-- Tests for the compiler's handling of incremental builds, i.e. the code in -- Language.PureScript.Make. module TestMake where import Prelude import qualified Language.PureScript as P import qualified Language.PureScript.CST as CST import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad import Control.Exception (tryJust) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (readMVar, newMVar, modifyMVar_) import Data.Time.Calendar import Data.Time.Clock import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as M import System.FilePath import System.Directory import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError) import System.IO.UTF8 (readUTF8FilesT, writeUTF8FileT) import Test.Hspec utcMidnightOnDate :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> UTCTime utcMidnightOnDate year month day = UTCTime (fromGregorian year month day) (secondsToDiffTime 0) timestampA, timestampB, timestampC, timestampD :: UTCTime timestampA = utcMidnightOnDate 2019 1 1 timestampB = utcMidnightOnDate 2019 1 2 timestampC = utcMidnightOnDate 2019 1 3 timestampD = utcMidnightOnDate 2019 1 4 spec :: Spec spec = do let sourcesDir = "tests/purs/make" let moduleNames = Set.fromList . map P.moduleNameFromString before_ (rimraf modulesDir >> rimraf sourcesDir >> createDirectory sourcesDir) $ do it "does not recompile if there are no changes" $ do let modulePath = sourcesDir "Module.purs" writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath timestampA "module Module where\nfoo = 0\n" compile [modulePath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] compile [modulePath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames [] it "recompiles if files have changed" $ do let modulePath = sourcesDir "Module.purs" writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath timestampA "module Module where\nfoo = 0\n" compile [modulePath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath timestampB "module Module where\nfoo = 1\n" compile [modulePath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] it "does not recompile if hashes have not changed" $ do let modulePath = sourcesDir "Module.purs" moduleContent = "module Module where\nfoo = 0\n" writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath timestampA moduleContent compile [modulePath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath timestampB moduleContent compile [modulePath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames [] it "recompiles if the file path for a module has changed" $ do let modulePath1 = sourcesDir "Module1.purs" modulePath2 = sourcesDir "Module2.purs" moduleContent = "module Module where\nfoo = 0\n" writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath1 timestampA moduleContent writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath2 timestampA moduleContent compile [modulePath1] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] compile [modulePath2] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] it "recompiles if an FFI file was added" $ do let moduleBasePath = sourcesDir "Module" modulePath = moduleBasePath ++ ".purs" moduleFFIPath = moduleBasePath ++ ".js" moduleContent = "module Module where\nfoo = 0\n" writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath timestampA moduleContent compile [modulePath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] writeFileWithTimestamp moduleFFIPath timestampB "export var bar = 1;\n" compile [modulePath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] it "recompiles if an FFI file was removed" $ do let moduleBasePath = sourcesDir "Module" modulePath = moduleBasePath ++ ".purs" moduleFFIPath = moduleBasePath ++ ".js" moduleContent = "module Module where\nfoo = 0\n" writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath timestampA moduleContent writeFileWithTimestamp moduleFFIPath timestampB "export var bar = 1;\n" compile [modulePath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] removeFile moduleFFIPath compile [modulePath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] it "recompiles downstream modules when a module is rebuilt" $ do let moduleAPath = sourcesDir "A.purs" moduleBPath = sourcesDir "B.purs" moduleAContent1 = "module A where\nfoo = 0\n" moduleAContent2 = "module A where\nfoo = 1\n" moduleBContent = "module B where\nimport A (foo)\nbar = foo\n" writeFileWithTimestamp moduleAPath timestampA moduleAContent1 writeFileWithTimestamp moduleBPath timestampB moduleBContent compile [moduleAPath, moduleBPath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["A", "B"] writeFileWithTimestamp moduleAPath timestampC moduleAContent2 compile [moduleAPath, moduleBPath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["A", "B"] it "only recompiles downstream modules when a module is rebuilt" $ do let moduleAPath = sourcesDir "A.purs" moduleBPath = sourcesDir "B.purs" moduleCPath = sourcesDir "C.purs" modulePaths = [moduleAPath, moduleBPath, moduleCPath] moduleAContent1 = "module A where\nfoo = 0\n" moduleAContent2 = "module A where\nfoo = 1\n" moduleBContent = "module B where\nimport A (foo)\nbar = foo\n" moduleCContent = "module C where\nbaz = 3\n" writeFileWithTimestamp moduleAPath timestampA moduleAContent1 writeFileWithTimestamp moduleBPath timestampB moduleBContent writeFileWithTimestamp moduleCPath timestampC moduleCContent compile modulePaths `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["A", "B", "C"] writeFileWithTimestamp moduleAPath timestampD moduleAContent2 compile modulePaths `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["A", "B"] it "does not necessarily recompile modules which were not part of the previous batch" $ do let moduleAPath = sourcesDir "A.purs" moduleBPath = sourcesDir "B.purs" moduleCPath = sourcesDir "C.purs" modulePaths = [moduleAPath, moduleBPath, moduleCPath] batch1 = [moduleAPath, moduleBPath] batch2 = [moduleAPath, moduleCPath] moduleAContent = "module A where\nfoo = 0\n" moduleBContent = "module B where\nimport A (foo)\nbar = foo\n" moduleCContent = "module C where\nbaz = 3\n" writeFileWithTimestamp moduleAPath timestampA moduleAContent writeFileWithTimestamp moduleBPath timestampB moduleBContent writeFileWithTimestamp moduleCPath timestampC moduleCContent compile modulePaths `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["A", "B", "C"] compile batch1 `shouldReturn` moduleNames [] compile batch2 `shouldReturn` moduleNames [] it "recompiles if a module fails to compile" $ do let modulePath = sourcesDir "Module.purs" moduleContent = "module Module where\nfoo :: Int\nfoo = \"not an int\"\n" writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath timestampA moduleContent compileAllowingFailures [modulePath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] compileAllowingFailures [modulePath] `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] it "recompiles if docs are requested but not up to date" $ do let modulePath = sourcesDir "Module.purs" moduleContent1 = "module Module where\nx :: Int\nx = 1" moduleContent2 = moduleContent1 <> "\ny :: Int\ny = 1" optsWithDocs = P.defaultOptions { P.optionsCodegenTargets = Set.fromList [P.JS, P.Docs] } go opts = compileWithOptions opts [modulePath] >>= assertSuccess oneSecond = 10 ^ (6::Int) -- microseconds. writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath timestampA moduleContent1 go optsWithDocs `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath timestampB moduleContent2 -- See Note [Sleeping to avoid flaky tests] threadDelay oneSecond go P.defaultOptions `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] -- Since the existing docs.json is now outdated, the module should be -- recompiled. go optsWithDocs `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] it "recompiles if corefn is requested but not up to date" $ do let modulePath = sourcesDir "Module.purs" moduleContent1 = "module Module where\nx :: Int\nx = 1" moduleContent2 = moduleContent1 <> "\ny :: Int\ny = 1" optsCorefnOnly = P.defaultOptions { P.optionsCodegenTargets = Set.singleton P.CoreFn } go opts = compileWithOptions opts [modulePath] >>= assertSuccess oneSecond = 10 ^ (6::Int) -- microseconds. writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath timestampA moduleContent1 go optsCorefnOnly `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] writeFileWithTimestamp modulePath timestampB moduleContent2 -- See Note [Sleeping to avoid flaky tests] threadDelay oneSecond go P.defaultOptions `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] -- Since the existing corefn.json is now outdated, the module should be -- recompiled. go optsCorefnOnly `shouldReturn` moduleNames ["Module"] -- Note [Sleeping to avoid flaky tests] -- -- One of the things we want to test here is that all requested output files -- (via the --codegen CLI option) must be up to date if we are to skip -- recompiling a particular module. Since we check for outdatedness by -- comparing the timestamp of the output files (eg. corefn.json, index.js) to -- the timestamp of the externs file, this check is susceptible to flakiness -- if the timestamp resolution is sufficiently coarse. To get around this, we -- delay for one second. -- -- Note that most of the compiler behaviour here doesn't depend on file -- timestamps (instead, content hashes are usually more important) and so -- sleeping should not be necessary in most of these tests. -- -- See also discussion on https://github.com/purescript/purescript/pull/4053 rimraf :: FilePath -> IO () rimraf = void . tryJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) . removeDirectoryRecursive -- | Compile a group of modules, returning a set of the modules for which a -- rebuild was attempted, allowing the caller to set the compiler options and -- including the make result in the return value. compileWithOptions :: P.Options -> [FilePath] -> IO (Either P.MultipleErrors [P.ExternsFile], Set P.ModuleName) compileWithOptions opts input = do recompiled <- newMVar Set.empty moduleFiles <- readUTF8FilesT input (makeResult, _) <- P.runMake opts $ do ms <- CST.parseModulesFromFiles id moduleFiles let filePathMap = M.fromList $ map (\(fp, pm) -> (P.getModuleName $ CST.resPartial pm, Right fp)) ms foreigns <- P.inferForeignModules filePathMap let makeActions = (P.buildMakeActions modulesDir filePathMap foreigns True) { P.progress = \(P.CompilingModule mn _) -> liftIO $ modifyMVar_ recompiled (return . Set.insert mn) } P.make makeActions (map snd ms) recompiledModules <- readMVar recompiled pure (makeResult, recompiledModules) -- | Compile a group of modules using the default options, and including the -- make result in the return value. compileWithResult :: [FilePath] -> IO (Either P.MultipleErrors [P.ExternsFile], Set P.ModuleName) compileWithResult = compileWithOptions P.defaultOptions assertSuccess :: (Either P.MultipleErrors a, Set P.ModuleName) -> IO (Set P.ModuleName) assertSuccess (result, recompiled) = case result of Left errs -> fail (P.prettyPrintMultipleErrors P.defaultPPEOptions errs) Right _ -> pure recompiled -- | Compile, returning the set of modules which were rebuilt, and failing if -- any errors occurred. compile :: [FilePath] -> IO (Set P.ModuleName) compile input = compileWithResult input >>= assertSuccess compileAllowingFailures :: [FilePath] -> IO (Set P.ModuleName) compileAllowingFailures input = fmap snd (compileWithResult input) writeFileWithTimestamp :: FilePath -> UTCTime -> T.Text -> IO () writeFileWithTimestamp path mtime contents = do writeUTF8FileT path contents setModificationTime path mtime -- | Use a different output directory to ensure that we don't get interference -- from other test results modulesDir :: FilePath modulesDir = ".test_modules" "make"