ -> Ascending <$> eval p expr
Order _ (PositionOrExprExpr expr) (OrderDesc _) _ -> Descending <$> eval p expr
pure (k, r)
pure $ makeRecordSet p cs $ map snd $ sort pairs
handleSubquery [[x]] = pure x
handleSubquery [] = throwError "no rows returned from subquery"
handleSubquery [_] = throwError "wrong number of columns from subquery"
handleSubquery _ = throwError "multiple rows returned from subquery"
handleJoin p (JoinInner _) cond x y = eval p cond x y
handleJoin p (JoinLeft _) cond x y = do
case x of
RecordSet _ [] -> eval p cond x y
RecordSet lcols lrows -> do
set:sets <- forM lrows $ \ lrow -> do
let x' = makeRecordSet p lcols [lrow]
eval p cond x' y >>= \case
RecordSet cols [] -> pure $ makeRecordSet p cols [extendWithNulls cols lrow]
set -> pure set
appendRecordSets p (set:|sets)
handleJoin p (JoinRight _) cond x y = do
case y of
RecordSet _ [] -> eval p cond x y
RecordSet rcols rrows -> do
set:sets <- forM rrows $ \ rrow -> do
let y' = makeRecordSet p rcols [rrow]
eval p cond x y' >>= \case
RecordSet cols [] -> pure $ makeRecordSet p cols [reverse $ extendWithNulls cols $ reverse rrow]
set -> pure set
appendRecordSets p (set:|sets)
handleJoin p (JoinFull info) cond x y = do
RecordSet cs rs <- handleJoin p (JoinLeft info) cond x y
RecordSet _ rs' <- do
case y of
RecordSet _ [] -> eval p cond x y
RecordSet rcols rrows -> do
set:sets <- forM rrows $ \ rrow -> do
let y' = makeRecordSet p rcols [rrow]
eval p cond x y' >>= \case
RecordSet cols [] -> pure $ makeRecordSet p cols [reverse $ extendWithNulls cols $ reverse rrow]
RecordSet cols _ -> pure $ makeRecordSet p cols []
appendRecordSets p (set:|sets)
pure $ makeRecordSet p cs $ rs ++ rs'
handleJoin _ (JoinSemi _) cond x y = error "semi joins not yet supported" cond x y
handleStructField expr field = eval (Proxy :: Proxy Concrete) expr >>= \case
SqlStruct m
| Just val <- M.lookup (void field) m
-> pure val
| otherwise
-> throwError "missing field in SQL struct"
_ -> throwError "field access of non-struct value"
handleTypeCast _ _ _ = throwError "concrete evaluation for type cast expressions not yet supported"
binop _ op = M.lookup op $ M.fromList
[ ("+", opAdd)
, ("=", opEq)
, ("AND", opAnd)
opAdd (SqlInt x) (SqlInt y) = pure $ SqlInt (x + y)
opAdd (SqlInt _) SqlNull = pure SqlNull
opAdd SqlNull (SqlInt _) = pure SqlNull
opAdd _ _ = throwError "unsupported arguments to + operator"
opEq SqlNull _ = pure SqlNull
opEq _ SqlNull = pure SqlNull
opEq x y = pure $ SqlBool $ x == y
opAnd SqlNull _ = pure SqlNull
opAnd _ SqlNull = pure SqlNull
opAnd x y = pure $ SqlBool $ truthy x && truthy y
unop _ op = M.lookup op $ M.fromList
[ ("-", neg)
neg (SqlInt int) = pure $ SqlInt (int)
neg SqlNull = pure SqlNull
neg _ = throwError "unsupported argument to - operator"
extendWithNulls :: [a] -> [SqlValue] -> [SqlValue]
extendWithNulls (_:xs) (y:ys) = y:extendWithNulls xs ys
extendWithNulls xs [] = map (const SqlNull) xs
extendWithNulls [] _ = error "more values than columns - this should never happen"