{- Copyright 2016 Awake Networks Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-warnings-deprecations #-} module Main where import Control.Arrow ( (&&&), second ) import Control.Monad ( guard, void ) import Control.Monad.Trans.State ( StateT(..) ) import qualified Data.Bits as Bits import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra as BB import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal as BBI import Data.Either ( isLeft ) import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import Data.Int import Data.List ( sort ) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T import qualified Data.Text.Short as TS import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Word ( Word8, Word64 ) import Foreign ( sizeOf ) import Proto3.Wire import qualified Proto3.Wire.Builder as Builder import qualified Proto3.Wire.Reverse as Reverse import qualified Proto3.Wire.Encode as Encode import qualified Proto3.Wire.Decode as Decode import qualified Test.DocTest import Test.QuickCheck ( (===), Arbitrary ) import Test.Tasty import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC main :: IO () main = do Test.DocTest.doctest [ "-isrc" , "-fobject-code" , "-Wno-warnings-deprecations" , "src/Proto3/Wire/Builder.hs" , "src/Proto3/Wire/Reverse.hs" , "src/Proto3/Wire/Encode.hs" , "src/Proto3/Wire/Decode.hs" ] defaultMain tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Tests" [ roundTripTests , buildSingleChunk , buildRBufferSizes , strictByteString , lazyByteString , decodeNonsense , varIntHeavyTests , packedLargeTests , decodeWireRoundTrip ] data StringOrInt64 = TString T.Text | TInt64 Int64 deriving (Show,Eq) instance QC.Arbitrary StringOrInt64 where arbitrary = QC.oneof [ TString . T.pack <$> QC.arbitrary, TInt64 <$> QC.arbitrary ] -- This just stress tests the fancy varint encodings with more randomness. varIntHeavyTests :: TestTree varIntHeavyTests = adjustOption (const $ QC.QuickCheckTests 10000) $ roundTrip "varInt uint test" (Encode.uint64 (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.uint64 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) roundTripTests :: TestTree roundTripTests = testGroup "Roundtrip tests" [ roundTrip "int32" (Encode.int32 (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.int32 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "int64" (Encode.int64 (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.int64 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "sint32" (Encode.sint32 (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.sint32 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "sint64" (Encode.sint64 (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.sint64 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "uint32" (Encode.uint32 (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.uint32 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "uint64" (Encode.uint64 (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.uint64 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "fixed32" (Encode.fixed32 (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.fixed32 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "fixed64" (Encode.fixed64 (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.fixed64 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "sfixed32" (Encode.sfixed32 (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.sfixed32 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "sfixed64" (Encode.sfixed64 (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.sfixed64 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "float" (Encode.float (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.float 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "double" (Encode.double (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.double 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "bool" (Encode.bool (fieldNumber 1)) (one Decode.bool False `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "text" (Encode.text (fieldNumber 1) . T.pack) (one (fmap T.unpack Decode.text) mempty `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "shortText" (Encode.shortText (fieldNumber 1) . TS.pack) (one (fmap TS.unpack Decode.shortText) mempty `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTripFor (QC.oneof [QC.arbitrary, genManyOctets]) "byteString" (Encode.byteString (fieldNumber 1) . B.pack) (one (fmap B.unpack Decode.byteString) mempty `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTripFor genLazyByteString "lazyByteString" (Encode.lazyByteString (fieldNumber 1)) (one (Decode.lazyByteString) mempty `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTripFor (QC.oneof [QC.arbitrary, genManyOctets]) "shortByteString" (Encode.shortByteString (fieldNumber 1) . BS.pack) (one (fmap BS.unpack Decode.shortByteString) mempty `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "embedded" (Encode.embedded (fieldNumber 1) . Encode.int32 (fieldNumber 1)) (fmap (fromMaybe 0) (Decode.embedded (one Decode.int32 0 `at` fieldNumber 1)) `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "embeddedListPackedVarints" (Encode.embedded (fieldNumber 1) . Encode.packedVarints (fieldNumber 1)) (fmap (fromMaybe [0,1,2,3,4]) (Decode.embedded (one Decode.packedVarints [] `at` fieldNumber 1)) `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "embeddedListPackedFixed32" (Encode.embedded (fieldNumber 1) . Encode.packedFixed32 (fieldNumber 1)) (fmap (fromMaybe [0,1,2,3,4]) (Decode.embedded (one Decode.packedFixed32 [] `at` fieldNumber 1)) `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "embeddedListPackedFixed64" (Encode.embedded (fieldNumber 1) . Encode.packedFixed64 (fieldNumber 1)) (fmap (fromMaybe [0,1,2,3,4]) (Decode.embedded (one Decode.packedFixed64 [] `at` fieldNumber 1)) `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "embeddedListPackedFloats" (Encode.embedded (fieldNumber 1) . Encode.packedFloats (fieldNumber 1)) (fmap (fromMaybe [0,1,2,3,4]) (Decode.embedded (one Decode.packedFloats [] `at` fieldNumber 1)) `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "embeddedListPackedDoubles" (Encode.embedded (fieldNumber 1) . Encode.packedDoubles (fieldNumber 1)) (fmap (fromMaybe [0,1,2,3,4]) (Decode.embedded (one Decode.packedDoubles [] `at` fieldNumber 1)) `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "embeddedListUnpacked" (Encode.embedded (fieldNumber 1) . (foldMap . Encode.int32) (fieldNumber 1)) (fmap (fromMaybe [0,1,2,3,4]) (Decode.embedded (repeated Decode.int32 `at` fieldNumber 1)) `at` fieldNumber 1) , roundTrip "multiple fields" (\(a, b) -> Encode.int32 (fieldNumber 1) a <> Encode.uint32 (fieldNumber 2) b) ((,) <$> one Decode.int32 0 `at` fieldNumber 1 <*> one Decode.uint32 0 `at` fieldNumber 2) , roundTrip "oneof" (\case Just (TString text) -> Encode.text (fieldNumber 3) text Just (TInt64 i) -> Encode.int64 (fieldNumber 2) i Nothing -> mempty ) (oneof Nothing [ (fieldNumber 2, Just . TInt64 <$> one Decode.int64 0) , (fieldNumber 3, Just . TString <$> one Decode.text mempty) ] ) , roundTrip "oneof-last" (\case Just (TString text) -> Encode.text (fieldNumber 3) "something" <> Encode.text (fieldNumber 3) text Just (TInt64 i) -> Encode.int64 (fieldNumber 2) 20000000 <> Encode.int64 (fieldNumber 2) i Nothing -> mempty ) (oneof Nothing [ (fieldNumber 2, Just . TInt64 <$> one Decode.int64 0) , (fieldNumber 3, Just . TString <$> one Decode.text mempty) ] ) ] roundTrip :: (Show a, Eq a, Arbitrary a) => String -> (a -> Encode.MessageBuilder) -> Decode.Parser Decode.RawMessage a -> TestTree roundTrip = roundTripFor QC.arbitrary roundTripFor :: (Show a, Eq a) => QC.Gen a -> String -> (a -> Encode.MessageBuilder) -> Decode.Parser Decode.RawMessage a -> TestTree roundTripFor gen name encode decode = QC.testProperty name $ QC.forAll gen $ \x -> let bytes = Encode.toLazyByteString (encode x) in case Decode.parse decode (BL.toStrict bytes) of Left _ -> error "Could not decode encoded message" Right x' -> x === x' genManyOctets :: QC.Gen [Word8] genManyOctets = QC.vector =<< QC.choose (BB.smallChunkSize - 64, BB.smallChunkSize + 64) genLazyByteString :: QC.Gen BL.ByteString genLazyByteString = do octets <- genManyOctets let total = length octets splits <- QC.listOf (QC.choose (0, total)) let go :: Int -> [Int] -> [Word8] -> [[Word8]] go x [] os = [take (total - x) os] go x (y : ys) os = let (o1, o2) = splitAt (y - x) os in o1 : go y ys o2 pure $ BL.fromChunks $ map B.pack $ go 0 (sort splits) octets decodeWireRoundTrip :: TestTree decodeWireRoundTrip = QC.testProperty "decodeWire round trips" $ \(inp :: [(FieldNumber, Int32)]) -> let bytes = Encode.toLazyByteString (foldMap (\(k, v) -> Encode.int32 k v) inp) x = map (second $ Decode.VarintField . fromIntegral) inp in case Decode.decodeWire (BL.toStrict bytes) of Left _ -> error "decodeWire failed" Right x' -> x === x' buildSingleChunk :: TestTree buildSingleChunk = HU.testCase "Legacy Builder creates a single chunk" $ do let chunks = length . BL.toChunks . Builder.toLazyByteString huge = B.replicate (BBI.maximalCopySize + 16) 1 huge2 = Builder.byteString huge <> Builder.byteString huge hugeL = BL.fromChunks [huge, huge] hugeL2 = Builder.lazyByteString hugeL <> Builder.lazyByteString hugeL HU.assertBool "single chunk (strict)" $ chunks huge2 == 1 HU.assertBool "single chunk (lazy)" $ chunks hugeL2 == 1 parseBytes :: Int64 -> StateT BL.ByteString Maybe BL.ByteString parseBytes n = StateT $ \bl -> do let (prefix, suffix) = BL.splitAt n bl guard (BL.length prefix == n) pure (prefix, suffix) -- | Parses a big-endian 64-bit unsigned integer. parseWord64BE :: StateT BL.ByteString Maybe Word64 parseWord64BE = do let be n bl = maybe n (j n) (BL.uncons bl) j n (h, t) = be (256 * n + fromIntegral h) t be 0 <$> parseBytes 8 -- | Consumes and returns the longest prefix whose bytes -- all satisfy the given predicate. Never fails. parseWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> StateT BL.ByteString Maybe BL.ByteString parseWhile p = StateT (Just . BL.span p) -- | Run-length encode lazy a 'BL.ByteString' -- for concise display in test results. rle :: BL.ByteString -> [(Int, Word8)] rle = map (NE.length &&& NE.head) . NE.group . BL.unpack -- | Please adjust this expected size of the metadata header -- to match that expected of the current implementation. buildRMeta :: Int buildRMeta = 2 * sizeOf (undefined :: Word) + sizeOf (undefined :: Double) buildRSmallChunkSize :: Int buildRSmallChunkSize = BBI.smallChunkSize - buildRMeta buildRDefaultChunkSize :: Int buildRDefaultChunkSize = BBI.defaultChunkSize - buildRMeta -- | Encodes the given 64-bit unsigned integer in big-endian format. encodeWord64BE :: Word64 -> B.ByteString encodeWord64BE = B.pack . go 8 where go n w | n <= 0 = [] | otherwise = fromIntegral (Bits.shiftR w (8 * (n - 1))) : go (n - 1) w -- | Writes the given byte into all the previously-unused -- bytes in the current buffer. fillUnused :: Word8 -> Reverse.BuildR fillUnused = fillUnusedExcept 0 -- | Like 'fillUnused', but writes fewer bytes in order to leave -- the specified number of bytes unused, unless we start with fewer, -- in which case there is no change at all. fillUnusedExcept :: Int -> Word8 -> Reverse.BuildR fillUnusedExcept unusedRemaining w8 = Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> foldMap (const (Reverse.word8 w8)) [unusedRemaining + 1 .. u] {-# NOINLINE fillUnusedExcept #-} -- In case rewrite rules would interfere with buffer boundaries, -- which may be fine normally, we forbid inlining of this probe. buildRBufferSizes :: TestTree buildRBufferSizes = HU.testCase "BuildR buffer sizes" $ do let builder1 m = Reverse.ensure (max 8 m) $ Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.word64BE (fromIntegral u) <> fillUnusedExcept 8 7 {-# NOINLINE builder1 #-} let builder3 = builder1 (buildRDefaultChunkSize + 1) <> builder1 0 <> builder1 0 let encodedBytes :: BL.ByteString encodedBytes = Reverse.toLazyByteString builder3 let parseBuffer :: StateT BL.ByteString Maybe Word64 parseBuffer = do n <- parseWord64BE _ <- parseBytes (max 0 (fromIntegral n - 8)) pure n let parseBuffer3 :: StateT BL.ByteString Maybe (Word64, Word64, Word64) parseBuffer3 = do x <- parseBuffer y <- parseBuffer z <- parseBuffer pure (x, y, z) let actual, expected :: Maybe ((Word64, Word64, Word64), [(Int, Word8)]) actual = second rle <$> runStateT parseBuffer3 encodedBytes expected = Just ((t, s, f), []) -- We build in reverse but parser forward; therefore -- the initial allocation is the final component. where t = fromIntegral buildRDefaultChunkSize + 1 s = fromIntegral buildRDefaultChunkSize f = fromIntegral buildRSmallChunkSize let msg = "run-length encoding of built bytes: " ++ show (rle encodedBytes) HU.assertEqual msg expected actual strictByteString :: TestTree strictByteString = HU.testCase "Strict ByteString BuildR" $ do -- Because the initial buffer has a distinctive size we can use -- to distinguish it from other buffers, we start with a string -- that does not fit in that buffer, so that we can check that -- the buffer is reused as-is after those strings, not reallocated. let builder1 = Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.byteString $ B.replicate (buildRSmallChunkSize + 1) 10 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) {-# NOINLINE builder1 #-} -- Then we write strings that do fit within the initial buffer. let builder2 = Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.byteString $ B.replicate 3 20 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) {-# NOINLINE builder2 #-} let builder3 = Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.byteString $ B.replicate 3 30 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) {-# NOINLINE builder3 #-} -- Then we check the just-enough-room case, which incidentally -- ensures that we use enough of the initial buffer that it -- will not be recycled. let builder4 = ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.byteString $ B.replicate 3 40 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) ) <> fillUnusedExcept 11 (0xD0 - 4) <> ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.byteString $ encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) ) {-# NOINLINE builder4 #-} -- Then the case of the almost-full-buffer with not quite enough room. let builder5 = ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.byteString $ B.replicate 3 50 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) ) <> fillUnusedExcept 10 (0xD0 - 5) <> ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.byteString $ encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) ) {-# NOINLINE builder5 #-} -- Then the full-buffer case. let builder6 = ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.byteString $ B.replicate 3 60 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) ) <> fillUnused (0xD0 - 6) <> ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.byteString $ encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) ) {-# NOINLINE builder6 #-} -- Check final unused. let builder7 = ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.byteString $ B.replicate 3 70 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) ) {-# NOINLINE builder7 #-} let buildAll = builder7 <> builder6 <> builder5 <> builder4 <> builder3 <> builder2 <> builder1 let encodedBytes :: BL.ByteString encodedBytes = Reverse.toLazyByteString buildAll let parseFixed :: Int64 -> Word8 -> StateT BL.ByteString Maybe () parseFixed n w = do bl <- parseBytes n guard (BL.all (w ==) bl) let parsePad :: Word8 -> StateT BL.ByteString Maybe () parsePad = void . parseWhile . (==) let parseAll :: StateT BL.ByteString Maybe ( Word64, (Word64, Word64), (Word64, Word64), (Word64, Word64), Word64, Word64, Word64 ) parseAll = do parseFixed 3 70 u7 <- parseWord64BE parseFixed 3 60 u6B <- parseWord64BE parsePad (0xD0 - 6) u6A <- parseWord64BE parseFixed 3 50 u5B <- parseWord64BE parsePad (0xD0 - 5) u5A <- parseWord64BE parseFixed 3 40 u4B <- parseWord64BE parsePad (0xD0 - 4) u4A <- parseWord64BE parseFixed 3 30 u3 <- parseWord64BE parseFixed 3 20 u2 <- parseWord64BE parseFixed (fromIntegral (buildRSmallChunkSize + 1)) 10 u1 <- parseWord64BE pure (u7, (u6B, u6A), (u5B, u5A), (u4B, u4A), u3, u2, u1) let actual, expected :: Maybe ( ( Word64, (Word64, Word64), (Word64, Word64) , (Word64, Word64), Word64, Word64, Word64 ) , [(Int, Word8)] ) actual = second rle <$> runStateT parseAll encodedBytes expected = Just ((u7, (u6B,u6A), (u5B,u5A), (u4B, u4A), u3, u2, u1), []) where u1 = fromIntegral $ buildRSmallChunkSize -- before we wrote anything u2 = fromIntegral $ buildRSmallChunkSize -- bypassed unused buffer u3 = fromIntegral $ buildRSmallChunkSize - 11 -- after second write u4A = fromIntegral $ buildRSmallChunkSize - 22 -- after third write u4B = 11 -- after padding u5A = 0 -- buffer full from previous write u5B = 10 -- after padding u6A = fromIntegral $ buildRDefaultChunkSize -- new buffer after bypassing used buffer u6B = 0 -- buffer completely full u7 = fromIntegral $ buildRDefaultChunkSize -- new buffer after bypassing used buffer let msg = "run-length encoding of built bytes: " ++ show (rle encodedBytes) HU.assertEqual msg expected actual lazyByteString :: TestTree lazyByteString = HU.testCase "Strict ByteString BuildR" $ do -- Because the initial buffer has a distinctive size we can use -- to distinguish it from other buffers, we start with a string -- whose chunks do not fit in that buffer, so that we can check that -- the buffer is reused as-is after those strings, not reallocated. let builder1 = Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.lazyByteString $ BL.fromStrict ( B.replicate (buildRSmallChunkSize + 1) 12 ) <> BL.fromStrict ( B.replicate (buildRSmallChunkSize + 1) 11 ) <> BL.fromStrict ( B.replicate (buildRSmallChunkSize + 1) 10 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) ) {-# NOINLINE builder1 #-} -- Then we write a string whose rightmost two chunks do fit -- within the initial buffer but whose leftmost chunk does -- not fit after the others are written. We ensure that most -- of the initial buffer is consumed because otherwise it might -- be recycled, which would prevent us from detecting that some -- chunks were actually written to the buffer. let builder2 = Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.lazyByteString $ BL.fromStrict ( B.replicate 3 22 ) <> BL.fromStrict ( B.replicate (buildRSmallChunkSize + 1 - 14) 21 ) <> BL.fromStrict ( B.replicate 3 20 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) ) {-# NOINLINE builder2 #-} -- And a string that fits entirely within the second buffer. let builder3 = Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.lazyByteString $ BL.fromStrict ( B.replicate 3 32 ) <> BL.fromStrict ( B.replicate 3 31 ) <> BL.fromStrict ( B.replicate 3 30 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u) ) {-# NOINLINE builder3 #-} -- Then we check the just-enough-room case. let builder4 = ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.lazyByteString $ BL.fromStrict (B.replicate 3 41) <> BL.fromStrict (B.replicate 3 40 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u)) ) <> fillUnusedExcept 14 (0xD0 - 4) <> ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.lazyByteString $ BL.fromStrict (encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u)) ) {-# NOINLINE builder4 #-} -- Then the case of the almost-full-buffer with not quite enough room. let builder5 = ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.lazyByteString $ BL.fromStrict (B.replicate 3 51) <> BL.fromStrict (B.replicate 3 50 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u)) ) <> fillUnusedExcept 13 (0xD0 - 5) <> ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.lazyByteString $ BL.fromStrict (encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u)) ) {-# NOINLINE builder5 #-} -- Then the full-buffer case. let builder6 = ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.lazyByteString $ BL.fromStrict (B.replicate 3 61) <> BL.fromStrict (B.replicate 3 60 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u)) ) <> fillUnused (0xD0 - 6) <> ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.lazyByteString $ BL.fromStrict (encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u)) ) {-# NOINLINE builder6 #-} -- Check final unused. let builder7 = ( Reverse.testWithUnused $ \u -> Reverse.lazyByteString $ BL.fromStrict (B.replicate 3 70 <> encodeWord64BE (fromIntegral u)) ) {-# NOINLINE builder7 #-} let buildAll = builder7 <> builder6 <> builder5 <> builder4 <> builder3 <> builder2 <> builder1 let encodedBytes :: BL.ByteString encodedBytes = Reverse.toLazyByteString buildAll let parseFixed :: Int64 -> Word8 -> StateT BL.ByteString Maybe () parseFixed n w = do bl <- parseBytes n guard (BL.all (w ==) bl) let parsePad :: Word8 -> StateT BL.ByteString Maybe () parsePad = void . parseWhile . (==) let parseAll :: StateT BL.ByteString Maybe ( Word64, (Word64, Word64), (Word64, Word64), (Word64, Word64), Word64, Word64, Word64 ) parseAll = do parseFixed 3 70 u7 <- parseWord64BE parseFixed 3 61 parseFixed 3 60 u6B <- parseWord64BE parsePad (0xD0 - 6) u6A <- parseWord64BE parseFixed 3 51 parseFixed 3 50 u5B <- parseWord64BE parsePad (0xD0 - 5) u5A <- parseWord64BE parseFixed 3 41 parseFixed 3 40 u4B <- parseWord64BE parsePad (0xD0 - 4) u4A <- parseWord64BE parseFixed 3 32 parseFixed 3 31 parseFixed 3 30 u3 <- parseWord64BE parseFixed 3 22 parseFixed (fromIntegral (buildRSmallChunkSize + 1 - 14)) 21 parseFixed 3 20 u2 <- parseWord64BE parseFixed (fromIntegral (buildRSmallChunkSize + 1)) 12 parseFixed (fromIntegral (buildRSmallChunkSize + 1)) 11 parseFixed (fromIntegral (buildRSmallChunkSize + 1)) 10 u1 <- parseWord64BE pure (u7, (u6B, u6A), (u5B, u5A), (u4B, u4A), u3, u2, u1) let actual, expected :: Maybe ( ( Word64, (Word64, Word64), (Word64, Word64) , (Word64, Word64), Word64, Word64, Word64 ) , [(Int, Word8)] ) actual = second rle <$> runStateT parseAll encodedBytes expected = Just ((u7, (u6B,u6A), (u5B,u5A), (u4B, u4A), u3, u2, u1), []) where u1 = fromIntegral $ buildRSmallChunkSize -- before we wrote anything u2 = fromIntegral $ buildRSmallChunkSize -- bypassed unused buffer u3 = fromIntegral $ buildRDefaultChunkSize -- after second write u4A = fromIntegral $ buildRDefaultChunkSize - 17 -- after third write u4B = 14 -- after padding u5A = 0 -- buffer full from previous write u5B = 13 -- after padding u6A = fromIntegral $ buildRDefaultChunkSize -- new buffer after bypassing used buffer u6B = 0 -- buffer completely full u7 = fromIntegral $ buildRDefaultChunkSize -- new buffer after bypassing used buffer let msg = "run-length encoding of built bytes: " ++ show (rle encodedBytes) HU.assertEqual msg expected actual decodeNonsense :: TestTree decodeNonsense = HU.testCase "Decoding a nonsensical string fails." $ do let decoded = Decode.parse (one Decode.fixed64 0 `at` fieldNumber 1) "test" HU.assertBool "decode fails" $ isLeft decoded packedLargeTests :: TestTree packedLargeTests = testGroup "Test packed encoders on large inputs" [ packedVarints_large , packedVarintsV_large , packedBoolsV_large , packedFixed32_large , packedFixed32V_large , packedFixed64_large , packedFixed64V_large , packedFloats_large , packedFloatsV_large , packedDoubles_large , packedDoublesV_large ] packedVarints_large :: TestTree packedVarints_large = HU.testCase "Large packedVarints" $ do let count = 40000 encoded = Encode.toLazyByteString (Encode.packedVarints 13 [1 .. count]) decoded = Decode.parse (one Decode.packedVarints [] `at` fieldNumber 13) (BL.toStrict encoded) HU.assertEqual "round trip" (Right [1 .. count]) decoded packedVarintsV_large :: TestTree packedVarintsV_large = HU.testCase "Large packedVarintsV" $ do let count = 40000 encoded = Encode.toLazyByteString (Encode.packedVarintsV (1 +) 13 (V.fromList [1 .. count])) decoded = Decode.parse (one Decode.packedVarints [] `at` fieldNumber 13) (BL.toStrict encoded) HU.assertEqual "round trip" (Right [2 .. count + 1]) decoded packedBoolsV_large :: TestTree packedBoolsV_large = HU.testCase "Large packedBoolsV" $ do let count = 40000 :: Int values = map (flip Bits.testBit 0) [1 .. count] encoded = Encode.toLazyByteString (Encode.packedBoolsV not 13 (V.fromList values)) decoded = Decode.parse (one Decode.packedVarints [] `at` fieldNumber 13) (BL.toStrict encoded) HU.assertEqual "round trip" (Right (map (fromEnum . not) values)) decoded packedFixed32_large :: TestTree packedFixed32_large = HU.testCase "Large packedFixed32" $ do let count = 40000 encoded = Encode.toLazyByteString (Encode.packedFixed32 13 [1 .. count]) decoded = Decode.parse (one Decode.packedFixed32 [] `at` fieldNumber 13) (BL.toStrict encoded) HU.assertEqual "round trip" (Right [1 .. count]) decoded packedFixed32V_large :: TestTree packedFixed32V_large = HU.testCase "Large packedFixed32V" $ do let count = 40000 encoded = Encode.toLazyByteString (Encode.packedFixed32V (1 +) 13 (V.fromList [1 .. count])) decoded = Decode.parse (one Decode.packedFixed32 [] `at` fieldNumber 13) (BL.toStrict encoded) HU.assertEqual "round trip" (Right [2 .. count + 1]) decoded packedFixed64_large :: TestTree packedFixed64_large = HU.testCase "Large packedFixed64" $ do let count = 40000 encoded = Encode.toLazyByteString (Encode.packedFixed64 13 [1 .. count]) decoded = Decode.parse (one Decode.packedFixed64 [] `at` fieldNumber 13) (BL.toStrict encoded) HU.assertEqual "round trip" (Right [1 .. count]) decoded packedFixed64V_large :: TestTree packedFixed64V_large = HU.testCase "Large packedFixed64V" $ do let count = 40000 encoded = Encode.toLazyByteString (Encode.packedFixed64V (1 +) 13 (V.fromList [1 .. count])) decoded = Decode.parse (one Decode.packedFixed64 [] `at` fieldNumber 13) (BL.toStrict encoded) HU.assertEqual "round trip" (Right [2 .. count + 1]) decoded packedFloats_large :: TestTree packedFloats_large = HU.testCase "Large packedFloats" $ do let count = 40000 encoded = Encode.toLazyByteString (Encode.packedFloats 13 [1 .. count]) decoded = Decode.parse (one Decode.packedFloats [] `at` fieldNumber 13) (BL.toStrict encoded) HU.assertEqual "round trip" (Right [1 .. count]) decoded packedFloatsV_large :: TestTree packedFloatsV_large = HU.testCase "Large packedFloatsV" $ do let count = 40000 encoded = Encode.toLazyByteString (Encode.packedFloatsV (1 +) 13 (V.fromList [1 .. count])) decoded = Decode.parse (one Decode.packedFloats [] `at` fieldNumber 13) (BL.toStrict encoded) HU.assertEqual "round trip" (Right [2 .. count + 1]) decoded packedDoubles_large :: TestTree packedDoubles_large = HU.testCase "Large packedDoubles" $ do let count = 40000 encoded = Encode.toLazyByteString (Encode.packedDoubles 13 [1 .. count]) decoded = Decode.parse (one Decode.packedDoubles [] `at` fieldNumber 13) (BL.toStrict encoded) HU.assertEqual "round trip" (Right [1 .. count]) decoded packedDoublesV_large :: TestTree packedDoublesV_large = HU.testCase "Large packedDoublesV" $ do let count = 40000 encoded = Encode.toLazyByteString (Encode.packedDoublesV (1 +) 13 (V.fromList [1 .. count])) decoded = Decode.parse (one Decode.packedDoubles [] `at` fieldNumber 13) (BL.toStrict encoded) HU.assertEqual "round trip" (Right [2 .. count + 1]) decoded