{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Numeric.QD.QuadDouble ( QuadDouble(QuadDouble) , toDouble , fromDouble , toDoubleDouble , fromDoubleDouble , sqr ) where import Foreign (Ptr, alloca, allocaArray, castPtr, Storable(..), unsafePerformIO, with) import Foreign.C (CDouble, CInt, peekCString) import Data.Ratio (denominator, numerator) import Data.Typeable (Typeable(..)) import Numeric.QD.DoubleDouble (DoubleDouble(DoubleDouble)) import Numeric.QD.QuadDouble.Raw ( c_qd_add , c_qd_sub , c_qd_mul , c_qd_div , c_qd_pi , c_qd_exp , c_qd_sqrt , c_qd_log , c_qd_sin , c_qd_cos , c_qd_tan , c_qd_asin , c_qd_acos , c_qd_atan , c_qd_sinh , c_qd_cosh , c_qd_tanh , c_qd_asinh , c_qd_acosh , c_qd_atanh , c_qd_comp , c_qd_swrite , c_qd_neg , c_qd_abs , c_qd_copy_d , c_qd_ceil , c_qd_floor , c_qd_atan2 , c_qd_sqr ) data QuadDouble = QuadDouble {-# UNPACK #-} !CDouble {-# UNPACK #-} !CDouble {-# UNPACK #-} !CDouble {-# UNPACK #-} !CDouble deriving Typeable toDouble :: QuadDouble -> Double toDouble !(QuadDouble a _ _ _) = realToFrac a fromDouble :: Double -> QuadDouble fromDouble !a = QuadDouble (realToFrac a) 0 0 0 toDoubleDouble :: QuadDouble -> DoubleDouble toDoubleDouble !(QuadDouble a b _ _) = DoubleDouble a b fromDoubleDouble :: DoubleDouble -> QuadDouble fromDoubleDouble !(DoubleDouble a b) = QuadDouble a b 0 0 instance Eq QuadDouble where (!a) == (!b) = a `compare` b == EQ (!a) /= (!b) = a `compare` b /= EQ instance Ord QuadDouble where (!a) `compare` (!b) = unsafePerformIO $ with a $ \p -> with b $ \q -> alloca $ \r -> do c_qd_comp (castPtr p) (castPtr q) (castPtr r) !i <- peek r return $ i `compare` (0 :: CInt) instance Show QuadDouble where show !a = unsafePerformIO $ with a $ \p -> allocaArray (fromIntegral l) $ \r -> do c_qd_swrite (castPtr p) (l`div`2) (castPtr r) l peekCString r where l = 128 instance Num QuadDouble where (+) = lift_qd_qd_qd c_qd_add (*) = lift_qd_qd_qd c_qd_mul (-) = lift_qd_qd_qd c_qd_sub negate = lift_qd_qd c_qd_neg abs = lift_qd_qd c_qd_abs signum !a = case a `compare` 0 of { LT -> -1 ; EQ -> 0 ; GT -> 1 } fromInteger !i = unsafePerformIO $ alloca $ \r -> c_qd_copy_d (fromInteger i) (castPtr r) >> peek r sqr :: QuadDouble -> QuadDouble sqr = lift_qd_qd c_qd_sqr instance Fractional QuadDouble where (/) = lift_qd_qd_qd c_qd_div recip !b = 1 / b fromRational !k = let { !n = numerator k ; !d = denominator k } in fromInteger n / fromInteger d instance Real QuadDouble where toRational (QuadDouble a b c d) = toRational a + toRational b + toRational c + toRational d instance RealFrac QuadDouble where properFraction = error "Numeric.QD.QuadDouble.properFraction: not yet implemented" -- FIXME truncate = error "Numeric.QD.QuadDouble.truncate: not yet implemented" -- FIXME round = error "Numeric.QD.QuadDouble.round: not yet implemented" -- FIXME ceiling = ceiling . toDouble . lift_qd_qd c_qd_ceil floor = floor . toDouble . lift_qd_qd c_qd_floor instance Floating QuadDouble where pi = unsafePerformIO $ alloca $ \r -> c_qd_pi (castPtr r) >> peek r exp = lift_qd_qd c_qd_exp sqrt = lift_qd_qd c_qd_sqrt log = lift_qd_qd c_qd_log sin = lift_qd_qd c_qd_sin cos = lift_qd_qd c_qd_cos tan = lift_qd_qd c_qd_tan asin = lift_qd_qd c_qd_asin acos = lift_qd_qd c_qd_acos atan = lift_qd_qd c_qd_atan sinh = lift_qd_qd c_qd_sinh cosh = lift_qd_qd c_qd_cosh tanh = lift_qd_qd c_qd_tanh asinh = lift_qd_qd c_qd_asinh acosh = lift_qd_qd c_qd_acosh atanh = lift_qd_qd c_qd_atanh instance RealFloat QuadDouble where floatRadix _ = 2 floatDigits _ = 4 * floatDigits (error "Numeric.QD.QuadDouble.floatDigits" :: CDouble) floatRange _ = floatRange (error "Numeric.QD.QuadDouble.floatRange" :: CDouble) decodeFloat = error "Numeric.QD.QuadDouble.decodeFloat: not yet implemented" -- FIXME encodeFloat = error "Numeric.QD.QuadDouble.encodeFloat: not yet implemented" -- FIXME exponent _ = error "Numeric.QD.QuadDouble.exponent: not yet implemented" -- FIXME significand _ = error "Numeric.QD.QuadDouble.significand: not yet implemented" -- FIXME scaleFloat !n !x = x * 2 ** fromIntegral n isNaN !(QuadDouble a b c d) = isNaN a || isNaN b || isNaN c || isNaN d isInfinite !(QuadDouble a b c d) = isInfinite a || isInfinite b || isInfinite c || isInfinite d isDenormalized !(QuadDouble a b c d) = isDenormalized a || isDenormalized b || isDenormalized c || isDenormalized d isNegativeZero !(QuadDouble a b c d) = isNegativeZero a || (a == 0 && (isNegativeZero b || (b == 0 && (isNegativeZero c || (c == 0 && isNegativeZero d))))) isIEEE _ = False -- FIXME what does this imply? atan2 = lift_qd_qd_qd c_qd_atan2 -- instance Enum QuadDouble -- FIXME -- instance Read QuadDouble -- FIXME instance Storable QuadDouble where sizeOf _ = 4 * sizeOf (error "Numeric.QD.QuadDouble.sizeOf" :: CDouble) alignment _ = alignment (error "Numeric.QD.QuadDouble.alignment" :: CDouble) peek !p = do let !q = castPtr p a <- peekElemOff q 0 b <- peekElemOff q 1 c <- peekElemOff q 2 d <- peekElemOff q 3 return $ QuadDouble a b c d poke !p !(QuadDouble a b c d) = do let !q = castPtr p pokeElemOff q 0 a pokeElemOff q 1 b pokeElemOff q 2 c pokeElemOff q 3 d lift_qd_qd :: (Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()) -> QuadDouble -> QuadDouble {-# INLINE lift_qd_qd #-} lift_qd_qd f !a = unsafePerformIO $ with a $ \p -> alloca $ \r -> f (castPtr p) (castPtr r) >> peek r lift_qd_qd_qd :: (Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()) -> QuadDouble -> QuadDouble -> QuadDouble {-# INLINE lift_qd_qd_qd #-} lift_qd_qd_qd f !a !b = unsafePerformIO $ with a $ \p -> with b $ \q -> alloca $ \r -> f (castPtr p) (castPtr q) (castPtr r) >> peek r