0.3.0 ===== * GHC 8.10.1 support * Use `Protolude.ConvertText` as the default string conversion class. This removes partial functions when converting to/from ByteStrings. * Provide `Protolude.Conv` as a compatibility layer for old string conversion interface. * Migrated `Debug` and `Unsafe` to `Protolude.Debug` and `Protolude.Unsafe`. * Export Unicode functions: - `intToDigit` - `isAlpha` - `isAlphaNum` - `isAscii` - `isControl` - `isDigit` - `isHexDigit` - `isLetter` - `isLower` - `isPrint` - `isSpace` - `isUpper` * Export `MonadFail` class. * Export `gcast` from Data.Typeable. * Export `typeOf` from Data.Typeable. * Export `Handler` from Control.Exception. * Export `yield` from Control.Concurrency. * Provide compatibility module `Protolude.Partial` as single export for unsafe partial functions with the same naming conventions as Prelude. 0.2.4 ===== * GHC 8.8.1 support 0.2.3 ===== * GHC 8.6.1 support * Export `fromLeft` and `fromRight`. * Mask `always` and `alwaysSucceeds` from STM export for stm-2.5. 0.2.2 ===== * Add explicit `witness` function for use as type witness without warnings. Makes undefined semantically distinguishable from type witnesses. * Backwards compatible `Protolude.Safe` module for explicit handling of partial list operations. * Export `minimumDef`, `maximumDef`. * Looser lower-bound on Data.Kind export for GHC 8.0.x. 0.2.1 ==== * Exposes `throwE` and `catchE`. * Add `transformers-compat` for old versions of transformers that require `throwE`, `catchE`. * Fix `safe` version bounds for new versions. * Add `mapExceptT and `withExceptT`. * Export `scanl'` and provide shim for backwards compatibility. * Add `putErrLn`. * Expose `RealFloat`. * Expose `GHC.Records` exports for GHC 8.2 and above. 0.2 ==== * Expose `Symbol` and `Nat` types from `GHC.TypeLits` by default. * Switch exported `(<>)` to be from `Data.Monoid` instead of Semigroup. * Expose `putByteString` and `putLByteString` monomorphic versions of `putStrLn` functions * Export `genericLength` and other generic list return functions. * Rename `msg` to `fatalErrorMessage`. * Export `ExceptT`, `ReaderT`, and `StateT` constructors. * Mask `displayException` from default exports. * Mask `stToIO` from default exports. * Export `NonEmpty` type and constructor for Base 4.9 only. * Export `Data.Semigroup` type and functions for Base 4.9 only. * Restrict exported symbols from ``async`` to set available in 2.0. * Add `(&&^)`, `(||^)`, `(<&&>)`, `(<||>)` * Expose `unzip`. * Export `maximumMay` and `minimumMay`. * Mask `Type` export from `Data.Kind`. * Wrap `die` to take `Text` argument instead of `[Char]`. * Export constructors `GHC.Generics`: `(:+:)`, `(:*:)`, and `(:.:)`. * Expose `StablePtr`, `IntPtr` and `WordPtr` types. 0.1.9 ==== * Make `sum` and `product` strict 0.1.8 ===== * ``foreach`` for applicative traversals. * ``hush`` function for error handling. * ``tryIO`` function for error handling. * ``pass`` function for noop applicative branches. * Mask ``Handler`` typeclass export. * Mask ``yield`` function export. 0.1.7 ===== * Exports monadic ``(>>)`` operator by default. * Adds ``traceId`` and ``traceShowId`` functions. * Exports``reader`` and ``state`` functions by default. * Export lifted ``throwIO`` and ``throwTo`` functions. 0.1.6 ===== * Adds uncatchable panic exception throwing using Text message. * Removes ``printf`` * Removes ``string-conv`` dependency so Stack build works without ``extra-deps``. * Brings ``Callstack`` machinery in for GHC 8.x. * Removes ``throw`` and ``assert`` from ``Control.Exception`` exports. * Removes ``unsafeShiftL`` and ``unsafeShiftR`` from ``Data.Bits`` exports. * Reexport ``throw`` as ``unsafeThrow`` via Unsafe module. * Hides all Show class functions. Only the Class itself is exported. Forbids custom instances that are not GHC derived. * Export`` encodeUtf8`` and ``decodeUtf8`` functions by default. * Adds ``unsnoc`` function. 0.1.5 ===== * Initial release.