{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Network.Pushbullet.Types.Ephemeral where

import Network.Pushbullet.Types.Device
import Network.Pushbullet.Types.Misc
import Network.Pushbullet.Types.SMS
import Network.Pushbullet.Types.Time
import Network.Pushbullet.Types.User

import Control.Monad ( guard )
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Monoid ( (<>) )
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Lens.Micro
import Lens.Micro.TH

data Notification
  = Notification
    { _notifThread :: !SmsThreadId
    , _notifTime :: !PushbulletTime
    , _notifTitle :: !Text
    , _notifBody :: !Text
  deriving (Eq, Show)

makeLenses ''Notification

data Ephemeral
  = Sms
    { _ephSmsSourceUser :: !UserId
    , _ephSmsTargetDevice :: !DeviceId
    , _ephSmsConversation :: !PhoneNumber
    , _ephSmsMessage :: !Text
  | Clipboard
    { _ephClipBody :: !Text
    , _ephClipSourceUser :: !UserId
    , _ephClipSourceDevice :: !DeviceId
  | SmsChanged
    { _ephSourceDevice :: !DeviceId
    , _ephNotifications :: ![Notification]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

makeLenses ''Ephemeral

instance ToJSON Ephemeral where
  toJSON o = case o of
    Sms{..} -> object
      [ "type" .= id @Text "push"
      , "push" .= object
        [ "type" .= id @Text "messaging_extension_reply"
        , "package_name" .= id @Text "com.pushbullet.android"
        , "source_user_iden" .= _ephSmsSourceUser
        , "target_device_iden" .= _ephSmsTargetDevice
        , "conversation_iden" .= _ephSmsConversation
        , "message" .= _ephSmsMessage
    Clipboard{..} -> object
      [ "type" .= id @Text "push"
      , "push" .= object
        [ "type" .= id @Text "clip"
        , "body" .= _ephClipBody
        , "source_user_iden" .= _ephClipSourceUser
        , "source_device_iden" .= _ephClipSourceDevice
    SmsChanged{..} -> object
      [ "type" .= id @Text "push"
      , "push" .= object
        [ "type" .= id @Text "sms_changed"
        , "source_device_iden" .= _ephSourceDevice
        , "notifications" .= _ephNotifications

instance FromJSON Ephemeral where
  parseJSON (Object o) = do
    t <- o .: "type"
    guard (t == id @Text "push")
    p <- o .: "push"
    case p of
      Object p' -> do
        t' <- p' .: "type"
        case t' of
          "messaging_extension_reply" -> pure Sms
            <*> p' .: "source_user_iden"
            <*> p' .: "target_device_iden"
            <*> p' .: "conversation_iden"
            <*> p' .: "message"
          "clip" -> pure Clipboard
            <*> p' .: "body"
            <*> p' .: "source_user_iden"
            <*> p' .: "source_device_iden"
          "sms_changed" -> pure SmsChanged
            <*> p' .: "source_device_iden"
            <*> p' .: "notifications"
          _ -> fail $ "unknown push type " <> t'
      _ -> fail "cannot parse push from non-object"

instance ToJSON Notification where
  toJSON n = object
    [ "thread_id" .= (n^.notifThread)
    , "timestamp" .= (n^.notifTime)
    , "title" .= (n^.notifTitle)
    , "body" .= (n^.notifBody)

instance FromJSON Notification where
  parseJSON (Object o) = pure Notification
    <*> o .: "thread_id"
    <*> o .: "timestamp"
    <*> o .: "title"
    <*> o .: "body"
  parseJSON _ = fail "cannot parse notification from non-object"