-- This file is part of purebred -- Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Fraser Tweedale and Róman Joost -- -- purebred is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Affero General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . {- | = Synopsis To customise Purebred configuration (including enabling plugins), create @~\/.config\/purebred\/purebred.hs@. Apply 'purebred' to the list of plugins. Apply 'usePlugin' to each plugin, to prepare it for use. The 'tweakConfig' plugin can be used to customise the configuration to your liking. For example, the following configuration adds some custom keybindings: @ -- ~\/.config\/purebred\/purebred.hs import Purebred -- other plugin imports main :: IO () main = 'purebred' [ 'usePlugin' $ 'tweakConfig' tweak -- , other plugins ] tweak = over ('confMailView' . 'mvKeybindings') (mailViewKeybindings <>) . over ('confHelpView' . 'hvKeybindings') (scrollKeybindings <>) scrollKeybindings :: ('Scrollable' w) => ['Keybinding' v w] scrollKeybindings = [ 'Keybinding' (EvKey (KChar 'j') []) 'scrollDown' , Keybinding (EvKey (KChar 'k') []) 'scrollUp' , Keybinding (EvKey (KChar 'd') []) 'scrollPageDown' , Keybinding (EvKey (KChar 'u') []) 'scrollPageUp' ] mailViewKeybindings = [ Keybinding (EvKey (KChar 'J') []) ('listDown' !*> 'displayMail') , Keybinding (EvKey (KChar 'K') []) ('listUp' !*> displayMail) , Keybinding (EvKey (KChar 'G') []) 'listJumpToEnd' , Keybinding (EvKey (KChar 'g') []) 'listJumpToStart' ] <> scrollKeybindings @ Then execute @purebred@. Purebred will detect changes to the custom configuration, recompile the custom binary, and execute it. = Overriding the config directory If you want to override the configuration file location, use the @PUREBRED_CONFIG_DIR@ environment variable. The configuration file, located in this directory, must always be name @purebred.hs@. The binary is normally cached in @~\/.cache\/purebred\/@. If you override the configuration directory, the configuration directory is also used as the cache directory, to avoid clobbering the cached binary for the other configurations. = Recompilation == Passing extra arguments to GHC If you want to pass extra arguments to GHC, use the @GHCOPTS@ environment variable. For example, to compile with profiling: @ GHCOPTS="-prof" purebred @ Note that the presence of the @GHCOPTS@ environment variable will not force recompilation to occur. To force recompilation you could make a benign change to the custom configuration file (e.g. add or remove an empty line). == With Cabal (newstyle) purebred should be able to determine the correct package-id and pass this datum to GHC when recompiling. Whether running from the repository or not, recompile should /just work/, regardless of where you are running the program from. == With Stack If recompilation is needed and you used @stack@ to build and install the program, it will not be able to find the libraries: > ftweedal% purebred > Configuration '/home/ftweedal/.config/purebred/purebred.hs' changed. Recompiling. > Error occurred while loading configuration file. > Launching custom binary /home/ftweedal/.cache/purebred/purebred-linux-x86_64 > > purebred-linux-x86_64: > /home/ftweedal/.config/purebred/purebred.hs:4:1: error: > Could not find module ‘Purebred’ > Use -v to see a list of the files searched for. > | > 4 | import Purebred > | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > CallStack (from HasCallStack): > error, called at src/Purebred.hs:205:32 in purebred- To avoid this, don't use stack. But if you insist, you can run @stack exec purebred@ from the source tree. -} module Purebred ( purebred, module Purebred.Plugin, module Purebred.Plugin.TweakConfig, module Purebred.Storage.Tags, module Purebred.Types, module Purebred.Types.Error, module Purebred.UI.Actions, module Purebred.UI.Index.Keybindings, module Purebred.UI.Mail.Keybindings, module Graphics.Vty.Attributes, Event(..), Key(..), Modifier(..), AttrName, attrName, on, fg, bg, applyAttrMappings, getDatabasePath, solarizedDark, mailTagAttr, listStateSelectedAttr, listStateToggledAttr, listStateNewmailAttr, (), module Control.Lens, Mailbox(..), AddrSpec(..), Domain(..), sendmail) where import Purebred.UI.App (theApp, initialState, initialViews) import Control.Concurrent (rtsSupportsBoundThreads) import Purebred.System.Logging (setupLogsink) import qualified Config.Dyre as Dyre import qualified Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad ((>=>), void, unless) import Options.Applicative hiding (str) import qualified Options.Applicative.Builder as Builder import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.FilePath.Posix (()) import Data.Version (showVersion) import Paths_purebred (version, getLibDir) import System.Exit (die) import Purebred.UI.Help.Main (createKeybindingIndex, KeybindingHelp(..), HelpIndex) import Purebred.UI.Index.Keybindings import Purebred.UI.Mail.Keybindings import Purebred.UI.Actions import Purebred.UI.Status.Main (rescheduleMailcheck) import Purebred.Config (defaultConfig, solarizedDark, mailTagAttr, sendmail, getDatabasePath, listStateSelectedAttr, listStateToggledAttr, listStateNewmailAttr) import Purebred.Types import Purebred.Plugin import Purebred.Plugin.Internal ( configHook, pluginBuiltIn, pluginName, pluginVersion ) import Purebred.Plugin.TweakConfig import Purebred.Storage.Server import Purebred.Storage.Tags (TagOp(..)) import Purebred.Types.Error -- re-exports for configuration import qualified Graphics.Vty import Graphics.Vty.Attributes import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events (Event(..), Key(..), Modifier(..)) import Brick.BChan (newBChan) import Brick.Main (customMain) import Brick.Util (on, fg, bg) import Brick.AttrMap (AttrName, applyAttrMappings, attrName) import Control.Lens ((&), _head, ifoldMap, ix, over, preview, set, toListOf, view, views) import Data.Text.Lens (packed) import Data.MIME (Mailbox(..), AddrSpec(..), Domain(..)) data AppConfig = AppConfig { databaseFilepath :: Maybe String , searchOverride :: Maybe String , debugFile :: Maybe FilePath } appconfig :: String -> KeybindingsAsciiDoc -> Parser AppConfig appconfig verInfo (KeybindingsAsciiDoc kbInfo) = AppConfig <$> optional ( Builder.option Builder.str ( long "database" <> metavar "DATABASE" <> help "Filepath to notmuch database" ) ) <*> optional ( Builder.option Builder.str ( long "search" <> metavar "SEARCH-TERM" <> help "Override the initial notmuch search" ) ) <*> optional ( Builder.option Builder.str ( long "debug" <> metavar "FILE" <> help "Write debug information to FILE" ) ) <* Builder.infoOption verInfo ( long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "Print the Purebred version and exit" ) <* Builder.infoOption kbInfo ( long "dump-keybindings" <> help "Print keybindings (AsciiDoc format) and exit" ) versionString :: String versionString = showVersion version -- | Print full version info about plugins fullVersionInfo :: [PluginDict] -> String fullVersionInfo plugins = unlines $ [ "purebred " <> versionString , "" , "Configured plugins: " , "" ] <> (showPlugin <$> filter (views pluginBuiltIn not) plugins) where showPlugin plug = let nam = view pluginName plug ver = view pluginVersion plug in "- " <> nam <> " " <> showVersion ver optParser :: String -> KeybindingsAsciiDoc -> ParserInfo AppConfig optParser verInfo kbInfo = info (appconfig verInfo kbInfo <**> helper) (fullDesc <> progDesc "purebred" <> header ("a search based, terminal mail user agent - " <> versionString)) launch :: [String] -> UserConfiguration -> IO () launch ghcOpts inCfg = do -- Run config hooks before parsing command line options, -- so that CLI options can override config. let plugins = view confPlugins inCfg hooks = getConfigHook . view configHook <$> plugins cfg <- foldr (>=>) pure hooks inCfg -- Now apply CLI overrides opts <- execParser (optParser (fullVersionInfo plugins) (dumpKeybindings cfg)) let cfg' = Control.DeepSeq.force $ cfg & maybe id (set (confNotmuch . nmDatabase)) (databaseFilepath opts) . maybe id (set (confNotmuch . nmSearch) . view packed) (searchOverride opts) -- Create a channel for sending custom events into Brick event loop. -- -- There are max 32 elems in chan. If full, writing will block. I have -- no idea if 32 is a good number or not. -- bchan <- newBChan 32 -- Start storage server let dbpath = view (confNotmuch . nmDatabase) cfg' startServerResult <- Purebred.Storage.Server.startServer dbpath server <- either (\e -> die $ "Failed to start storage server: " <> show e) pure startServerResult -- Create log sink. sink <- setupLogsink (debugFile opts) sink (LT.pack "Compile flags: " <> LT.intercalate (LT.pack " ") (LT.pack <$> ghcOpts)) sink (LT.pack "Opened log file") s <- initialState cfg' bchan server sink let buildVty = Graphics.Vty.mkVty Graphics.Vty.defaultConfig initialVty <- buildVty let query = view (confNotmuch . nmHasNewMailSearch) cfg' delay = view (confNotmuch . nmHasNewMailCheckDelay) cfg' maybe (pure ()) (rescheduleMailcheck bchan server query) delay void $ customMain initialVty buildVty (Just bchan) (theApp s) s -- | Main program entry point. Apply to a list of plugins (use -- 'usePlugin' to prepare each plugin for use). -- purebred :: [PluginDict] -> IO () purebred plugins = do unless rtsSupportsBoundThreads (error "purebred was not compiled with -threaded") configDir <- lookupEnv "PUREBRED_CONFIG_DIR" ghcOptsEnv <- maybe [] words <$> lookupEnv "GHCOPTS" libdir <- getLibDir cfg <- over confPlugins (plugins <>) <$> defaultConfig let ghcOpts = ghcOptsEnv dyreParams = (Dyre.newParams "purebred" (launch ghcOpts) (const error)) { Dyre.configDir = pure <$> configDir -- if config dir specified, also use it as cache dir to avoid -- clobbering cached binaries for other configurations , Dyre.cacheDir = pure <$> configDir , Dyre.includeDirs = [libdir] , Dyre.ghcOpts = ghcOpts } Dyre.wrapMain dyreParams cfg ----------------------- -- Dump keybindings --- ----------------------- newtype KeybindingsAsciiDoc = KeybindingsAsciiDoc String -- | Render all defined key bindings as an asciidoc compatible table -- dumpKeybindings :: Configuration -> KeybindingsAsciiDoc dumpKeybindings cfg = KeybindingsAsciiDoc $ ifoldMap (renderKeybinding (createKeybindingIndex cfg)) initialViews -- Cheap way to weed out any widgets not receiving keyboard events and -- not having event handlers registered. receivesInput :: Name -> Bool receivesInput StatusBar = False receivesInput ListOfMails = False receivesInput ComposeHeaders = False receivesInput _ = True renderKeybinding :: HelpIndex -> ViewName -> View -> String renderKeybinding index vn v = unlines [ "=== " <> show vn , foldMap ( \nam -> if receivesInput nam then renderKbGroupAsText index nam else mempty ) ( toListOf (vLayers . traverse . layeriso . traverse . veName) v ) ] renderKbGroupAsText :: HelpIndex -> Name -> String renderKbGroupAsText index nam = unlines [ "==== " <> show nam , "|===" , "|Shortcut |Purpose |Raw Keycode" , foldMap renderKeybindingText (toListOf (ix nam . traverse) index) , "|===" ] renderKeybindingText :: KeybindingHelp -> String renderKeybindingText (KeybindingHelp keys actions raw) = unlines [ "|kbd:[" <> T.unpack keys <> "]" , "|" <> T.unpack actions , "|`" <> raw <> "`" ]