{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} module Main (main) where import Data.Either import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSChar8 import System.IO import System.IO.Temp import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.TH import Data.PseudoBoolean import qualified Data.PseudoBoolean.Attoparsec as A import Data.PseudoBoolean.Internal.TextUtil case_exampleLIN = checkOPBString "exampleLIN" exampleLIN case_exampleNLC1 = checkOPBString "exampleNLC1" exampleNLC1 case_exampleNLC2 = checkOPBString "exampleNLC2" exampleNLC2 case_exampleWBO1 = checkWBOString "exampleWBO1" exampleWBO1 case_exampleWBO2 = checkWBOString "exampleWBO2" exampleWBO2 case_exampleWBO3 = checkWBOString "exampleWBO3" exampleWBO3 case_exampleLIN_file = checkOPBFile "test/samples/example-lin.opb" case_exampleNLC1_file = checkOPBFile "test/samples/example-nlc-1.opb" case_exampleNLC2_file = checkOPBFile "test/samples/example-nlc-2.opb" case_exampleWBO1_file = checkWBOFile "test/samples/example1.wbo" case_exampleWBO2_file = checkWBOFile "test/samples/example2.wbo" case_exampleWBO3_file = checkWBOFile "test/samples/example3.wbo" case_exampleLIN_PBS_file = checkOPBFile "test/samples/example-lin-pbs.opb" case_exampleLIN_nohint_file = checkOPBFile "test/samples/example-lin-nohint.opb" case_exampleWBO1_nohint_file = checkWBOFile "test/samples/example1-nohint.wbo" case_exampleWBO1_notop_file = checkWBOFile "test/samples/example1-notop.wbo" case_normalized_1096_cudf_paranoid = checkOPBFile "test/samples/normalized-1096.cudf.paranoid.opb" case_normalized_mds_50_10_4 = checkOPBFile "test/samples/normalized-mds_50_10_4.opb" case_normalized_opt_market_split_4_30_2 = checkOPBFile "test/samples/normalized-opt-market-split_4_30_2.opb" case_pigeonhole_5_4 = checkOPBFile "test/samples/pigeonhole_5_4.opb" case_trailing_junk = do isError (parseOPBString "" trailingJunk) @?= True isError (parseOPBByteString "" (BSChar8.pack trailingJunk)) @?= True isError (A.parseOPBByteString (BSChar8.pack trailingJunk)) @?= True where -- isLeft is available only on base >= isError :: Either a b -> Bool isError (Left _) = True isError (Right _) = False trailingJunk = unlines [ "* #variable= 5 #constraint= 4" , "*" , "* this is a dummy instance" , "*" , "min: 1 x2 -1 x3 ;" , "1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= 2;" , "-1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= +3;" , "12345678901234567890 x4 +4 x3 >= 10;" , "* an equality constraint" , "2 x2 +3 x4 +2 x1 +3 x5 = 5;" , "foo" ] case_min_eol = do isOk (parseOPBString "" opb) @?= True isOk (parseOPBByteString "" (BSChar8.pack opb)) @?= True isOk (A.parseOPBByteString (BSChar8.pack opb)) @?= True where -- isLeft is available only on base >= isOk :: Either a b -> Bool isOk (Left _) = False isOk (Right _) = True opb = unlines [ "* #variable= 5 #constraint= 4" , "*" , "* this is a dummy instance" , "*" , "min: " , "1 x2 -1 x3 ;" , "1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= 2;" , "-1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= +3;" , "12345678901234567890 x4 +4 x3 >= 10;" , "* an equality constraint" , "2 x2 +3 x4 +2 x1 +3 x5 = 5;" ] case_empty_constraints = do isOk (parseOPBString "" opb) @?= True isOk (parseOPBByteString "" (BSChar8.pack opb)) @?= True isOk (A.parseOPBByteString (BSChar8.pack opb)) @?= True where -- isRight is available only on base >= isOk :: Either a b -> Bool isOk (Left _) = False isOk (Right _) = True opb = unlines [ "* #variable= 3 #constraint= 0" , "min: 1 x2 -1 x3 ;" ] case_wbo_empty_constraints = do isOk (parseWBOString "" wbo) @?= True isOk (parseWBOByteString "" (BSChar8.pack wbo)) @?= True isOk (A.parseWBOByteString (BSChar8.pack wbo)) @?= True where -- isRight is available only on base >= isOk :: Either a b -> Bool isOk (Left _) = False isOk (Right _) = True wbo = unlines [ "* #variable= 0 #constraint= 0" , "soft: 1 ;" ] case_trailing_spaces_before_eol = do isOk (parseOPBString "" opb) @?= True isOk (parseOPBByteString "" (BSChar8.pack opb)) @?= True isOk (A.parseOPBByteString (BSChar8.pack opb)) @?= True where -- isRight is available only on base >= isOk :: Either a b -> Bool isOk (Left _) = False isOk (Right _) = True opb = unlines [ "* #variable= 5 #constraint= 4" , "*" , "* this is a dummy instance" , "*" , "min: 1 x2 -1 x3 ;" , "1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= 2; " , "-1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= +3; " , "12345678901234567890 x4 +4 x3 >= 10; " , "* an equality constraint " , "2 x2 +3 x4 +2 x1 +3 x5 = 5; " ] case_trailing_spaces_before_eof = do isOk (parseOPBString "" opb) @?= True isOk (parseOPBByteString "" (BSChar8.pack opb)) @?= True isOk (A.parseOPBByteString (BSChar8.pack opb)) @?= True where -- isRight is available only on base >= isOk :: Either a b -> Bool isOk (Left _) = False isOk (Right _) = True opb = unlines [ "* #variable= 5 #constraint= 4" , "*" , "* this is a dummy instance" , "*" , "min: 1 x2 -1 x3 ;" , "1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= 2;" , "-1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= +3;" , "12345678901234567890 x4 +4 x3 >= 10;" , "* an equality constraint" , "2 x2 +3 x4 +2 x1 +3 x5 = 5;" , " " ] case_leading_spaces = do isOk (parseOPBString "" opb) @?= True isOk (parseOPBByteString "" (BSChar8.pack opb)) @?= True isOk (A.parseOPBByteString (BSChar8.pack opb)) @?= True where -- isRight is available only on base >= isOk :: Either a b -> Bool isOk (Left _) = False isOk (Right _) = True opb = unlines [ "* #variable= 5 #constraint= 4" , "*" , "* this is a dummy instance" , "*" , "min: 1 x2 -1 x3 ;" , " 1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= 2;" , " -1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= +3;" , " 12345678901234567890 x4 +4 x3 >= 10;" , "* an equality constraint" , " 2 x2 +3 x4 +2 x1 +3 x5 = 5;" ] case_readUnsignedInteger_maxBound_bug :: IO () case_readUnsignedInteger_maxBound_bug = readUnsignedInteger "006666666666666667" @?= 6666666666666667 prop_readUnsignedInteger = forAll (choose (0, 2^(128::Int))) $ \i -> readUnsignedInteger (show i) == i ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Sample data exampleLIN :: String exampleLIN = unlines [ "* #variable= 5 #constraint= 4" , "*" , "* this is a dummy instance" , "*" , "min: 1 x2 -1 x3 ;" , "1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= 2;" , "-1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= +3;" , "12345678901234567890 x4 +4 x3 >= 10;" , "* an equality constraint" , "2 x2 +3 x4 +2 x1 +3 x5 = 5;" ] exampleNLC1 :: String exampleNLC1 = unlines [ "* #variable= 5 #constraint= 4 #product= 5 sizeproduct= 13" , "*" , "* this is a dummy instance" , "*" , "min: 1 x2 x3 -1 x3 ;" , "1 x1 +4 x1 ~x2 -2 x5 >= 2;" , "-1 x1 +4 x2 -2 x5 >= 3;" , "12345678901234567890 x4 +4 x3 >= 10;" , "2 x2 x3 +3 x4 ~x5 +2 ~x1 x2 +3 ~x1 x2 x3 ~x4 ~x5 = 5 ;" ] exampleNLC2 :: String exampleNLC2 = unlines [ "* #variable= 6 #constraint= 3 #product= 9 sizeproduct= 18" , "*" , "* Factorization problem: find the smallest P such that P*Q=N" , "* P is a 3 bits number (x3 x2 x1)" , "* Q is a 3 bits number (x6 x5 x4)" , "* N=35" , "* " , "* minimize the value of P" , "min: +1 x1 +2 x2 +4 x3 ;" , "* P>=2 (to avoid trivial factorization)" , "+1 x1 +2 x2 +4 x3 >=2;" , "* Q>=2 (to avoid trivial factorization)" , "+1 x4 +2 x5 +4 x6 >=2;" , "*" , "* P*Q=N" , "+1 x1 x4 +2 x1 x5 +4 x1 x6 +2 x2 x4 +4 x2 x5 +8 x2 x6 +4 x3 x4 +8 x3 x5 +16 x3 x6 = 35;" ] exampleWBO1 :: String exampleWBO1 = unlines $ [ "* #variable= 1 #constraint= 2 #soft= 2 mincost= 2 maxcost= 3 sumcost= 5" , "soft: 6 ;" , "[2] +1 x1 >= 1 ;" , "[3] -1 x1 >= 0 ;" ] exampleWBO2 :: String exampleWBO2 = unlines $ [ "* #variable= 2 #constraint= 3 #soft= 2 mincost= 2 maxcost= 3 sumcost= 5" , "soft: 6 ;" , "[2] +1 x1 >= 1 ;" , "[3] +1 x2 >= 1 ;" , "-1 x1 -1 x2 >= -1 ;" ] exampleWBO3 :: String exampleWBO3 = unlines $ [ "* #variable= 4 #constraint= 6 #soft= 4 mincost= 2 maxcost= 5 sumcost= 14" , "soft: 6 ;" , "[2] +1 x1 >= 1;" , "[3] +1 x2 >= 1;" , "[4] +1 x3 >= 1;" , "[5] +1 x4 >= 1;" , "-1 x1 -1 x2 >= -1 ;" , "-1 x3 -1 x4 >= -1 ;" ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Utilities checkOPBFile :: FilePath -> IO () checkOPBFile fname = do r <- parseOPBFile fname case r of Left err -> assertFailure $ show err Right opb -> do r2 <- A.parseOPBFile fname case r2 of Left err2 -> assertFailure $ show err2 Right opb2 -> opb2 @?= opb withSystemTempFile "TestPBFile.opb" $ \tmppath h -> do hClose h writeOPBFile tmppath opb r3 <- parseOPBFile tmppath case r3 of Left err3 -> assertFailure $ show err3 Right opb3 -> opb3 @?= opb checkOPBString :: String -> String -> IO () checkOPBString name str = do case parseOPBString name str of Left err -> assertFailure $ show err Right opb -> do let s = toOPBString opb bs = toOPBByteString opb BSChar8.unpack bs @?= s case parseOPBString name s of Left err -> assertFailure $ show err Right opb2 -> opb2 @?= opb case parseOPBByteString name bs of Left err -> assertFailure $ show err Right opb2 -> opb2 @?= opb case A.parseOPBByteString bs of Left err -> assertFailure err Right opb2 -> opb2 @?= opb checkWBOFile :: FilePath -> IO () checkWBOFile fname = do r <- parseWBOFile fname case r of Left err -> assertFailure $ show err Right wbo -> do r2 <- A.parseWBOFile fname case r2 of Left err2 -> assertFailure $ show err2 Right wbo2 -> wbo2 @?= wbo withSystemTempFile "TestPBFile.wbo" $ \tmppath h -> do hClose h writeWBOFile tmppath wbo r3 <- parseWBOFile tmppath case r3 of Left err3 -> assertFailure $ show err3 Right wbo3 -> wbo3 @?= wbo checkWBOString :: String -> String -> IO () checkWBOString name str = do case parseWBOString name str of Left err -> assertFailure $ show err Right wbo -> do let s = toWBOString wbo bs = toWBOByteString wbo BSChar8.unpack bs @?= s case parseWBOString name s of Left err -> assertFailure $ show err Right wbo2 -> wbo2 @?= wbo case parseWBOByteString name bs of Left err -> assertFailure $ show err Right wbo2 -> wbo2 @?= wbo case A.parseWBOByteString bs of Left err -> assertFailure err Right wbo2 -> wbo2 @?= wbo testOPB :: String -> Bool testOPB s = sf == sf2 where Right sf = parseOPBString "-" s Right sf2 = parseOPBString "-" (toOPBString sf) testWBO :: String -> Bool testWBO s = sf == sf2 where Right sf = parseWBOString "-" s Right sf2 = parseWBOString "-" (toWBOString sf) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test harness main :: IO () main = $(defaultMainGenerator)