{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.PseudoBoolean.ByteStringBuilder
-- Copyright   :  (c) Masahiro Sakai 2011-2015
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
-- Portability :  portable

module Data.PseudoBoolean.ByteStringBuilder
  -- * Builder for (Lazy) ByteString generation
  , wboBuilder

  -- * Lazy ByteString generation
  , toOPBByteString
  , toWBOByteString

  -- * File I/O
  , writeOPBFile
  , writeWBOFile
  , hPutOPB
  , hPutWBO
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (sum)
import Data.Monoid hiding (Sum (..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder, intDec, integerDec, char7, string7, hPutBuilder, toLazyByteString)
import System.IO
import Data.PseudoBoolean.Types

-- | A ByteString Builder which renders a OPB format byte-string containing pseudo boolean problem.
opbBuilder :: Formula -> Builder
opbBuilder opb = (size <> part1 <> part2)
    nv = pbNumVars opb
    nc = pbNumConstraints opb
    size = string7 "* #variable= " <> intDec nv <> string7 " #constraint= " <> intDec nc <> char7 '\n'
    part1 = 
      case pbObjectiveFunction opb of
        Nothing -> mempty
        Just o -> string7 "min: " <> showSum o <> string7 ";\n"
    part2 = mconcat $ map showConstraint (pbConstraints opb)

-- | A ByteString Builder which renders a WBO format byte-string containing weighted boolean optimization problem.
wboBuilder :: SoftFormula -> Builder
wboBuilder wbo = size <> part1 <> part2
    nv = wboNumVars wbo
    nc = wboNumConstraints wbo
    size = string7 "* #variable= " <> intDec nv <> string7 " #constraint= " <> intDec nc <> char7 '\n'
    part1 = 
      case wboTopCost wbo of
        Nothing -> string7 "soft: ;\n"
        Just t -> string7 "soft: " <> integerDec t <> string7 ";\n"
    part2 = mconcat $ map showSoftConstraint (wboConstraints wbo)

showSum :: Sum -> Builder
showSum = mconcat . map showWeightedTerm

showWeightedTerm :: WeightedTerm -> Builder
showWeightedTerm (c, lits) = foldr (\f g -> f <> char7 ' ' <> g) mempty (x:xs)
    x = if c >= 0 then char7 '+' <> integerDec c else integerDec c
    xs = map showLit lits

showLit :: Lit -> Builder
showLit lit = if lit > 0 then v else char7 '~' <> v
    v = char7 'x' <> intDec (abs lit)

showConstraint :: Constraint -> Builder
showConstraint (lhs, op, rhs) =
  showSum lhs <> f op <>  char7 ' ' <> integerDec rhs <> string7 ";\n"
    f Eq = char7 '='
    f Ge = string7 ">="

showSoftConstraint :: SoftConstraint -> Builder
showSoftConstraint (cost, constr) =
  case cost of
    Nothing -> showConstraint constr
    Just c -> char7 '[' <> integerDec c <> string7 "] " <> showConstraint constr

-- | Generate a OPB format byte-string containing pseudo boolean problem.
toOPBByteString :: Formula -> BS.ByteString
toOPBByteString opb = toLazyByteString (opbBuilder opb)

-- | Generate a WBO format byte-string containing weighted boolean optimization problem.
toWBOByteString :: SoftFormula -> BS.ByteString
toWBOByteString wbo = toLazyByteString (wboBuilder wbo)

-- | Output a OPB file containing pseudo boolean problem.
writeOPBFile :: FilePath -> Formula -> IO ()
writeOPBFile filepath opb = withBinaryFile filepath WriteMode $ \h -> do
  hSetBuffering h (BlockBuffering Nothing)
  hPutOPB h opb

-- | Output a WBO file containing weighted boolean optimization problem.
writeWBOFile :: FilePath -> SoftFormula -> IO ()
writeWBOFile filepath wbo = withBinaryFile filepath WriteMode $ \h -> do
  hSetBuffering h (BlockBuffering Nothing)
  hPutWBO h wbo

-- | Output a OPB file to a 'Handle' using 'hPutBuilder'.
-- It is recommended that the 'Handle' is set to binary and
-- 'BlockBuffering' mode. See 'hSetBinaryMode' and 'hSetBuffering'.
-- This function is more efficient than 'hPut' . 'toOPBByteString'
-- because in many cases no buffer allocation has to be done.
hPutOPB :: Handle -> Formula -> IO ()
hPutOPB h opb = hPutBuilder h (opbBuilder opb)

-- | Output a WBO file to a 'Handle' using 'hPutBuilder'.
-- It is recommended that the 'Handle' is set to binary and
-- 'BlockBuffering' mode. See 'hSetBinaryMode' and 'hSetBuffering'.
-- This function is more efficient than 'hPut' . 'toWBOByteString'
-- because in many cases no buffer allocation has to be done.
hPutWBO :: Handle -> SoftFormula -> IO ()
hPutWBO h wbo = hPutBuilder h (wboBuilder wbo)