cabal-version: >=1.10 name: proto3-wire version: 1.4.3 synopsis: A low-level implementation of the Protocol Buffers (version 3) wire format license: Apache-2.0 license-file: LICENSE author: Arista Networks maintainer: Arista Networks copyright: 2017 Awake Security, 2021 Arista Networks category: Codec build-type: Simple extra-source-files: source-repository head type: git location: library default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -O2 -fobject-code -Wall -- Add any other architectures on which an unaligned poke of a multibyte -- value would succeed and be faster than writing the bytes one by one. if arch(x86_64) || arch(i386) cpp-options: -DUNALIGNED_POKES build-depends: base >=4.12 && <=5.0 , bytestring >= && <0.13.0 , cereal >= 0.5.1 && <0.6 , containers >=0.5 && < 0.8 , deepseq >=1.4 && <1.6 , hashable <1.5 , parameterized >= && <1 , primitive >=0.6.4 && <0.10 , safe ==0.3.* , template-haskell >= 2.15.0 && < 2.23 , text >= 0.2 && <2.2 , text-short ==0.1.* , transformers >= && <0.7 , unordered-containers >= && <0.3 , vector >= && <0.14 , QuickCheck >=2.8 && <3.0 , word-compat >= 0.0.6 exposed-modules: Proto3.Wire Proto3.Wire.Builder Proto3.Wire.Class Proto3.Wire.Decode Proto3.Wire.Encode Proto3.Wire.Reverse Proto3.Wire.Reverse.Prim Proto3.Wire.Tutorial Proto3.Wire.Types Proto3.Wire.Reverse.Internal other-modules: Proto3.Wire.Reverse.Width test-suite tests type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: test default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: base >=4.9 && <=5.0 , bytestring >= && <0.13.0 , cereal >= 0.5.1 && <0.6 , doctest >= 0.7.0 && <0.23.0 , proto3-wire , QuickCheck >=2.8 && <3.0 , tasty >= 0.11 && <1.6 , tasty-hunit >= 0.9 && <0.11 , tasty-quickcheck >= 0.8.4 && <0.11 , text >= 0.2 && <2.2 , text-short ==0.1.* , transformers >= && <0.7 , vector >= && <0.14 benchmark bench default-language: Haskell2010 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: bench main-is: Main.hs ghc-options: -O2 -Wall build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5 , bytestring , criterion , proto3-wire , random