{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}

-- | Generated by Haskell protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
module TestProtoOneof where
import qualified Prelude as Hs
import qualified Proto3.Suite.Class as HsProtobuf
import qualified Proto3.Suite.DotProto as HsProtobuf
import qualified Proto3.Suite.JSONPB as HsJSONPB
import Proto3.Suite.JSONPB ((.=), (.:))
import qualified Proto3.Suite.Types as HsProtobuf
import qualified Proto3.Wire as HsProtobuf
import qualified Control.Applicative as Hs
import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<|>), (<$>))
import qualified Control.DeepSeq as Hs
import qualified Control.Monad as Hs
import qualified Data.ByteString as Hs
import qualified Data.Coerce as Hs
import qualified Data.Int as Hs (Int16, Int32, Int64)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as Hs (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.Map as Hs (Map, mapKeysMonotonic)
import qualified Data.Proxy as Proxy
import qualified Data.String as Hs (fromString)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Hs (Text)
import qualified Data.Vector as Hs (Vector)
import qualified Data.Word as Hs (Word16, Word32, Word64)
import qualified GHC.Enum as Hs
import qualified GHC.Generics as Hs
import qualified Unsafe.Coerce as Hs
import qualified TestProtoOneofImport
newtype DummyMsg = DummyMsg{dummyMsgDummy :: Hs.Int32}
                   deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named DummyMsg where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "DummyMsg")
instance HsProtobuf.HasDefault DummyMsg
instance HsProtobuf.Message DummyMsg where
        encodeMessage _ DummyMsg{dummyMsgDummy = dummyMsgDummy}
          = (Hs.mconcat
               [(HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
        decodeMessage _
          = (Hs.pure DummyMsg) <*>
              (HsProtobuf.at HsProtobuf.decodeMessageField
                 (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1))
        dotProto _
          = [(HsProtobuf.DotProtoField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
                (HsProtobuf.Prim HsProtobuf.Int32)
                (HsProtobuf.Single "dummy")
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSONPB DummyMsg where
        toJSONPB (DummyMsg f1) = (HsJSONPB.object ["dummy" .= f1])
        toEncodingPB (DummyMsg f1) = (HsJSONPB.pairs ["dummy" .= f1])
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSONPB DummyMsg where
          = (HsJSONPB.withObject "DummyMsg"
               (\ obj -> (Hs.pure DummyMsg) <*> obj .: "dummy"))
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSON DummyMsg where
        toJSON = HsJSONPB.toAesonValue
        toEncoding = HsJSONPB.toAesonEncoding
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSON DummyMsg where
        parseJSON = HsJSONPB.parseJSONPB
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema DummyMsg where
        declareNamedSchema _
          = do let declare_dummy = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               dummyMsgDummy <- declare_dummy Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure DummyMsg <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_dummy
                 (HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
                                         Hs.Just "DummyMsg",
                                       HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
                                         Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
                                                     Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
                                                                 Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
                                                       [("dummy", dummyMsgDummy)]}})
data DummyEnum = DummyEnumDUMMY0
               | DummyEnumDUMMY1
               deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named DummyEnum where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "DummyEnum")
instance HsProtobuf.HasDefault DummyEnum
instance Hs.Bounded DummyEnum where
        minBound = DummyEnumDUMMY0
        maxBound = DummyEnumDUMMY1
instance Hs.Ord DummyEnum where
        compare x y
          = Hs.compare (HsProtobuf.fromProtoEnum x)
              (HsProtobuf.fromProtoEnum y)
instance HsProtobuf.ProtoEnum DummyEnum where
        toProtoEnumMay 0 = Hs.Just DummyEnumDUMMY0
        toProtoEnumMay 1 = Hs.Just DummyEnumDUMMY1
        toProtoEnumMay _ = Hs.Nothing
        fromProtoEnum (DummyEnumDUMMY0) = 0
        fromProtoEnum (DummyEnumDUMMY1) = 1
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSONPB DummyEnum where
        toJSONPB x _ = HsJSONPB.enumFieldString x
        toEncodingPB x _ = HsJSONPB.enumFieldEncoding x
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSONPB DummyEnum where
        parseJSONPB (HsJSONPB.String "DUMMY0") = Hs.pure DummyEnumDUMMY0
        parseJSONPB (HsJSONPB.String "DUMMY1") = Hs.pure DummyEnumDUMMY1
        parseJSONPB v = (HsJSONPB.typeMismatch "DummyEnum" v)
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSON DummyEnum where
        toJSON = HsJSONPB.toAesonValue
        toEncoding = HsJSONPB.toAesonEncoding
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSON DummyEnum where
        parseJSON = HsJSONPB.parseJSONPB
instance HsProtobuf.Finite DummyEnum
data Something = Something{somethingValue :: Hs.Int64,
                           somethingAnother :: Hs.Int32,
                           somethingPickOne :: Hs.Maybe SomethingPickOne}
               deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named Something where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "Something")
instance HsProtobuf.HasDefault Something
instance HsProtobuf.Message Something where
        encodeMessage _
          Something{somethingValue = somethingValue,
                    somethingAnother = somethingAnother,
                    somethingPickOne = somethingPickOne}
          = (Hs.mconcat
               [(HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
                   (Hs.coerce @(Hs.Int64) @(HsProtobuf.Signed Hs.Int64)
                (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2)
                   (Hs.coerce @(Hs.Int32) @(HsProtobuf.Signed Hs.Int32)
                case somethingPickOne of
                    Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty
                    Hs.Just x
                      -> case x of
                             SomethingPickOneName y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 4)
                                     (HsProtobuf.ForceEmit y))
                             SomethingPickOneSomeid y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 9)
                                     (HsProtobuf.ForceEmit y))
                             SomethingPickOneDummyMsg1 y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 10)
                                     (Hs.coerce @(Hs.Maybe TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg)
                                        @(HsProtobuf.Nested TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg)
                                        (Hs.Just y)))
                             SomethingPickOneDummyMsg2 y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 11)
                                     (Hs.coerce @(Hs.Maybe TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg)
                                        @(HsProtobuf.Nested TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg)
                                        (Hs.Just y)))
                             SomethingPickOneDummyEnum y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 12)
                                     (HsProtobuf.ForceEmit y))])
        decodeMessage _
          = (Hs.pure Something) <*>
              (Hs.coerce @(_ (HsProtobuf.Signed Hs.Int64)) @(_ Hs.Int64)
                 (HsProtobuf.at HsProtobuf.decodeMessageField
                    (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)))
              (Hs.coerce @(_ (HsProtobuf.Signed Hs.Int32)) @(_ Hs.Int32)
                 (HsProtobuf.at HsProtobuf.decodeMessageField
                    (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2)))
              (HsProtobuf.oneof Hs.Nothing
                 [((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 4),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.Just Hs.. SomethingPickOneName)) <*>
                  ((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 9),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.Just Hs.. SomethingPickOneSomeid)) <*>
                  ((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 10),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.fmap SomethingPickOneDummyMsg1)) <*>
                     (Hs.coerce @(_ (HsProtobuf.Nested TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg))
                        @(_ (Hs.Maybe TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg))
                  ((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 11),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.fmap SomethingPickOneDummyMsg2)) <*>
                     (Hs.coerce @(_ (HsProtobuf.Nested TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg))
                        @(_ (Hs.Maybe TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg))
                  ((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 12),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.Just Hs.. SomethingPickOneDummyEnum)) <*>
        dotProto _
          = [(HsProtobuf.DotProtoField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
                (HsProtobuf.Prim HsProtobuf.SInt64)
                (HsProtobuf.Single "value")
             (HsProtobuf.DotProtoField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2)
                (HsProtobuf.Prim HsProtobuf.SInt32)
                (HsProtobuf.Single "another")
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSONPB Something where
        toJSONPB (Something f1 f2 f4_or_f9_or_f10_or_f11_or_f12)
          = (HsJSONPB.object
               ["value" .= f1, "another" .= f2,
                (let encodePickOne
                       = (case f4_or_f9_or_f10_or_f11_or_f12 of
                              Hs.Just (SomethingPickOneName f4) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "name" f4)
                              Hs.Just (SomethingPickOneSomeid f9) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "someid" f9)
                              Hs.Just (SomethingPickOneDummyMsg1 f10)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "dummyMsg1" f10)
                              Hs.Just (SomethingPickOneDummyMsg2 f11)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "dummyMsg2" f11)
                              Hs.Just (SomethingPickOneDummyEnum f12)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "dummyEnum" f12)
                              Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty)
                   \ options ->
                     if HsJSONPB.optEmitNamedOneof options then
                       ("pickOne" .= (HsJSONPB.objectOrNull [encodePickOne] options))
                       else encodePickOne options)])
        toEncodingPB (Something f1 f2 f4_or_f9_or_f10_or_f11_or_f12)
          = (HsJSONPB.pairs
               ["value" .= f1, "another" .= f2,
                (let encodePickOne
                       = (case f4_or_f9_or_f10_or_f11_or_f12 of
                              Hs.Just (SomethingPickOneName f4) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "name" f4)
                              Hs.Just (SomethingPickOneSomeid f9) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "someid" f9)
                              Hs.Just (SomethingPickOneDummyMsg1 f10)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "dummyMsg1" f10)
                              Hs.Just (SomethingPickOneDummyMsg2 f11)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "dummyMsg2" f11)
                              Hs.Just (SomethingPickOneDummyEnum f12)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "dummyEnum" f12)
                              Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty)
                   \ options ->
                     if HsJSONPB.optEmitNamedOneof options then
                       ("pickOne" .= (HsJSONPB.pairsOrNull [encodePickOne] options))
                       else encodePickOne options)])
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSONPB Something where
          = (HsJSONPB.withObject "Something"
               (\ obj ->
                  (Hs.pure Something) <*> obj .: "value" <*> obj .: "another" <*>
                    (let parsePickOne parseObj
                           = Hs.msum
                               [Hs.Just Hs.. SomethingPickOneName <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "name"),
                                Hs.Just Hs.. SomethingPickOneSomeid <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "someid"),
                                Hs.Just Hs.. SomethingPickOneDummyMsg1 <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "dummyMsg1"),
                                Hs.Just Hs.. SomethingPickOneDummyMsg2 <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "dummyMsg2"),
                                Hs.Just Hs.. SomethingPickOneDummyEnum <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "dummyEnum"),
                                Hs.pure Hs.Nothing]
                       ((obj .: "pickOne") Hs.>>=
                          (HsJSONPB.withObject "pickOne" parsePickOne))
                         <|> (parsePickOne obj))))
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSON Something where
        toJSON = HsJSONPB.toAesonValue
        toEncoding = HsJSONPB.toAesonEncoding
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSON Something where
        parseJSON = HsJSONPB.parseJSONPB
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema Something where
        declareNamedSchema _
          = do let declare_value = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               somethingValue <- declare_value Proxy.Proxy
               let declare_another = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               somethingAnother <- declare_another Proxy.Proxy
               let declare_pickOne = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               somethingPickOne <- declare_pickOne Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure Something <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_value <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_another
                         <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_pickOne
                 (HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
                                         Hs.Just "Something",
                                       HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
                                         Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
                                                     Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
                                                                 Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
                                                       [("value", somethingValue),
                                                        ("another", somethingAnother),
                                                        ("pickOne", somethingPickOne)]}})
data SomethingPickOne = SomethingPickOneName Hs.Text
                      | SomethingPickOneSomeid Hs.Int32
                      | SomethingPickOneDummyMsg1 TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg
                      | SomethingPickOneDummyMsg2 TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg
                      | SomethingPickOneDummyEnum (HsProtobuf.Enumerated
                      deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named SomethingPickOne where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "SomethingPickOne")
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema SomethingPickOne where
        declareNamedSchema _
          = do let declare_name = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               somethingPickOneName <- declare_name Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure SomethingPickOneName <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_name
               let declare_someid = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               somethingPickOneSomeid <- declare_someid Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure SomethingPickOneSomeid <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_someid
               let declare_dummyMsg1 = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               somethingPickOneDummyMsg1 <- declare_dummyMsg1 Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure SomethingPickOneDummyMsg1 <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_dummyMsg1
               let declare_dummyMsg2 = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               somethingPickOneDummyMsg2 <- declare_dummyMsg2 Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure SomethingPickOneDummyMsg2 <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_dummyMsg2
               let declare_dummyEnum = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               somethingPickOneDummyEnum <- declare_dummyEnum Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure SomethingPickOneDummyEnum <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_dummyEnum
                 (HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
                                         Hs.Just "SomethingPickOne",
                                       HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
                                         Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
                                                     Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
                                                                 Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
                                                       [("name", somethingPickOneName),
                                                        ("someid", somethingPickOneSomeid),
                                                        ("dummyMsg1", somethingPickOneDummyMsg1),
                                                        ("dummyMsg2", somethingPickOneDummyMsg2),
                                                        ("dummyEnum", somethingPickOneDummyEnum)],
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaMinProperties = Hs.Just 1,
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaMaxProperties = Hs.Just 1}})
data OneofFirst = OneofFirst{oneofFirstFirst ::
                             Hs.Maybe OneofFirstFirst,
                             oneofFirstLast :: Hs.Int32}
                deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named OneofFirst where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "OneofFirst")
instance HsProtobuf.HasDefault OneofFirst
instance HsProtobuf.Message OneofFirst where
        encodeMessage _
          OneofFirst{oneofFirstFirst = oneofFirstFirst,
                     oneofFirstLast = oneofFirstLast}
          = (Hs.mconcat
               [case oneofFirstFirst of
                    Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty
                    Hs.Just x
                      -> case x of
                             OneofFirstFirstChoice1 y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
                                     (HsProtobuf.ForceEmit y))
                             OneofFirstFirstChoice2 y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2)
                                     (HsProtobuf.ForceEmit y)),
                (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 3)
        decodeMessage _
          = (Hs.pure OneofFirst) <*>
              (HsProtobuf.oneof Hs.Nothing
                 [((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.Just Hs.. OneofFirstFirstChoice1)) <*>
                  ((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.Just Hs.. OneofFirstFirstChoice2)) <*>
              (HsProtobuf.at HsProtobuf.decodeMessageField
                 (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 3))
        dotProto _
          = [(HsProtobuf.DotProtoField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 3)
                (HsProtobuf.Prim HsProtobuf.Int32)
                (HsProtobuf.Single "last")
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSONPB OneofFirst where
        toJSONPB (OneofFirst f1_or_f2 f3)
          = (HsJSONPB.object
               [(let encodeFirst
                       = (case f1_or_f2 of
                              Hs.Just (OneofFirstFirstChoice1 f1) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "choice1" f1)
                              Hs.Just (OneofFirstFirstChoice2 f2) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "choice2" f2)
                              Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty)
                   \ options ->
                     if HsJSONPB.optEmitNamedOneof options then
                       ("first" .= (HsJSONPB.objectOrNull [encodeFirst] options)) options
                       else encodeFirst options),
                "last" .= f3])
        toEncodingPB (OneofFirst f1_or_f2 f3)
          = (HsJSONPB.pairs
               [(let encodeFirst
                       = (case f1_or_f2 of
                              Hs.Just (OneofFirstFirstChoice1 f1) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "choice1" f1)
                              Hs.Just (OneofFirstFirstChoice2 f2) -> (HsJSONPB.pair "choice2" f2)
                              Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty)
                   \ options ->
                     if HsJSONPB.optEmitNamedOneof options then
                       ("first" .= (HsJSONPB.pairsOrNull [encodeFirst] options)) options
                       else encodeFirst options),
                "last" .= f3])
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSONPB OneofFirst where
          = (HsJSONPB.withObject "OneofFirst"
               (\ obj ->
                  (Hs.pure OneofFirst) <*>
                    (let parseFirst parseObj
                           = Hs.msum
                               [Hs.Just Hs.. OneofFirstFirstChoice1 <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "choice1"),
                                Hs.Just Hs.. OneofFirstFirstChoice2 <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "choice2"),
                                Hs.pure Hs.Nothing]
                       ((obj .: "first") Hs.>>= (HsJSONPB.withObject "first" parseFirst))
                         <|> (parseFirst obj))
                    <*> obj .: "last"))
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSON OneofFirst where
        toJSON = HsJSONPB.toAesonValue
        toEncoding = HsJSONPB.toAesonEncoding
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSON OneofFirst where
        parseJSON = HsJSONPB.parseJSONPB
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema OneofFirst where
        declareNamedSchema _
          = do let declare_first = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               oneofFirstFirst <- declare_first Proxy.Proxy
               let declare_last = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               oneofFirstLast <- declare_last Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure OneofFirst <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_first <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_last
                 (HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
                                         Hs.Just "OneofFirst",
                                       HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
                                         Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
                                                     Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
                                                                 Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
                                                       [("first", oneofFirstFirst),
                                                        ("last", oneofFirstLast)]}})
data OneofFirstFirst = OneofFirstFirstChoice1 Hs.Text
                     | OneofFirstFirstChoice2 Hs.Text
                     deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named OneofFirstFirst where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "OneofFirstFirst")
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema OneofFirstFirst where
        declareNamedSchema _
          = do let declare_choice1 = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               oneofFirstFirstChoice1 <- declare_choice1 Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure OneofFirstFirstChoice1 <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_choice1
               let declare_choice2 = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               oneofFirstFirstChoice2 <- declare_choice2 Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure OneofFirstFirstChoice2 <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_choice2
                 (HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
                                         Hs.Just "OneofFirstFirst",
                                       HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
                                         Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
                                                     Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
                                                                 Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
                                                       [("choice1", oneofFirstFirstChoice1),
                                                        ("choice2", oneofFirstFirstChoice2)],
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaMinProperties = Hs.Just 1,
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaMaxProperties = Hs.Just 1}})
data OneofMiddle = OneofMiddle{oneofMiddleFirst :: Hs.Int32,
                               oneofMiddleMiddle :: Hs.Maybe OneofMiddleMiddle,
                               oneofMiddleLast :: Hs.Int32}
                 deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named OneofMiddle where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "OneofMiddle")
instance HsProtobuf.HasDefault OneofMiddle
instance HsProtobuf.Message OneofMiddle where
        encodeMessage _
          OneofMiddle{oneofMiddleFirst = oneofMiddleFirst,
                      oneofMiddleMiddle = oneofMiddleMiddle,
                      oneofMiddleLast = oneofMiddleLast}
          = (Hs.mconcat
               [(HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
                case oneofMiddleMiddle of
                    Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty
                    Hs.Just x
                      -> case x of
                             OneofMiddleMiddleChoice1 y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2)
                                     (HsProtobuf.ForceEmit y))
                             OneofMiddleMiddleChoice2 y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 3)
                                     (HsProtobuf.ForceEmit y)),
                (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 4)
        decodeMessage _
          = (Hs.pure OneofMiddle) <*>
              (HsProtobuf.at HsProtobuf.decodeMessageField
                 (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1))
              (HsProtobuf.oneof Hs.Nothing
                 [((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.Just Hs.. OneofMiddleMiddleChoice1)) <*>
                  ((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 3),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.Just Hs.. OneofMiddleMiddleChoice2)) <*>
              (HsProtobuf.at HsProtobuf.decodeMessageField
                 (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 4))
        dotProto _
          = [(HsProtobuf.DotProtoField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
                (HsProtobuf.Prim HsProtobuf.Int32)
                (HsProtobuf.Single "first")
             (HsProtobuf.DotProtoField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 4)
                (HsProtobuf.Prim HsProtobuf.Int32)
                (HsProtobuf.Single "last")
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSONPB OneofMiddle where
        toJSONPB (OneofMiddle f1 f2_or_f3 f4)
          = (HsJSONPB.object
               ["first" .= f1,
                (let encodeMiddle
                       = (case f2_or_f3 of
                              Hs.Just (OneofMiddleMiddleChoice1 f2)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "choice1" f2)
                              Hs.Just (OneofMiddleMiddleChoice2 f3)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "choice2" f3)
                              Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty)
                   \ options ->
                     if HsJSONPB.optEmitNamedOneof options then
                       ("middle" .= (HsJSONPB.objectOrNull [encodeMiddle] options))
                       else encodeMiddle options),
                "last" .= f4])
        toEncodingPB (OneofMiddle f1 f2_or_f3 f4)
          = (HsJSONPB.pairs
               ["first" .= f1,
                (let encodeMiddle
                       = (case f2_or_f3 of
                              Hs.Just (OneofMiddleMiddleChoice1 f2)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "choice1" f2)
                              Hs.Just (OneofMiddleMiddleChoice2 f3)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "choice2" f3)
                              Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty)
                   \ options ->
                     if HsJSONPB.optEmitNamedOneof options then
                       ("middle" .= (HsJSONPB.pairsOrNull [encodeMiddle] options)) options
                       else encodeMiddle options),
                "last" .= f4])
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSONPB OneofMiddle where
          = (HsJSONPB.withObject "OneofMiddle"
               (\ obj ->
                  (Hs.pure OneofMiddle) <*> obj .: "first" <*>
                    (let parseMiddle parseObj
                           = Hs.msum
                               [Hs.Just Hs.. OneofMiddleMiddleChoice1 <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "choice1"),
                                Hs.Just Hs.. OneofMiddleMiddleChoice2 <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "choice2"),
                                Hs.pure Hs.Nothing]
                       ((obj .: "middle") Hs.>>=
                          (HsJSONPB.withObject "middle" parseMiddle))
                         <|> (parseMiddle obj))
                    <*> obj .: "last"))
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSON OneofMiddle where
        toJSON = HsJSONPB.toAesonValue
        toEncoding = HsJSONPB.toAesonEncoding
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSON OneofMiddle where
        parseJSON = HsJSONPB.parseJSONPB
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema OneofMiddle where
        declareNamedSchema _
          = do let declare_first = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               oneofMiddleFirst <- declare_first Proxy.Proxy
               let declare_middle = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               oneofMiddleMiddle <- declare_middle Proxy.Proxy
               let declare_last = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               oneofMiddleLast <- declare_last Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure OneofMiddle <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_first <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_middle
                         <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_last
                 (HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
                                         Hs.Just "OneofMiddle",
                                       HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
                                         Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
                                                     Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
                                                                 Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
                                                       [("first", oneofMiddleFirst),
                                                        ("middle", oneofMiddleMiddle),
                                                        ("last", oneofMiddleLast)]}})
data OneofMiddleMiddle = OneofMiddleMiddleChoice1 Hs.Text
                       | OneofMiddleMiddleChoice2 Hs.Text
                       deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named OneofMiddleMiddle where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "OneofMiddleMiddle")
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema OneofMiddleMiddle where
        declareNamedSchema _
          = do let declare_choice1 = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               oneofMiddleMiddleChoice1 <- declare_choice1 Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure OneofMiddleMiddleChoice1 <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_choice1
               let declare_choice2 = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               oneofMiddleMiddleChoice2 <- declare_choice2 Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure OneofMiddleMiddleChoice2 <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_choice2
                 (HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
                                         Hs.Just "OneofMiddleMiddle",
                                       HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
                                         Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
                                                     Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
                                                                 Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
                                                       [("choice1", oneofMiddleMiddleChoice1),
                                                        ("choice2", oneofMiddleMiddleChoice2)],
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaMinProperties = Hs.Just 1,
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaMaxProperties = Hs.Just 1}})
newtype WithImported = WithImported{withImportedPickOne ::
                                    Hs.Maybe WithImportedPickOne}
                       deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named WithImported where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "WithImported")
instance HsProtobuf.HasDefault WithImported
instance HsProtobuf.Message WithImported where
        encodeMessage _
          WithImported{withImportedPickOne = withImportedPickOne}
          = (Hs.mconcat
               [case withImportedPickOne of
                    Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty
                    Hs.Just x
                      -> case x of
                             WithImportedPickOneDummyMsg1 y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1)
                                     (Hs.coerce @(Hs.Maybe TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg)
                                        @(HsProtobuf.Nested TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg)
                                        (Hs.Just y)))
                             WithImportedPickOneWithOneof y
                               -> (HsProtobuf.encodeMessageField (HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2)
                                     (Hs.coerce @(Hs.Maybe TestProtoOneofImport.WithOneof)
                                        @(HsProtobuf.Nested TestProtoOneofImport.WithOneof)
                                        (Hs.Just y)))])
        decodeMessage _
          = (Hs.pure WithImported) <*>
              (HsProtobuf.oneof Hs.Nothing
                 [((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 1),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.fmap WithImportedPickOneDummyMsg1)) <*>
                     (Hs.coerce @(_ (HsProtobuf.Nested TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg))
                        @(_ (Hs.Maybe TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg))
                  ((HsProtobuf.FieldNumber 2),
                   (Hs.pure (Hs.fmap WithImportedPickOneWithOneof)) <*>
                     (Hs.coerce @(_ (HsProtobuf.Nested TestProtoOneofImport.WithOneof))
                        @(_ (Hs.Maybe TestProtoOneofImport.WithOneof))
        dotProto _ = []
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSONPB WithImported where
        toJSONPB (WithImported f1_or_f2)
          = (HsJSONPB.object
               [(let encodePickOne
                       = (case f1_or_f2 of
                              Hs.Just (WithImportedPickOneDummyMsg1 f1)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "dummyMsg1" f1)
                              Hs.Just (WithImportedPickOneWithOneof f2)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "withOneof" f2)
                              Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty)
                   \ options ->
                     if HsJSONPB.optEmitNamedOneof options then
                       ("pickOne" .= (HsJSONPB.objectOrNull [encodePickOne] options))
                       else encodePickOne options)])
        toEncodingPB (WithImported f1_or_f2)
          = (HsJSONPB.pairs
               [(let encodePickOne
                       = (case f1_or_f2 of
                              Hs.Just (WithImportedPickOneDummyMsg1 f1)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "dummyMsg1" f1)
                              Hs.Just (WithImportedPickOneWithOneof f2)
                                -> (HsJSONPB.pair "withOneof" f2)
                              Hs.Nothing -> Hs.mempty)
                   \ options ->
                     if HsJSONPB.optEmitNamedOneof options then
                       ("pickOne" .= (HsJSONPB.pairsOrNull [encodePickOne] options))
                       else encodePickOne options)])
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSONPB WithImported where
          = (HsJSONPB.withObject "WithImported"
               (\ obj ->
                  (Hs.pure WithImported) <*>
                    (let parsePickOne parseObj
                           = Hs.msum
                               [Hs.Just Hs.. WithImportedPickOneDummyMsg1 <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "dummyMsg1"),
                                Hs.Just Hs.. WithImportedPickOneWithOneof <$>
                                  (HsJSONPB.parseField parseObj "withOneof"),
                                Hs.pure Hs.Nothing]
                       ((obj .: "pickOne") Hs.>>=
                          (HsJSONPB.withObject "pickOne" parsePickOne))
                         <|> (parsePickOne obj))))
instance HsJSONPB.ToJSON WithImported where
        toJSON = HsJSONPB.toAesonValue
        toEncoding = HsJSONPB.toAesonEncoding
instance HsJSONPB.FromJSON WithImported where
        parseJSON = HsJSONPB.parseJSONPB
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema WithImported where
        declareNamedSchema _
          = do let declare_pickOne = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               withImportedPickOne <- declare_pickOne Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure WithImported <*> HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_pickOne
                 (HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
                                         Hs.Just "WithImported",
                                       HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
                                         Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
                                                     Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
                                                                 Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
                                                       [("pickOne", withImportedPickOne)]}})
data WithImportedPickOne = WithImportedPickOneDummyMsg1 TestProtoOneof.DummyMsg
                         | WithImportedPickOneWithOneof TestProtoOneofImport.WithOneof
                         deriving (Hs.Show, Hs.Eq, Hs.Ord, Hs.Generic, Hs.NFData)
instance HsProtobuf.Named WithImportedPickOne where
        nameOf _ = (Hs.fromString "WithImportedPickOne")
instance HsJSONPB.ToSchema WithImportedPickOne where
        declareNamedSchema _
          = do let declare_dummyMsg1 = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               withImportedPickOneDummyMsg1 <- declare_dummyMsg1 Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure WithImportedPickOneDummyMsg1 <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_dummyMsg1
               let declare_withOneof = HsJSONPB.declareSchemaRef
               withImportedPickOneWithOneof <- declare_withOneof Proxy.Proxy
               let _ = Hs.pure WithImportedPickOneWithOneof <*>
                         HsJSONPB.asProxy declare_withOneof
                 (HsJSONPB.NamedSchema{HsJSONPB._namedSchemaName =
                                         Hs.Just "WithImportedPickOne",
                                       HsJSONPB._namedSchemaSchema =
                                         Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._schemaParamSchema =
                                                     Hs.mempty{HsJSONPB._paramSchemaType =
                                                                 Hs.Just HsJSONPB.SwaggerObject},
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaProperties =
                                                       [("dummyMsg1", withImportedPickOneDummyMsg1),
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaMinProperties = Hs.Just 1,
                                                   HsJSONPB._schemaMaxProperties = Hs.Just 1}})