-- | -- Module : Numeric.QuadraticIrrational.CyclicList -- Description : A container for a possibly cyclic list. -- Copyright : © 2014 Johan Kiviniemi -- License : MIT -- Maintainer : Johan Kiviniemi <devel@johan.kiviniemi.name> -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable module Numeric.QuadraticIrrational.CyclicList ( CycList (..) ) where import Data.Foldable import Data.Monoid data CycList a = NonCyc [a] -- ^ A non-cyclic list. | Cyc [a] a [a] -- ^ A non-cyclic list followed by the head of a cyclic list -- followed by the tail of the cyclic list. deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) instance Functor CycList where fmap f (NonCyc as) = NonCyc (fmap f as) fmap f (Cyc as b bs) = Cyc (fmap f as) (f b) (fmap f bs) instance Foldable CycList where foldMap f (NonCyc as) = foldMap f as foldMap f (Cyc as b bs) = foldMap f as <> foldMap f (cycle (b:bs))