{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- Ported from https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-suite (Apache v2 License) -- and modified to work with proto-lens. -- -- | Support for the "JSONPB" canonical JSON encoding described at -- https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json. -- -- This modules provides 'Data.Aeson'-like helper functions, typeclasses, and -- instances for converting to and from values of types which have a JSONPB -- representation and equivalent underlying 'Data.Aeson' representations. -- -- This module also presents a (very minimal) surface syntax for Aeson-like -- operations; the idea is that we can write 'ToJSONPB' and 'FromJSONPB' -- instances in a very similar manner to 'A.ToJSON' and 'A.FromJSON' instances, -- except that doing so specifies JSONPB codecs instead of vanilla JSON codecs. -- -- Example use: -- -- @ -- message Scalar32 { -- int32 i32 = 1; -- uint32 u32 = 2; -- sint32 s32 = 3; -- fixed32 f32 = 4; -- sfixed32 sf32 = 5; -- } -- -- instance ToJSONPB Scalar32 where -- toJSONPB (Scalar32 i32 u32 s32 f32 sf32) = object -- [ "i32" .= i32 -- , "u32" .= u32 -- , "s32" .= s32 -- , "f32" .= f32 -- , "sf32" .= sf32 -- ] -- toEncodingPB (Scalar32 i32 u32 s32 f32 sf32) = pairs -- [ "i32" .= i32 -- , "u32" .= u32 -- , "s32" .= s32 -- , "f32" .= f32 -- , "sf32" .= sf32 -- ] -- -- instance FromJSONPB Scalar32 where -- parseJSONPB = withObject "Scalar32" $ \obj -> -- pure Scalar32 -- <*> obj .: "i32" -- <*> obj .: "u32" -- <*> obj .: "s32" -- <*> obj .: "f32" -- <*> obj .: "sf32" -- @ module Data.ProtoLens.JSONPB.Class where import qualified Data.Aeson as A (Encoding, FromJSON(..), FromJSONKey(..), FromJSONKeyFunction(..), ToJSON(..), Value(..), eitherDecode, json, (.!=)) import qualified Data.Aeson.Encoding as E import qualified Data.Aeson.Internal as A (formatError, iparse) import qualified Data.Aeson.Parser as A (eitherDecodeWith) import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A (Object, Pair, Parser, Series, explicitParseField, explicitParseFieldMaybe, object, typeMismatch) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as Atto (skipWhile) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as Atto (Parser, endOfInput) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens (FieldDefault(..)) import Data.String (fromString) import Data.Text (Text, unpack) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL import qualified Data.Vector as V import GHC.Int (Int32, Int64) import GHC.Word (Word32, Word64) -- * Typeclass definitions -- | 'A.ToJSON' variant for JSONPB direct encoding via 'A.Encoding' class ToJSONPB a where -- | 'A.toJSON' variant for JSONPB encoders. toJSONPB :: a -> Options -> A.Value -- | 'A.toEncoding' variant for JSONPB encoders. If an implementation is not -- provided, uses 'toJSONPB' (which is less efficient since it indirects -- through the 'A.Value' IR). toEncodingPB :: a -> Options -> A.Encoding toEncodingPB x = A.toEncoding . toJSONPB x -- | 'A.FromJSON' variant for JSONPB decoding from the 'A.Value' IR class FromJSONPB a where -- | 'A.parseJSON' variant for JSONPB decoders. parseJSONPB :: A.Value -> A.Parser a -- * JSONPB codec entry points -- | 'Data.Aeson.encode' variant for serializing a JSONPB value as a lazy -- 'LBS.ByteString'. encode :: ToJSONPB a => Options -> a -> LBS.ByteString encode opts x = E.encodingToLazyByteString (toEncodingPB x opts) {-# INLINE encode #-} -- | 'Data.Aeson.eitherDecode' variant for deserializing a JSONPB value from a -- lazy 'LBS.ByteString'. eitherDecode :: FromJSONPB a => LBS.ByteString -> Either String a eitherDecode = eitherFormatError . A.eitherDecodeWith jsonEOF (A.iparse parseJSONPB) where eitherFormatError = either (Left . uncurry A.formatError) Right {-# INLINE eitherFormatError #-} -- NB: cribbed from aeson-, which -- is not exported. It's simple, so we just inline it here. Might be worth -- submitting a PR to export this. jsonEOF :: Atto.Parser A.Value jsonEOF = A.json <* skipSpace <* Atto.endOfInput where skipSpace :: Atto.Parser () skipSpace = Atto.skipWhile $ \w -> w == 0x20 || w == 0x0a || w == 0x0d || w == 0x09 {-# INLINE skipSpace #-} {-# INLINE eitherDecode #-} -- * Operator definitions -- | JSONPB-encoded monoidal key-value pairs class Monoid m => KeyValuePB m where pair :: ToJSONPB v => Text -> v -> Options -> m instance KeyValuePB A.Series where pair k v opts = E.pair (fromString (unpack k)) (toEncodingPB v opts) instance KeyValuePB [A.Pair] where pair k v opts = pure (fromString (unpack k), toJSONPB v opts) -- | Construct a monoidal key-value pair, using 'mempty' to represent omission -- of default values (unless the given 'Options' force their emission). (.=) :: (ToJSONPB v, KeyValuePB kvp, FieldDefault v, Eq v) => Text -> v -> Options -> kvp k .= v = mk where mk opts@Options {..} -- = pair k v opts | not optEmitDefaultValuedFields && fieldDefault == v = mempty | otherwise = pair k v opts -- | 'Data.Aeson..:' variant for JSONPB; if the given key is missing from the -- object, or if it is present but its value is null, we produce the default -- protobuf value for the field type (.:) :: (FromJSONPB a, FieldDefault a) => A.Object -> Text -> A.Parser a obj .: key = obj .:? fromString (unpack key) A..!= fieldDefault where (.:?) = A.explicitParseFieldMaybe parseJSONPB parseField :: FromJSONPB a => A.Object -> Text -> A.Parser a parseField o = A.explicitParseField parseJSONPB o . fromString . unpack -- * JSONPB rendering and parsing options data Options = Options { optEmitDefaultValuedFields :: Bool } deriving (Show) -- | Default options for JSONPB encoding. By default, all options are @False@. defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = Options {optEmitDefaultValuedFields = False} -- * Helper types and functions -- dropNamedPrefix :: Named a => Proxy a -> String -> String -- dropNamedPrefix p = drop (length (nameOf p :: String)) object :: [Options -> [A.Pair]] -> Options -> A.Value object fs = A.object . mconcat fs pairs :: [Options -> A.Series] -> Options -> E.Encoding pairs fs = E.pairs . mconcat fs -- enumFieldString :: -- forall a. (Named a, Show a) -- => a -- -> A.Value -- enumFieldString = A.String . T.pack . dropNamedPrefix (Proxy @a) . show -- enumFieldEncoding :: -- forall a. (Named a, Show a) -- => a -- -> A.Encoding -- enumFieldEncoding = E.string . dropNamedPrefix (Proxy @a) . show -- | A 'Data.Aeson' 'A.Value' encoder for values which can be -- JSONPB-encoded toAesonValue :: ToJSONPB a => a -> A.Value toAesonValue = flip toJSONPB defaultOptions -- | A direct 'A.Encoding' for values which can be JSONPB-encoded toAesonEncoding :: ToJSONPB a => a -> A.Encoding toAesonEncoding = flip toEncodingPB defaultOptions -- | Parse a JSONPB floating point value; first parameter provides context for -- type mismatches parseFP :: (A.FromJSON a, A.FromJSONKey a) => String -> A.Value -> A.Parser a parseFP tyDesc v = case v of A.Number {} -> A.parseJSON v A.String t -> case A.fromJSONKey of A.FromJSONKeyTextParser p -> p t _ -> fail "internal: parseKeyPB: unexpected FromJSONKey summand" _ -> A.typeMismatch tyDesc v -- | Liberally parse an integer value (e.g. 42 or "42" as 42); first parameter -- provides context for type mismatches parseNumOrDecimalString :: (A.FromJSON a) => String -> A.Value -> A.Parser a parseNumOrDecimalString tyDesc v = case v of A.Number {} -> A.parseJSON v A.String t -> either fail pure . A.eitherDecode . TL.encodeUtf8 . TL.fromStrict $ t _ -> A.typeMismatch tyDesc v -- * Common instances for jsonpb codec implementations -- ** Instances for scalar types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Boolean scalar type instance ToJSONPB Bool where toJSONPB = const . A.toJSON toEncodingPB = const . A.toEncoding instance FromJSONPB Bool where parseJSONPB = A.parseJSON -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Integer scalar types -- -- * 32 bit integer values render to JSON decimal numbers; either numbers or -- strings are accepted. -- -- * 64 bit integer values render to JSON decimal strings; either numbers -- or strings are accepted. -- -- int32 / sint32 instance ToJSONPB Int32 where toJSONPB = const . A.toJSON toEncodingPB = const . A.toEncoding instance FromJSONPB Int32 where parseJSONPB = parseNumOrDecimalString "int32 / sint32" -- uint32 instance ToJSONPB Word32 where toJSONPB = const . A.toJSON toEncodingPB = const . A.toEncoding instance FromJSONPB Word32 where parseJSONPB = parseNumOrDecimalString "uint32" -- int64 / sint64 instance ToJSONPB Int64 where toJSONPB x _ = A.String . T.pack . show $ x toEncodingPB x _ = E.string (show x) instance FromJSONPB Int64 where parseJSONPB = parseNumOrDecimalString "int64 / sint64" -- unit64 instance ToJSONPB Word64 where toJSONPB x _ = A.String . T.pack . show $ x toEncodingPB x _ = E.string (show x) instance FromJSONPB Word64 where parseJSONPB = parseNumOrDecimalString "int64 / sint64" -- -- fixed32 -- instance ToJSONPB (Fixed Word32) where -- toJSONPB = coerce (toJSONPB @Word32) -- toEncodingPB = coerce (toEncodingPB @Word32) -- instance FromJSONPB (Fixed Word32) where -- parseJSONPB = coerce (parseJSONPB @Word32) -- -- fixed64 -- instance ToJSONPB (Fixed Word64) where -- toJSONPB = coerce (toJSONPB @Word64) -- toEncodingPB = coerce (toEncodingPB @Word64) -- instance FromJSONPB (Fixed Word64) where -- parseJSONPB = coerce (parseJSONPB @Word64) -- -- sfixed32 -- instance ToJSONPB (Fixed Int32) where -- toJSONPB = coerce (toJSONPB @Int32) -- toEncodingPB = coerce (toEncodingPB @Int32) -- instance FromJSONPB (Fixed Int32) where -- parseJSONPB = coerce (parseJSONPB @Int32) -- -- sfixed64 -- instance ToJSONPB (Fixed Int64) where -- toJSONPB = coerce (toJSONPB @Int64) -- toEncodingPB = coerce (toEncodingPB @Int64) -- instance FromJSONPB (Fixed Int64) where -- parseJSONPB = coerce (parseJSONPB @Int64) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Floating point scalar types -- -- JSON value will be a number or one of the special string values "NaN", -- "Infinity", and "-Infinity". Either numbers or strings are accepted. Exponent -- notation is also accepted. -- float instance ToJSONPB Float where toJSONPB = const . A.toJSON toEncodingPB = const . A.toEncoding instance FromJSONPB Float where parseJSONPB = parseFP "float" -- double instance ToJSONPB Double where toJSONPB = const . A.toJSON toEncodingPB = const . A.toEncoding instance FromJSONPB Double where parseJSONPB = parseFP "double" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stringly types (string and bytes) -- string instance ToJSONPB TL.Text where toJSONPB = const . A.toJSON toEncodingPB = const . A.toEncoding instance FromJSONPB TL.Text where parseJSONPB = A.parseJSON instance ToJSONPB T.Text where toJSONPB = const . A.toJSON toEncodingPB = const . A.toEncoding instance FromJSONPB T.Text where parseJSONPB = A.parseJSON -- bytes bsToJSONPB :: BS.ByteString -> A.Value bsToJSONPB (T.decodeUtf8' . B64.encode -> ebs) = case ebs of Right bs -> A.toJSON bs Left e -> error ("internal: failed to encode B64-encoded bytestring: " ++ show e) -- NB: T.decodeUtf8' should never fail because we B64-encode the -- incoming bytestring. instance ToJSONPB BS.ByteString where toJSONPB bs _ = bsToJSONPB bs toEncodingPB bs opts = E.value (toJSONPB bs opts) instance FromJSONPB BS.ByteString where parseJSONPB (A.String b64enc) = pure . B64.decodeLenient . T.encodeUtf8 $ b64enc parseJSONPB v = A.typeMismatch "bytes" v -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Enumerated types -- enumToJSONPB :: -- (e -> Options -> a) -- ^ JSONPB encoder function to use -- -> a -- ^ null value to use for out-of-range enums -- -> Enumerated e -- ^ the enumerated value to encode -- -> Options -- ^ JSONPB encoding options -- -> a -- ^ the JSONPB-encoded value -- enumToJSONPB enc null_ (Enumerated e) opts = -- either err (\input -> enc input opts) e -- where -- err 0 = error "enumToJSONPB: The first enum value must be zero in proto3" -- -- TODO: Raise a compilation error when the first enum value in an -- -- enumeration is not zero. -- -- -- -- See https://github.com/awakesecurity/proto3-suite/issues/28 -- -- -- -- The proto3 spec states that the default value is the first -- -- defined enum value, which must be 0. Since we currently don't -- -- raise a compilation error for this like we should, we have to -- -- handle this case. -- -- -- -- For now, die horribly to mimic what should be a compilation -- -- error. -- err _ = null_ -- -- From the JSONPB spec: -- -- -- -- If a value is missing in the JSON-encoded data or if its value -- -- is null, it will be interpreted as the appropriate default -- -- value when parsed into a protocol buffer. -- -- -- -- Thus, interpreting a wire value out of enum range as "missing", -- -- we yield null here to mean the default value. -- -- instance ToJSONPB e => ToJSONPB (Enumerated e) where -- toJSONPB = enumToJSONPB toJSONPB A.Null -- toEncodingPB = enumToJSONPB toEncodingPB E.null_ -- -- instance (Bounded e, Enum e, FromJSONPB e) => FromJSONPB (Enumerated e) where -- parseJSONPB A.Null = pure def -- So CG does not have to handle this case in -- -- every generated instance -- parseJSONPB v = Enumerated . Right <$> parseJSONPB v -- ** Instances for composite types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instances for repeated messages -- -- JSON value will be the vector elements encoded as a JSON array. The null -- value is accepted as the empty list, @[]@. instance ToJSONPB a => ToJSONPB (V.Vector a) where toJSONPB v opts = A.Array (V.map (\x -> toJSONPB x opts) v) toEncodingPB v opts = E.list (\x -> toEncodingPB x opts) (V.toList v) instance FromJSONPB a => FromJSONPB (V.Vector a) where parseJSONPB (A.Array vs) = mapM parseJSONPB vs parseJSONPB A.Null = pure [] parseJSONPB v = A.typeMismatch "repeated" v -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instances for nested messages instance ToJSONPB a => ToJSONPB (Maybe a) where toJSONPB mx opts = maybe A.Null (\x -> toJSONPB x opts) mx toEncodingPB mx opts = maybe E.null_ (\x -> toEncodingPB x opts) mx instance FromJSONPB a => FromJSONPB (Maybe a) where parseJSONPB A.Null = pure Nothing parseJSONPB v = fmap Just (parseJSONPB v) instance ToJSONPB a => ToJSONPB [a] where toJSONPB xs opts = A.Array $ V.fromList (fmap (\x -> toJSONPB x opts) xs) toEncodingPB xs opts = E.list (\x -> toEncodingPB x opts) xs instance FromJSONPB a => FromJSONPB [a] where parseJSONPB (A.Array xs) = mapM parseJSONPB (V.toList xs) parseJSONPB A.Null = pure [] parseJSONPB v = A.typeMismatch "repeated" v -- A couple of orphaned FieldDefault instances -- NB: Not ideal, should contribute back to proto-lens or come up with another concept of default fields. instance FieldDefault [a] where fieldDefault = mempty instance FieldDefault (Maybe a) where fieldDefault = Nothing