-- |
-- Module:      System.PSX
-- Description: Haskell bindings for libpsx
-- Copyright:   (c) Nicolas Trangez, 2022
-- License:     BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer:  ikke@nicolast.be
-- Stability:   alpha
-- Portability: Linux
-- This library embeds libpsx in a GHC Haskell-compiled application.
-- It doesn't provide any Haskell functions. It can be (optionally) linked
-- into applications which require @libpsx@-style functionality, potentially
-- from C code. See @test/detect-psx.c@ for an example.
-- Note @libpsx@ performs some trickery with signal handling in a process.
-- Furthermore, when using this library, @sigfillset@ will be wrapped so
-- @SIGSYS@ is /not/ set, in order for the GHC RTS @ticker@ thread not to
-- block the signal and work properly with @libpsx@.
-- See
-- [this GHC proposal](https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/533)
-- for a potential future replacement of this library using functionality built
-- into the GHC RTS.
-- __Warning:__ @libpsx@ on current Ubuntu and Debian systems (from @libcap@
-- 2.44) is broken. Hence, this library contains a bundled version of @libpsx@
-- by default. Disable the @bundled-libpsx@ flag to use a system-provided
-- version of the library, which must be from @libcap@ version 2.46 or higher.

module System.PSX () where