-- Module      :  Language.PureScript.Pretty.Values
-- Copyright   :  Kinds.hs(c) Phil Freeman 2013
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  Phil Freeman <paf31@cantab.net>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :
-- |
-- Pretty printer for values

module Language.PureScript.Pretty.Values (
) where

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Control.Arrow ((<+>))
import Control.PatternArrows

import Language.PureScript.Types
import Language.PureScript.Values
import Language.PureScript.Pretty.Common
import Language.PureScript.Pretty.Types

literals :: Pattern () Value String
literals = mkPattern match
  match (NumericLiteral n) = Just $ either show show n
  match (StringLiteral s) = Just $ show s
  match (BooleanLiteral True) = Just "true"
  match (BooleanLiteral False) = Just "false"
  match (ArrayLiteral xs) = Just $ "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map prettyPrintValue xs) ++ "]"
  match (ObjectLiteral ps) = Just $ "{" ++ intercalate ", " (map (uncurry prettyPrintObjectProperty) ps) ++ "}"
  match (Constructor name) = Just $ show name
  match (Block sts) = Just $ "do { " ++ intercalate " ; " (map prettyPrintStatement sts) ++ " }"
  match (Case values binders) = Just $ "case " ++ intercalate " " (map prettyPrintValue values) ++
    " of { " ++ intercalate " ; " (map prettyPrintCaseAlternative binders) ++ " }"
  match (Var ident) = Just $ show ident
  match (Do els) = Just $ " do { " ++ intercalate "; " (map prettyPrintDoNotationElement els) ++ " }"
  match (TypeClassDictionary _ _) = error "Type class dictionary was not replaced"
  match _ = Nothing

prettyPrintCaseAlternative :: ([Binder], Maybe Guard, Value) -> String
prettyPrintCaseAlternative (binders, grd, val) = "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map prettyPrintBinder binders) ++ ") " ++
  (maybe "" (("| " ++) . prettyPrintValue) grd) ++ " -> " ++ prettyPrintValue val

ifThenElse :: Pattern () Value ((Value, Value), Value)
ifThenElse = mkPattern match
  match (IfThenElse cond th el) = Just ((th, el), cond)
  match _ = Nothing

accessor :: Pattern () Value (String, Value)
accessor = mkPattern match
  match (Accessor prop val) = Just (prop, val)
  match _ = Nothing

indexer :: Pattern () Value (Value, Value)
indexer = mkPattern match
  match (Indexer index val) = Just (index, val)
  match _ = Nothing

objectUpdate :: Pattern () Value ([String], Value)
objectUpdate = mkPattern match
  match (ObjectUpdate o ps) = Just (flip map ps $ \(key, val) -> key ++ " = " ++ prettyPrintValue val, o)
  match _ = Nothing

app :: Pattern () Value (String, Value)
app = mkPattern match
  match (App val arg) = Just (prettyPrintValue arg, val)
  match _ = Nothing

lam :: Pattern () Value (String, Value)
lam = mkPattern match
  match (Abs arg val) = Just (show arg, val)
  match _ = Nothing

typed :: Pattern () Value (Type, Value)
typed = mkPattern match
  match (TypedValue _ val ty) = Just (ty, val)
  match _ = Nothing

unary :: UnaryOperator -> String -> Operator () Value String
unary op str = Wrap match (++)
  match :: Pattern () Value (String, Value)
  match = mkPattern match'
    match' (Unary op' val) | op' == op = Just (str, val)
    match' _ = Nothing

binary :: BinaryOperator -> String -> Operator () Value String
binary op str = AssocR match (\v1 v2 -> v1 ++ " " ++ str ++ " " ++ v2)
  match :: Pattern () Value (Value, Value)
  match = mkPattern match'
    match' (Binary op' v1 v2) | op' == op = Just (v1, v2)
    match' _ = Nothing

prettyPrintDoNotationElement :: DoNotationElement -> String
prettyPrintDoNotationElement (DoNotationValue val) = prettyPrintValue val
prettyPrintDoNotationElement (DoNotationBind binder val) = prettyPrintBinder binder ++ " <- " ++ prettyPrintValue val
prettyPrintDoNotationElement (DoNotationLet binder val) = "let " ++ prettyPrintBinder binder ++ " = " ++ prettyPrintValue val

-- |
-- Generate a pretty-printed string representing a Value
prettyPrintValue :: Value -> String
prettyPrintValue = fromMaybe (error "Incomplete pattern") . pattern matchValue ()
  matchValue :: Pattern () Value String
  matchValue = buildPrettyPrinter operators (literals <+> fmap parens matchValue)
  operators :: OperatorTable () Value String
  operators =
    OperatorTable [ [ Wrap accessor $ \prop val -> val ++ "." ++ prop ]
                  , [ Wrap objectUpdate $ \ps val -> val ++ "{ " ++ intercalate ", " ps ++ " }" ]
                  , [ Wrap app $ \arg val -> val ++ "(" ++ arg ++ ")" ]
                  , [ Split lam $ \arg val -> "\\" ++ arg ++ " -> " ++ prettyPrintValue val ]
                  , [ Wrap ifThenElse $ \(th, el) cond -> cond ++ " ? " ++ prettyPrintValue th ++ " : " ++ prettyPrintValue el ]
                  , [ Wrap typed $ \ty val -> val ++ " :: " ++ prettyPrintType ty ]
                  , [ AssocR indexer (\index val -> val ++ " !! " ++ index) ]
                  , [ binary    LessThan             "<" ]
                  , [ binary    LessThanOrEqualTo    "<=" ]
                  , [ binary    GreaterThan          ">" ]
                  , [ binary    GreaterThanOrEqualTo ">=" ]
                  , [ unary     Not                  "!" ]
                  , [ unary     BitwiseNot           "~" ]
                  , [ unary     Negate               "-" ]
                  , [ unary     Positive             "+" ]
                  , [ binary    Multiply             "*" ]
                  , [ binary    Divide               "/" ]
                  , [ binary    Modulus              "%" ]
                  , [ binary    Concat               "++" ]
                  , [ binary    Add                  "+" ]
                  , [ binary    Subtract             "-" ]
                  , [ binary    ShiftLeft            "<<" ]
                  , [ binary    ShiftRight           ">>" ]
                  , [ binary    ZeroFillShiftRight   ">>>" ]
                  , [ binary    EqualTo              "==" ]
                  , [ binary    NotEqualTo           "!=" ]
                  , [ binary    BitwiseAnd           "&" ]
                  , [ binary    BitwiseXor           "^" ]
                  , [ binary    BitwiseOr            "|" ]
                  , [ binary    And                  "&&" ]
                  , [ binary    Or                   "||" ]

prettyPrintBinderAtom :: Pattern () Binder String
prettyPrintBinderAtom = mkPattern match
  match :: Binder -> Maybe String
  match NullBinder = Just "_"
  match (StringBinder str) = Just $ show str
  match (NumberBinder num) = Just $ either show show num
  match (BooleanBinder True) = Just "true"
  match (BooleanBinder False) = Just "false"
  match (VarBinder ident) = Just $ show ident
  match (NullaryBinder ctor) = Just $ show ctor
  match (UnaryBinder ctor b) = Just $ show ctor ++ " " ++ prettyPrintBinder b
  match (ObjectBinder bs) = Just $ "{ " ++ intercalate ", " (map (uncurry prettyPrintObjectPropertyBinder) bs) ++ " }"
  match (ArrayBinder bs) = Just $ "[ " ++ intercalate ", " (map prettyPrintBinder bs) ++ " ]"
  match (NamedBinder ident binder) = Just $ show ident ++ "@" ++ prettyPrintBinder binder
  match _ = Nothing

-- |
-- Generate a pretty-printed string representing a Binder
prettyPrintBinder :: Binder -> String
prettyPrintBinder = fromMaybe (error "Incomplete pattern") . pattern matchBinder ()
  matchBinder :: Pattern () Binder String
  matchBinder = buildPrettyPrinter operators (prettyPrintBinderAtom <+> fmap parens matchBinder)
  operators :: OperatorTable () Binder String
  operators =
    OperatorTable [ [ AssocR matchConsBinder (\b1 b2 -> b1 ++ " : " ++ b2) ] ]

matchConsBinder :: Pattern () Binder (Binder, Binder)
matchConsBinder = mkPattern match'
  match' (ConsBinder b1 b2) = Just (b1, b2)
  match' _ = Nothing

prettyPrintObjectPropertyBinder :: String -> Binder -> String
prettyPrintObjectPropertyBinder key binder = key ++ ": " ++ prettyPrintBinder binder

prettyPrintObjectProperty :: String -> Value -> String
prettyPrintObjectProperty key value = key ++ ": " ++ prettyPrintValue value

prettyPrintStatement :: Statement -> String
prettyPrintStatement (VariableIntroduction ident value) = "var " ++ show ident ++ " = " ++ prettyPrintValue value
prettyPrintStatement (Assignment target value) = show target ++ " = " ++ prettyPrintValue value
prettyPrintStatement (While cond sts) = "while " ++ prettyPrintValue cond ++ ": {" ++ intercalate ";" (map prettyPrintStatement sts) ++ " }"
prettyPrintStatement (For ident start end sts) = "for " ++ show ident
  ++ " <- " ++ prettyPrintValue start
  ++ " until " ++ prettyPrintValue end ++ ": {"
  ++ intercalate "; " (map prettyPrintStatement sts) ++ " }"
prettyPrintStatement (If ifst) = prettyPrintIfStatement ifst
prettyPrintStatement (Return value) = "return " ++ prettyPrintValue value

prettyPrintIfStatement :: IfStatement -> String
prettyPrintIfStatement (IfStatement cond thens elst) =
  "if "
  ++ prettyPrintValue cond ++ ": {"
  ++ intercalate "; " (map prettyPrintStatement thens) ++ " }"
  ++ maybe "" prettyPrintElseStatement elst

prettyPrintElseStatement :: ElseStatement -> String
prettyPrintElseStatement (Else sts) = "else: {" ++ intercalate "; " (map prettyPrintStatement sts) ++ " }"
prettyPrintElseStatement (ElseIf ifst) = "else " ++ prettyPrintIfStatement ifst