{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}

-- | Generated by Haskell protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
module TestProtoOneofImport where
import qualified Prelude as Hs
import qualified Proto3.Suite.Class as HsProtobuf
import qualified Proto3.Suite.DotProto as HsProtobuf
import qualified Proto3.Suite.JSONPB as HsJSONPB
import Proto3.Suite.JSONPB ((.=), (.:))
import qualified Proto3.Suite.Types as HsProtobuf
import qualified Proto3.Wire as HsProtobuf
import qualified Control.Applicative as Hs
import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<|>), (<$>))
import qualified Control.DeepSeq as Hs
import qualified Control.Monad as Hs
import qualified Data.ByteString as Hs
import qualified Data.Coerce as Hs
import qualified Data.Int as Hs (Int16, Int32, Int64)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as Hs (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.Map as Hs (Map, mapKeysMonotonic)
import qualified Data.Proxy as Proxy
import qualified Data.String as Hs (fromString)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Hs (Text)
import qualified Data.Vector as Hs (Vector)
import qualified Data.Word as Hs (Word16, Word32, Word64)
import qualified GHC.Enum as Hs
import qualified GHC.Generics as Hs
import qualified Unsafe.Coerce as Hs
data AMessage = AMessage{amessageX :: Hs.Text,
                         amessageY :: Hs.Int32}
              deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named AMessage where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "AMessage")
instance HsProtobuf.HasDefault AMessage
instance HsProtobuf.Message AMessage where
        encodeMessage _
          AMessage{amessageX = amessageX, amessageY = amessageY}
          = (Hs.mconcat
               [(HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
                (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2)
        decodeMessage _
          = (Hs.pure AMessage) <*>
              (HsProtobuf.at HsProtobuf.decodeMessageField
                 (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1))
              (HsProtobuf.at HsProtobuf.decodeMessageField
                 (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2))
        dotProto _
          = [(HsProtobuf.DotProtoField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
                (HsProtobuf.Prim HsProtobuf.String)
                (HsProtobuf.Single "x")
             (HsProtobuf.DotProtoField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2)
                (HsProtobuf.Prim HsProtobuf.Int32)
                (HsProtobuf.Single "y")
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSONPB AMessage where
        toJSONPB (AMessage f1 f2)
          = (HsJSONPB.object ["x" .= f1, "y" .= f2])
        toEncodingPB (AMessage f1 f2)
          = (HsJSONPB.pairs ["x" .= f1, "y" .= f2])
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSONPB AMessage where
          = (HsJSONPB.withObject "AMessage"
               (\ obj -> (Hs.pure AMessage) <*> obj .: "x" <*> obj .: "y"))
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSON AMessage where
        toJSON = HsJSONPB.toAesonValue
        toEncoding = HsJSONPB.toAesonEncoding
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSON AMessage where
        parseJSON = HsJSONPB.parseJSONPB
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema AMessage where
        declareNamedSchema _
          = do let declare_x = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               amessageX <- declare_x Proxy.Proxy
               let declare_y = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               amessageY <- declare_y Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure AMessage <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_x <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_y
                 (HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
                                         Hs.Just "AMessage",
                                       HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
                                         Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
                                                     Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
                                                                 Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
                                                       [("x", amessageX), ("y", amessageY)]}})
newtype WithOneof = WithOneof{withOneofPickOne ::
                              Hs.Maybe WithOneofPickOne}
                    deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named WithOneof where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "WithOneof")
instance HsProtobuf.HasDefault WithOneof
instance HsProtobuf.Message WithOneof where
        encodeMessage _ WithOneof{withOneofPickOne = withOneofPickOne}
          = (Hs.mconcat
               [case withOneofPickOne of
                    Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty
                    Hs.Just x
                      -> case x of
                             WithOneofPickOneA y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
                                     (HsProtobuf.ForceEmit y))
                             WithOneofPickOneB y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2)
                                     (HsProtobuf.ForceEmit y))
                             WithOneofPickOneC y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 3)
                                     (Hs.coerce @(Hs.Maybe TestProtoOneofImport.AMessage)
                                        @(HsProtobuf.Nested TestProtoOneofImport.AMessage)
                                        (Hs.Just y)))])
        decodeMessage _
          = (Hs.pure WithOneof) <*>
              (HsProtobuf.oneof Hs.Nothing
                 [((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.Just Hs.. WithOneofPickOneA)) <*>
                  ((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.Just Hs.. WithOneofPickOneB)) <*>
                  ((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 3),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.fmap WithOneofPickOneC)) <*>
                     (Hs.coerce @(_ (HsProtobuf.Nested TestProtoOneofImport.AMessage))
                        @(_ (Hs.Maybe TestProtoOneofImport.AMessage))
        dotProto _ = []
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSONPB WithOneof where
        toJSONPB (WithOneof f1_or_f2_or_f3)
          = (HsJSONPB.object
               [(let encodePickOne
                       = (case f1_or_f2_or_f3 of
                              Hs.Just (WithOneofPickOneA f1) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "a" f1)
                              Hs.Just (WithOneofPickOneB f2) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "b" f2)
                              Hs.Just (WithOneofPickOneC f3) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "c" f3)
                              Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty)
                   \ options ->
                     if HsJSONPB.optEmitNamedOneof options then
                       ("pickOne" .= (HsJSONPB.objectOrNull [encodePickOne] options))
                       else encodePickOne options)])
        toEncodingPB (WithOneof f1_or_f2_or_f3)
          = (HsJSONPB.pairs
               [(let encodePickOne
                       = (case f1_or_f2_or_f3 of
                              Hs.Just (WithOneofPickOneA f1) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "a" f1)
                              Hs.Just (WithOneofPickOneB f2) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "b" f2)
                              Hs.Just (WithOneofPickOneC f3) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "c" f3)
                              Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty)
                   \ options ->
                     if HsJSONPB.optEmitNamedOneof options then
                       ("pickOne" .= (HsJSONPB.pairsOrNull [encodePickOne] options))
                       else encodePickOne options)])
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSONPB WithOneof where
          = (HsJSONPB.withObject "WithOneof"
               (\ obj ->
                  (Hs.pure WithOneof) <*>
                    (let parsePickOne parseObj
                           = Hs.msum
                               [Hs.Just Hs.. WithOneofPickOneA <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "a"),
                                Hs.Just Hs.. WithOneofPickOneB <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "b"),
                                Hs.Just Hs.. WithOneofPickOneC <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "c"),
                                Hs.pure Hs.Nothing]
                       ((obj .: "pickOne") Hs.>>=
                          (HsJSONPB.withObject "pickOne" parsePickOne))
                         <|> (parsePickOne obj))))
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSON WithOneof where
        toJSON = HsJSONPB.toAesonValue
        toEncoding = HsJSONPB.toAesonEncoding
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSON WithOneof where
        parseJSON = HsJSONPB.parseJSONPB
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema WithOneof where
        declareNamedSchema _
          = do let declare_pickOne = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               withOneofPickOne <- declare_pickOne Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure WithOneof <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_pickOne
                 (HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
                                         Hs.Just "WithOneof",
                                       HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
                                         Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
                                                     Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
                                                                 Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
                                                       [("pickOne", withOneofPickOne)]}})
data WithOneofPickOne = WithOneofPickOneA Hs.Text
                      | WithOneofPickOneB Hs.Int32
                      | WithOneofPickOneC TestProtoOneofImport.AMessage
                      deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named WithOneofPickOne where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "WithOneofPickOne")
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema WithOneofPickOne where
        declareNamedSchema _
          = do let declare_a = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               withOneofPickOneA <- declare_a Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure WithOneofPickOneA <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_a
               let declare_b = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               withOneofPickOneB <- declare_b Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure WithOneofPickOneB <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_b
               let declare_c = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               withOneofPickOneC <- declare_c Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure WithOneofPickOneC <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_c
                 (HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
                                         Hs.Just "WithOneofPickOne",
                                       HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
                                         Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
                                                     Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
                                                                 Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
                                                       [("a", withOneofPickOneA),
                                                        ("b", withOneofPickOneB),
                                                        ("c", withOneofPickOneC)],
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaMinProperties = Hs.Just 1,
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaMaxProperties = Hs.Just 1}})