-- Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
-- https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
-- Code for writing protocol compiler plugins.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.ProtoLens.Compiler.Plugin
    ( ProtoFileName
    , ProtoFile(..)
    , analyzeProtoFiles
    , collectEnvFromDeps
    , outputFilePath
    , moduleName
    , moduleNameStr
    ) where

import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.List (foldl', intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Map.Strict (Map, unions, (!))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax (ModuleName(..), Name(..), QName(..))
import Lens.Family2
import Proto.Google.Protobuf.Descriptor
    (FileDescriptorProto, name, dependency, publicDependency)
import System.FilePath (dropExtension, splitDirectories)

import Data.ProtoLens.Compiler.Definitions

-- | The filename of an input .proto file.
type ProtoFileName = Text

data ProtoFile = ProtoFile
    { descriptor :: FileDescriptorProto
    , haskellModule :: ModuleName
    , definitions :: Env Name
    -- | The names of proto files exported (transitively, via "import public"
    -- decl) by this file.
    , exports :: [ProtoFileName]
    , exportedEnv :: Env QName

-- Given a list of FileDescriptorProtos, collect information about each file
-- into a map of 'ProtoFile's keyed by 'ProtoFileName'.
analyzeProtoFiles :: Text -> [FileDescriptorProto] -> Map ProtoFileName ProtoFile
analyzeProtoFiles modulePrefix files =
    Map.fromList [ (f ^. name, ingestFile f) | f <- files ]
    filesByName = Map.fromList [(f ^. name, f) | f <- files]
    moduleNames = fmap (moduleName modulePrefix) filesByName
    -- The definitions in each input proto file, indexed by filename.
    definitionsByName = fmap collectDefinitions filesByName
    -- The exports from each .proto file (including any "public import"
    -- dependencies), as they appear to other modules that are importing them;
    -- i.e., qualified by module name.
    exportsByName = transitiveExports files
    localExports = Map.intersectionWith qualifyEnv moduleNames definitionsByName
    exportedEnvs = fmap (\es -> unions [localExports ! e | e <- es]) exportsByName

    ingestFile f = ProtoFile
        { descriptor = f
        , haskellModule = moduleNames ! n
        , definitions = definitionsByName ! n
        , exports = exportsByName ! n
        , exportedEnv = exportedEnvs ! n
        n = f ^. name

collectEnvFromDeps :: [ProtoFileName] -> Map ProtoFileName ProtoFile -> Env QName
collectEnvFromDeps deps filesByName =
    unions $ fmap (exportedEnv . (filesByName !)) deps

-- | Get the output file path (for CodeGeneratorResponse.File) for a Haskell
-- ModuleName.
outputFilePath :: String -> Text
outputFilePath n = T.replace "." "/" (T.pack n) <> ".hs"

-- | Get the Haskell 'ModuleName' corresponding to a given .proto file.
moduleName :: Text -> FileDescriptorProto -> ModuleName
moduleName modulePrefix fd = ModuleName (moduleNameStr modulePrefix fd)

-- | Get the Haskell module name corresponding to a given .proto file.
moduleNameStr :: Text -> FileDescriptorProto -> String
moduleNameStr prefix fd = fixModuleName rawModuleName
    path = fd ^. name
    fixModuleName "" = ""
    -- Characters allowed in Bazel filenames but not in module names:
    fixModuleName ('.':c:cs) = '.' : toUpper c : fixModuleName cs
    fixModuleName ('_':c:cs) = toUpper c : fixModuleName cs
    fixModuleName ('-':c:cs) = toUpper c : fixModuleName cs
    fixModuleName (c:cs) = c : fixModuleName cs
    rawModuleName = intercalate "." $ (T.unpack prefix :)
                        $ splitDirectories $ dropExtension
                        $ T.unpack path

-- | Given a list of .proto files (topologically sorted), determine which
-- files' definitions are exported by which files.
-- Files only export their own definitions, along with the definitions exported
-- by any "import public" declarations.
transitiveExports :: [FileDescriptorProto] -> Map ProtoFileName [ProtoFileName]
-- Accumulate the transitive dependencies by folding over the files in
-- topological order.
transitiveExports = foldl' setExportsFromFile Map.empty
    setExportsFromFile :: Map ProtoFileName [ProtoFileName]
                       -> FileDescriptorProto
                       -> Map ProtoFileName [ProtoFileName]
    setExportsFromFile prevExports fd
        = flip (Map.insert n) prevExports $
            n : concat [ prevExports ! ((fd ^. dependency) !! fromIntegral i)
                       -- Note that publicDependency is a list of indices into
                       -- the dependency list.
                       | i <- fd ^. publicDependency
      where n = fd ^. name