module Main where import Prelude import Bug import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.Runners import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Instances import qualified Ptr.Poke as B import qualified Ptr.Peek as C import qualified Ptr.PokeAndPeek as E import qualified Ptr.ByteString as A import qualified Ptr.Poking as F import qualified Data.ByteString as D main = defaultMain $ testGroup "All tests" [ testProperty "Poke and peek (bytes)" $ \input -> input === fromJust (pokeThenPeek (B.bytes (D.length input)) (C.bytes (D.length input))) input , testProperty "Poke and peek (word8)" $ \input -> input === fromJust (pokeThenPeek B.word8 C.word8) input , testProperty "Poke and peek (beWord32)" $ \input -> input === fromJust (pokeThenPeek B.beWord32 C.beWord32) input , testProperty "Poke and peek (beWord64)" $ \input -> input === fromJust (pokeThenPeek B.beWord64 C.beWord64) input , testProperty "PokeAndPeek composition" $ \input -> input === pokeAndPeek ((,) <$> lmap fst E.word8 <*> lmap snd E.beWord32) input , testGroup "Poking" [ testCase "paddedAndTrimmedAsciiIntegral" $ do assertEqual "" "001" (A.poking (F.paddedAndTrimmedAsciiIntegral 3 1)) assertEqual "" "001" (A.poking (F.paddedAndTrimmedAsciiIntegral 3 2001)) assertEqual "" "000" (A.poking (F.paddedAndTrimmedAsciiIntegral 3 (-1))) , testCase "utcTimeInIso8601InAscii" $ do assertEqual "" "2017-02-01T05:03:58Z" (A.poking (F.utcTimeInIso8601InAscii (read "2017-02-01 05:03:58"))) ] ] pokeThenPeek :: B.Poke a -> C.Peek a -> Maybe (a -> a) pokeThenPeek (B.Poke pokeSize pokeIO) (C.Peek peekSize peekIO) = if pokeSize /= peekSize then Nothing else Just $ \input -> unsafePerformIO $ do fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes pokeSize withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do pokeIO p input peekIO p pokeAndPeek :: E.PokeAndPeek input output -> input -> output pokeAndPeek (E.PokeAndPeek size poke peek) input = unsafePerformIO $ do fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes size withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do poke p input peek p