-- This module was copied from brick-0.68 and authored by Jonathan -- Daugherty -- | This module provides an API for "marking up" text with arbitrary -- values. A piece of markup can then be converted to a list of pairs -- representing the sequences of characters assigned the same markup -- value. -- -- This interface is experimental. Don't use this for your full-file -- syntax highlighter just yet! module Data.Text.Markup ( Markup , markupToList , markupSet , fromList , fromText , toText , isEmpty , (@@) ) where import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem import Data.String (IsString(..)) import qualified Data.Text as T -- | Markup with metadata type 'a' assigned to each character. newtype Markup a = Markup [(Char, a)] deriving Show instance Sem.Semigroup (Markup a) where (Markup t1) <> (Markup t2) = Markup (t1 `mappend` t2) instance Monoid (Markup a) where mempty = Markup mempty mappend = (Sem.<>) instance (Monoid a) => IsString (Markup a) where fromString = fromText . T.pack -- | Build a piece of markup; assign the specified metadata to every -- character in the specified text. (@@) :: T.Text -> a -> Markup a t @@ val = Markup [(c, val) | c <- T.unpack t] -- | Build markup from text with the default metadata. fromText :: (Monoid a) => T.Text -> Markup a fromText = (@@ mempty) -- | Extract the text from markup, discarding the markup metadata. toText :: (Eq a) => Markup a -> T.Text toText = T.concat . (fst <$>) . concat . markupToList -- | Test whether the markup is empty. isEmpty :: Markup a -> Bool isEmpty (Markup ls) = null ls -- | Set the metadata for a range of character positions in a piece of -- markup. This is useful for, e.g., syntax highlighting. markupSet :: (Eq a) => (Int, Int) -> a -> Markup a -> Markup a markupSet (start, len) val m@(Markup l) = if start < 0 || start + len > length l then m else newM where newM = Markup $ theHead ++ theNewEntries ++ theTail (theHead, theLongTail) = splitAt start l (theOldEntries, theTail) = splitAt len theLongTail theNewEntries = fmap (val <$) theOldEntries -- | Convert markup to a list of lines. Each line is represented by a -- list of pairs in which each pair contains the longest subsequence of -- characters having the same metadata. markupToList :: (Eq a) => Markup a -> [[(T.Text, a)]] markupToList (Markup thePairs) = toList <$> toLines [] [] thePairs where toLines ls cur [] = ls ++ [cur] toLines ls cur ((ch, val):rest) | ch == '\n' = toLines (ls ++ [cur]) [] rest | otherwise = toLines ls (cur ++ [(ch, val)]) rest toList [] = [] toList ((ch, val):rest) = (T.pack $ ch : (fst <$> matching), val) : toList remaining where (matching, remaining) = break (\(_, v) -> v /= val) rest -- | Convert a list of text and metadata pairs into markup. fromList :: [(T.Text, a)] -> Markup a fromList pairs = Markup $ concatMap (\(t, val) -> [(c, val) | c <- T.unpack t]) pairs