{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module ProjectM36.RelationalExpression where
import ProjectM36.Relation
import ProjectM36.Tuple
import ProjectM36.TupleSet
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.Error
import ProjectM36.AtomType
import ProjectM36.Attribute (emptyAttributes)
import ProjectM36.ScriptSession
import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Primitive
import ProjectM36.AtomFunction
import ProjectM36.DatabaseContextFunction
import qualified ProjectM36.Attribute as A
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import Control.Monad.State hiding (join)
import Control.Exception
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Char (isUpper)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified ProjectM36.TypeConstructorDef as TCD
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader

import GHC
import GHC.Paths

data DatabaseContextExprDetails = CountUpdatedTuples

databaseContextExprDetailsFunc :: DatabaseContextExprDetails -> ResultAccumFunc
databaseContextExprDetailsFunc CountUpdatedTuples _ relIn = Relation attrs newTups
    attrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "count" IntAtomType]
    existingTuple = fromMaybe (error "impossible counting error in singletonTuple") (singletonTuple relIn)
    existingCount = case V.head (tupleAtoms existingTuple) of
      IntAtom v -> v
      _ -> error "impossible counting error in tupleAtoms"
    newTups = case mkTupleSetFromList attrs [[IntAtom (existingCount + 1)]] of
      Left err -> error ("impossible counting error in " ++ show err)
      Right ts -> ts
-- | Used to start a fresh database state for a new database context expression.
freshDatabaseState :: DatabaseContext -> DatabaseStateElems
freshDatabaseState ctx = (ctx, M.empty, False) --future work: propagate return accumulator

-- we need to pass around a higher level RelationTuple and Attributes in order to solve #52
data RelationalExprStateElems = RelationalExprStateTupleElems DatabaseContext RelationTuple | -- used when fully evaluating a relexpr
                                RelationalExprStateAttrsElems DatabaseContext Attributes | --used when evaluating the type of a relexpr
                                RelationalExprStateElems DatabaseContext --used by default at the top level of evaluation
instance Show RelationalExprStateElems where                                
  show (RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ tup) = "RelationalExprStateTupleElems " ++ show tup
  show (RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ attrs) = "RelationalExprStateAttrsElems" ++ show attrs
  show (RelationalExprStateElems _) = "RelationalExprStateElems"
mkRelationalExprState :: DatabaseContext -> RelationalExprStateElems
mkRelationalExprState = RelationalExprStateElems

mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState :: RelationTuple -> RelationalExprStateElems -> RelationalExprStateElems
mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tupIn (RelationalExprStateElems ctx) = RelationalExprStateTupleElems ctx tupIn
mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState _ st@(RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ _) = st
mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tupIn (RelationalExprStateTupleElems ctx existingTuple) = let mergedTupMap = M.union (tupleToMap tupIn) (tupleToMap existingTuple) in
  RelationalExprStateTupleElems ctx (mkRelationTupleFromMap mergedTupMap)
mergeAttributesIntoRelationalExprState :: Attributes -> RelationalExprStateElems -> RelationalExprStateElems
mergeAttributesIntoRelationalExprState attrs (RelationalExprStateElems ctx) = RelationalExprStateAttrsElems ctx attrs
mergeAttributesIntoRelationalExprState _ st@(RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ _) = st
mergeAttributesIntoRelationalExprState attrsIn (RelationalExprStateAttrsElems ctx attrs) = RelationalExprStateAttrsElems ctx (A.union attrsIn attrs)

type ResultAccumName = StringType

type ResultAccumFunc = (RelationTuple -> Relation -> Relation) -> Relation -> Relation

data ResultAccum = ResultAccum { resultAccumFunc :: ResultAccumFunc,
                                 resultAccumResult :: Relation

type DatabaseStateElems = (DatabaseContext, M.Map ResultAccumName ResultAccum, DirtyFlag)

type DatabaseState a = State DatabaseStateElems a

getStateContext :: DatabaseState DatabaseContext
getStateContext = do
  (ctx,_, _) <- get
  pure ctx
putStateContext :: DatabaseContext -> DatabaseState () 
putStateContext ctx = do
  (_, accum, _) <- get
  put (ctx, accum, True)
type RelationalExprState a = Reader RelationalExprStateElems a

stateElemsContext :: RelationalExprStateElems -> DatabaseContext
stateElemsContext (RelationalExprStateTupleElems ctx _) = ctx
stateElemsContext (RelationalExprStateElems ctx) = ctx
stateElemsContext (RelationalExprStateAttrsElems ctx _) = ctx

setStateElemsContext :: RelationalExprStateElems -> DatabaseContext -> RelationalExprStateElems
setStateElemsContext (RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ tup) ctx = RelationalExprStateTupleElems ctx tup
setStateElemsContext (RelationalExprStateElems _) ctx = RelationalExprStateElems ctx
setStateElemsContext (RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ attrs) ctx = RelationalExprStateAttrsElems ctx attrs

--relvar state is needed in evaluation of relational expression but only as read-only in order to extract current relvar values
evalRelationalExpr :: RelationalExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError Relation)
evalRelationalExpr (RelationVariable name _) = do
  relvarTable <- fmap (relationVariables . stateElemsContext) ask
  return $ case M.lookup name relvarTable of
    Just res -> Right res
    Nothing -> Left $ RelVarNotDefinedError name

evalRelationalExpr (Project attrNames expr) = do
    rel <- evalRelationalExpr expr
    case rel of
      Right rel2 -> return $ project attrNames rel2
      Left err -> return $ Left err

evalRelationalExpr (Union exprA exprB) = do
  relA <- evalRelationalExpr exprA
  relB <- evalRelationalExpr exprB
  case relA of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right relA2 -> case relB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right relB2 -> return $ union relA2 relB2

evalRelationalExpr (Join exprA exprB) = do
  relA <- evalRelationalExpr exprA
  relB <- evalRelationalExpr exprB
  case relA of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right relA2 -> case relB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right relB2 -> return $ join relA2 relB2
evalRelationalExpr (Difference exprA exprB) = do
  relA <- evalRelationalExpr exprA
  relB <- evalRelationalExpr exprB
  case relA of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right relA2 -> case relB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right relB2 -> return $ difference relA2 relB2
evalRelationalExpr (MakeStaticRelation attributeSet tupleSet) = 
  case mkRelation attributeSet tupleSet of
    Right rel -> return $ Right rel
    Left err -> return $ Left err
evalRelationalExpr (MakeRelationFromExprs mAttrExprs tupleExprs) = do
  currentContext <- fmap stateElemsContext ask
  let tConss = typeConstructorMapping currentContext
  -- if the mAttrExprs is Nothing, then we should attempt to infer the tuple attributes from the first tuple itself- note that this is not always possible
  runExceptT $ do
    mAttrs <- case mAttrExprs of
      Just _ -> do 
        attrs <- mapM (either throwE pure . evalAttrExpr tConss) (fromMaybe [] mAttrExprs)
        pure (Just (A.attributesFromList attrs))
      Nothing -> pure Nothing
    tuples <- mapM (liftE . evalTupleExpr mAttrs) tupleExprs
    let attrs = fromMaybe firstTupleAttrs mAttrs
        firstTupleAttrs = if null tuples then A.emptyAttributes else tupleAttributes (head tuples)
    either throwE pure (mkRelation attrs (RelationTupleSet tuples))
evalRelationalExpr (ExistingRelation rel) = pure (Right rel)

evalRelationalExpr (Rename oldAttrName newAttrName relExpr) = do
  evald <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
  case evald of
    Right rel -> return $ rename oldAttrName newAttrName rel
    Left err -> return $ Left err

evalRelationalExpr (Group oldAttrNameSet newAttrName relExpr) = do
  evald <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
  case evald of
    Right rel -> return $ group oldAttrNameSet newAttrName rel
    Left err -> return $ Left err

evalRelationalExpr (Ungroup attrName relExpr) = do
  evald <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
  case evald of
    Right rel -> return $ ungroup attrName rel
    Left err -> return $ Left err

evalRelationalExpr (Restrict predicateExpr relExpr) = do
  evald <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
  case evald of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right rel -> do
      eFilterFunc <- predicateRestrictionFilter (attributes rel) predicateExpr
      case eFilterFunc of
        Left err -> return $ Left err
        Right filterfunc -> 
          pure (restrict filterfunc rel)

evalRelationalExpr (Equals relExprA relExprB) = do
  evaldA <- evalRelationalExpr relExprA
  evaldB <- evalRelationalExpr relExprB
  case evaldA of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right relA -> case evaldB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right relB -> return $ Right $ if relA == relB then relationTrue else relationFalse

--warning: copy-pasta from above- refactor
evalRelationalExpr (NotEquals relExprA relExprB) = do
  evaldA <- evalRelationalExpr relExprA
  evaldB <- evalRelationalExpr relExprB
  case evaldA of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right relA -> case evaldB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right relB -> return $ Right $ if relA /= relB then relationTrue else relationFalse

-- extending a relation adds a single attribute with the results of the per-tuple expression evaluated
evalRelationalExpr (Extend tupleExpression relExpr) = do
  rstate <- ask
  let evald = runReader (evalRelationalExpr relExpr) rstate
  case evald of
    Left err -> pure (Left err)
    Right rel -> do
      tupProc <- extendTupleExpressionProcessor rel tupleExpression
      case tupProc of
        Left err -> pure (Left err)
        Right (newAttrs, tupProc') -> pure $ relMogrify tupProc' newAttrs rel

--helper function to process relation variable creation/assignment
setRelVar :: RelVarName -> Relation -> DatabaseState (Maybe RelationalError)
setRelVar relVarName rel = do
  currentContext <- getStateContext
  let newRelVars = M.insert relVarName rel $ relationVariables currentContext
      potentialContext = currentContext { relationVariables = newRelVars }
  case checkConstraints potentialContext of
    Just err -> return $ Just err
    Nothing -> do
      putStateContext potentialContext
      return Nothing

-- it is not an error to delete a relvar which does not exist, just like it is not an error to insert a pre-existing tuple into a relation
deleteRelVar :: RelVarName -> DatabaseState (Maybe RelationalError)
deleteRelVar relVarName = do
  currContext <- getStateContext
  let relVars = relationVariables currContext
  if M.notMember relVarName relVars then
    pure Nothing
    else do
    let newRelVars = M.delete relVarName relVars
        newContext = currContext { relationVariables = newRelVars }
    putStateContext newContext
    pure Nothing

evalDatabaseContextExpr :: DatabaseContextExpr -> DatabaseState (Maybe RelationalError)
evalDatabaseContextExpr NoOperation = pure Nothing
evalDatabaseContextExpr (Define relVarName attrExprs) = do
  relvars <- fmap relationVariables getStateContext
  tConss <- fmap typeConstructorMapping getStateContext
  let eAttrs = map (evalAttrExpr tConss) attrExprs
  case lefts eAttrs of
    err:_ -> pure (Just err)
    [] -> case M.member relVarName relvars of
      True -> return (Just (RelVarAlreadyDefinedError relVarName))
      False -> setRelVar relVarName emptyRelation >> pure Nothing
          attrs = A.attributesFromList (rights eAttrs)
          emptyRelation = Relation attrs emptyTupleSet

evalDatabaseContextExpr (Undefine relVarName) = deleteRelVar relVarName

evalDatabaseContextExpr (Assign relVarName expr) = do
  -- in the future, it would be nice to get types from the RelationalExpr instead of needing to evaluate it
  context <- getStateContext
  let existingRelVar = M.lookup relVarName relVarTable
      relVarTable = relationVariables context
      value = runReader (evalRelationalExpr expr) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
  case value of
    Left err -> return $ Just err
    Right rel -> case existingRelVar of
      Nothing -> setRelVar relVarName rel
      Just existingRel -> let expectedAttributes = attributes existingRel
                              foundAttributes = attributes rel in
                          if A.attributesEqual expectedAttributes foundAttributes then
                            setRelVar relVarName rel
                            return $ Just (RelVarAssignmentTypeMismatchError expectedAttributes foundAttributes)

evalDatabaseContextExpr (Insert relVarName relExpr) = do
  context <- getStateContext
  let unionexp = Union relExpr rv
      rv = RelationVariable relVarName ()
      unioned = runReader (evalRelationalExpr unionexp) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
      origRel = runReader (evalRelationalExpr rv) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
  case unioned of
    Left err -> pure (Just err)
    Right unioned' -> case origRel of
      Left err -> pure (Just err)
      Right origRel' -> if cardinality unioned' == cardinality origRel' then --no tuples actually inserted
                          pure Nothing
                          evalDatabaseContextExpr $ Assign relVarName (ExistingRelation unioned')

evalDatabaseContextExpr (Delete relVarName predicate) = do
  context <- getStateContext
  let rv = RelationVariable relVarName ()
  let updatedRel = runReader (evalRelationalExpr (Restrict (NotPredicate predicate) rv)) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
      origRel = runReader (evalRelationalExpr rv) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
  case updatedRel of
    Left err -> pure (Just err)
    Right updatedRel' -> case origRel of
                      Left err -> pure (Just err)
                      Right origRel' -> if cardinality origRel' == cardinality updatedRel' then
                                          pure Nothing
                                          setRelVar relVarName updatedRel'

--union of restricted+updated portion and the unrestricted+unupdated portion
evalDatabaseContextExpr (Update relVarName atomExprMap restrictionPredicateExpr) = do
  context <- getStateContext
  let relVarTable = relationVariables context
  case M.lookup relVarName relVarTable of
    Nothing -> return $ Just (RelVarNotDefinedError relVarName)
    Just rel -> 
      case runReader (predicateRestrictionFilter (attributes rel) restrictionPredicateExpr) (RelationalExprStateElems context) of
        Left err -> return $ Just err
        Right predicateFunc -> do
          let ret = do
                restrictedPortion <- restrict predicateFunc rel
                if cardinality restrictedPortion == Finite 0 then 
                  pure Nothing
                  else do
                  unrestrictedPortion <- restrict (predicateFunc >=> (pure . not)) rel
                  updatedPortion <- relMap (updateTupleWithAtomExprs atomExprMap context) restrictedPortion
                  updatedRel <- updatedPortion `union` unrestrictedPortion
                  pure (Just updatedRel)
          case ret of 
            Left err -> pure (Just err)
            Right Nothing -> pure Nothing
            Right (Just updatedRel) -> setRelVar relVarName updatedRel

evalDatabaseContextExpr (AddInclusionDependency newDepName newDep) = do
  currContext <- getStateContext
  let currDeps = inclusionDependencies currContext
      newDeps = M.insert newDepName newDep currDeps
  if M.member newDepName currDeps then
    return $ Just (InclusionDependencyNameInUseError newDepName)
    else do
      let potentialContext = currContext { inclusionDependencies = newDeps }
      case checkConstraints potentialContext of
        Just err -> return $ Just err
        Nothing -> do
          putStateContext potentialContext
          return Nothing

evalDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveInclusionDependency depName) = do
  currContext <- getStateContext
  let currDeps = inclusionDependencies currContext
      newDeps = M.delete depName currDeps
  if M.notMember depName currDeps then
    return $ Just (InclusionDependencyNameNotInUseError depName)
    else do
    putStateContext $ currContext {inclusionDependencies = newDeps }
    return Nothing
-- | Add a notification which will send the resultExpr when triggerExpr changes between commits.
evalDatabaseContextExpr (AddNotification notName triggerExpr resultOldExpr resultNewExpr) = do
  currentContext <- getStateContext
  let nots = notifications currentContext
  if M.member notName nots then
    return $ Just (NotificationNameInUseError notName)
    else do
      let newNotifications = M.insert notName newNotification nots
          newNotification = Notification { changeExpr = triggerExpr,
                                           reportOldExpr = resultOldExpr, 
                                           reportNewExpr = resultNewExpr}
      putStateContext $ currentContext { notifications = newNotifications }
      return Nothing
evalDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveNotification notName) = do
  currentContext <- getStateContext
  let nots = notifications currentContext
  if M.notMember notName nots then
    return $ Just (NotificationNameNotInUseError notName)
    else do
    let newNotifications = M.delete notName nots
    putStateContext $ currentContext { notifications = newNotifications }
    return Nothing

-- | Adds type and data constructors to the database context.
-- validate that the type *and* constructor names are unique! not yet implemented!
evalDatabaseContextExpr (AddTypeConstructor tConsDef dConsDefList) = do
  currentContext <- getStateContext
  let oldTypes = typeConstructorMapping currentContext
      tConsName = TCD.name tConsDef
  -- validate that the constructor's types exist
  case validateTypeConstructorDef tConsDef dConsDefList of
    errs@(_:_) -> pure $ Just (someErrors errs)
    [] | T.null tConsName || not (isUpper (T.head tConsName)) -> pure $ Just (InvalidAtomTypeName tConsName)
       | isJust (findTypeConstructor tConsName oldTypes) -> pure $ Just (AtomTypeNameInUseError tConsName)
       | otherwise -> do
      let newTypes = oldTypes ++ [(tConsDef, dConsDefList)]
      putStateContext $ currentContext { typeConstructorMapping = newTypes }
      pure Nothing

-- | Removing the atom constructor prevents new atoms of the type from being created. Existing atoms of the type remain. Thus, the atomTypes list in the DatabaseContext need not be all-inclusive.
evalDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveTypeConstructor tConsName) = do
  currentContext <- getStateContext
  let oldTypes = typeConstructorMapping currentContext
  if isNothing (findTypeConstructor tConsName oldTypes) then
    pure $ Just (AtomTypeNameNotInUseError tConsName)
    else do
      let newTypes = filter (\(tCons, _) -> TCD.name tCons /= tConsName) oldTypes
      putStateContext $ currentContext { typeConstructorMapping = newTypes }
      pure Nothing

evalDatabaseContextExpr (MultipleExpr exprs) = do
  --the multiple expressions must pass the same context around- not the old unmodified context
  evald <- forM exprs evalDatabaseContextExpr
  --some lifting magic needed here
  case catMaybes evald of
    [] -> pure Nothing
    err:_ -> pure (Just err)
evalDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveAtomFunction funcName) = do
  currentContext <- getStateContext
  let atomFuncs = atomFunctions currentContext
  case atomFunctionForName funcName atomFuncs of
    Left err -> pure (Just err)
    Right realFunc -> if isScriptedAtomFunction realFunc then do
      let updatedFuncs = HS.delete realFunc atomFuncs
      putStateContext (currentContext {atomFunctions = updatedFuncs })
      pure Nothing
                        pure (Just (PrecompiledFunctionRemoveError funcName))

evalDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveDatabaseContextFunction funcName) = do      
  context <- getStateContext
  let dbcFuncs = dbcFunctions context
  case databaseContextFunctionForName funcName dbcFuncs of
    Left err -> pure (Just err)
    Right realFunc -> if isScriptedDatabaseContextFunction realFunc then do
      let updatedFuncs = HS.delete realFunc dbcFuncs
      putStateContext (context { dbcFunctions = updatedFuncs })
      pure Nothing
                        pure (Just (PrecompiledFunctionRemoveError funcName))
evalDatabaseContextExpr (ExecuteDatabaseContextFunction funcName atomArgExprs) = do
  context <- getStateContext
  --resolve atom arguments
  let relExprState = mkRelationalExprState context
      eAtomTypes = map (\atomExpr -> runReader (typeFromAtomExpr emptyAttributes atomExpr) relExprState) atomArgExprs
      eFunc = databaseContextFunctionForName funcName (dbcFunctions context)
  case eFunc of
      Left err -> pure (Just err)
      Right func -> do
        let expectedArgCount = length (dbcFuncType func)
            actualArgCount = length atomArgExprs
        if expectedArgCount /= actualArgCount then
          pure (Just (FunctionArgumentCountMismatchError expectedArgCount actualArgCount))
          --check that the atom types are valid
          case lefts eAtomTypes of
            _:_ -> pure (Just (someErrors (lefts eAtomTypes)))
            [] -> do
              let atomTypes = rights eAtomTypes
              let mValidTypes = map (\(expType, actType) -> case atomTypeVerify expType actType of 
                                        Left err -> Just err
                                        Right _ -> Nothing) (zip (dbcFuncType func) atomTypes)
                  typeErrors = catMaybes mValidTypes 
                  eAtomArgs = map (\arg -> runReader (evalAtomExpr emptyTuple arg) relExprState) atomArgExprs
              if length (lefts eAtomArgs) > 1 then
                pure (Just (someErrors (lefts eAtomArgs)))
                else if not (null typeErrors) then
                     pure (Just (someErrors typeErrors))                   
                     case evalDatabaseContextFunction func (rights eAtomArgs) context of
                       Left err -> pure (Just err)
                       Right newContext -> putStateContext newContext >> pure Nothing
evalDatabaseContextIOExpr :: Maybe ScriptSession -> DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContextIOExpr -> IO (Either RelationalError DatabaseContext)
evalDatabaseContextIOExpr mScriptSession currentContext (AddAtomFunction funcName funcType script) = 
  case mScriptSession of
    Nothing -> pure (Left (ScriptError ScriptCompilationDisabledError))
    Just scriptSession -> do
      res <- try $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
        setSession (hscEnv scriptSession)
        let atomFuncs = atomFunctions currentContext
        case extractAtomFunctionType funcType of
          Left err -> pure (Left err)
          Right adjustedAtomTypeCons -> do
            --compile the function
            eCompiledFunc  <- compileScript (atomFunctionBodyType scriptSession) script
            pure $ case eCompiledFunc of
              Left err -> Left (ScriptError err)
              Right compiledFunc -> do
                funcAtomType <- mapM (\funcTypeArg -> atomTypeForTypeConstructor funcTypeArg (typeConstructorMapping currentContext) M.empty) adjustedAtomTypeCons
                let updatedFuncs = HS.insert newAtomFunc atomFuncs
                    newContext = currentContext { atomFunctions = updatedFuncs }
                    newAtomFunc = AtomFunction { atomFuncName = funcName,
                                                 atomFuncType = funcAtomType,
                                                 atomFuncBody = AtomFunctionBody (Just script) compiledFunc }
               -- check if the name is already in use
                if HS.member funcName (HS.map atomFuncName atomFuncs) then
                  Left (FunctionNameInUseError funcName)
                  Right newContext
      case res of
        Left (exc :: SomeException) -> pure $ Left (ScriptError (OtherScriptCompilationError (show exc)))
        Right eContext -> case eContext of
          Left err -> pure (Left err)
          Right context' -> pure (Right context')
evalDatabaseContextIOExpr mScriptSession currentContext (AddDatabaseContextFunction funcName funcType script) = 
  case mScriptSession of
    Nothing -> pure (Left (ScriptError ScriptCompilationDisabledError))
    Just scriptSession -> do
      --validate that the function signature is of the form x -> y -> ... -> DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContext
      let last2Args = reverse (take 2 (reverse funcType))
          atomArgs = take (length funcType - 2) funcType
          dbContextTypeCons = ADTypeConstructor "Either" [ADTypeConstructor "DatabaseContextFunctionError" [], ADTypeConstructor "DatabaseContext" []]
          expectedType = "DatabaseContext -> Either DatabaseContextFunctionError DatabaseContext"
          actualType = show funcType
      if last2Args /= [ADTypeConstructor "DatabaseContext" [], dbContextTypeCons] then 
        pure (Left (ScriptError (TypeCheckCompilationError expectedType actualType)))
        else do
        res <- try $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
          setSession (hscEnv scriptSession)
          eCompiledFunc  <- compileScript (dbcFunctionBodyType scriptSession) script
          pure $ case eCompiledFunc of        
            Left err -> Left (ScriptError err)
            Right compiledFunc -> do
              --if we are here, we have validated that the written function type is X -> DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContext, so we need to munge the first elements into an array
              funcAtomType <- mapM (\funcTypeArg -> atomTypeForTypeConstructor funcTypeArg (typeConstructorMapping currentContext) M.empty) atomArgs
              let updatedDBCFuncs = HS.insert newDBCFunc (dbcFunctions currentContext)
                  newContext = currentContext { dbcFunctions = updatedDBCFuncs }
                  dbcFuncs = dbcFunctions currentContext
                  newDBCFunc = DatabaseContextFunction {
                    dbcFuncName = funcName,
                    dbcFuncType = funcAtomType,
                    dbcFuncBody = DatabaseContextFunctionBody (Just script) compiledFunc
                -- check if the name is already in use                                              
              if HS.member funcName (HS.map dbcFuncName dbcFuncs) then
                Left (FunctionNameInUseError funcName)
                Right newContext
        case res of
          Left (exc :: SomeException) -> pure $ Left (ScriptError (OtherScriptCompilationError (show exc)))
          Right eContext -> case eContext of
            Left err -> pure (Left err)
            Right context' -> pure (Right context')
updateTupleWithAtomExprs :: M.Map AttributeName AtomExpr -> DatabaseContext -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError RelationTuple
updateTupleWithAtomExprs exprMap context tupIn = do
  --resolve all atom exprs
  atomsAssoc <- mapM (\(attrName, atomExpr) -> do
                         atom <- runReader (evalAtomExpr tupIn atomExpr) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
                         pure (attrName, atom)
                     ) (M.toList exprMap)
  pure (updateTupleWithAtoms (M.fromList atomsAssoc) tupIn)

--run verification on all constraints
checkConstraints :: DatabaseContext -> Maybe RelationalError
checkConstraints context = case failures of
  [] -> Nothing
  l:_ -> Just l
    failures = M.elems $ M.mapMaybeWithKey checkIncDep deps
    deps = inclusionDependencies context
    eval expr = runReader (evalRelationalExpr expr) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
    checkIncDep depName (InclusionDependency subsetExpr supersetExpr) = do
      let checkExpr = Equals supersetExpr (Union subsetExpr supersetExpr)
      case eval checkExpr of
        Left err -> Just err
        Right resultRel -> if resultRel == relationTrue then
                                  Just $ InclusionDependencyCheckError depName

-- the type of a relational expression is equal to the relation attribute set returned from executing the relational expression; therefore, the type can be cheaply derived by evaluating a relational expression and ignoring and tuple processing
-- furthermore, the type of a relational expression is the resultant header of the evaluated empty-tupled relation

typeForRelationalExpr :: RelationalExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError Relation)
typeForRelationalExpr expr = do
  rstate <- ask
  let context = stateElemsContext rstate
  --replace the relationVariables context element with a cloned set of relation devoid of tuples
  let context' = contextWithEmptyTupleSets context
      rstate' = setStateElemsContext rstate context'
  pure (runReader (evalRelationalExpr expr) rstate')

--returns a database context with all tuples removed
--this is useful for type checking and optimization
contextWithEmptyTupleSets :: DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContext
contextWithEmptyTupleSets contextIn = contextIn { relationVariables = relVars }
    relVars = M.map (\rel -> Relation (attributes rel) emptyTupleSet) (relationVariables contextIn)

liftE :: (Monad m) => m (Either a b) -> ExceptT a m b
liftE v = do
  y <- lift v
  case y of
    Left err -> throwE err
    Right val -> pure val

{- used for restrictions- take the restrictionpredicate and return the corresponding filter function -}
predicateRestrictionFilter :: Attributes -> RestrictionPredicateExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError RestrictionFilter)
predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (AndPredicate expr1 expr2) = 
  runExceptT $ do
    expr1v <- liftE (predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr1)
    expr2v <- liftE (predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr2)
    pure (\x -> do
                ev1 <- expr1v x 
                ev2 <- expr2v x
                pure (ev1 && ev2))

predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (OrPredicate expr1 expr2) =
  runExceptT $ do
    expr1v <- liftE (predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr1)
    expr2v <- liftE (predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr2)
    pure (\x -> do
                ev1 <- expr1v x 
                ev2 <- expr2v x
                pure (ev1 || ev2))

predicateRestrictionFilter _ TruePredicate = pure (Right (\_ -> pure True))

predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (NotPredicate expr) = 
  runExceptT $ do
    exprv <- liftE (predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr)
    pure (\x -> do
                ev <- exprv x
                pure (not ev))

--optimization opportunity: if the subexpression does not reference attributes in the top-level expression, then it need only be evaluated once, statically, outside the tuple filter- see historical implementation here
predicateRestrictionFilter _ (RelationalExprPredicate relExpr) = do
  rstate <- ask
  pure (Right (\tup -> case runReader (evalRelationalExpr relExpr) (mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tup rstate) of
    Left err -> Left err
    Right rel -> if arity rel /= 0 then
                   Left (PredicateExpressionError "Relational restriction filter must evaluate to 'true' or 'false'")
                   pure (rel == relationTrue)))

predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (AttributeEqualityPredicate attrName atomExpr) = do
  rstate <- ask
  let (attrs', ctxtup') = case rstate of
                    RelationalExprStateElems _ -> (attrs, emptyTuple)
                    RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ _ -> (attrs, emptyTuple)
                    RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ ctxtup -> (A.union attrs (tupleAttributes ctxtup), ctxtup)
  runExceptT $ do
    atomExprType <- liftE (typeFromAtomExpr attrs' atomExpr)
    attr <- either throwE pure $ case A.attributeForName attrName attrs of
      Right attr -> Right attr
      Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) -> case A.attributeForName attrName (tupleAttributes ctxtup') of
        Right ctxattr -> Right ctxattr
        Left err2@(NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) -> Left err2
        Left err -> Left err
      Left err -> Left err
    if atomExprType /= A.atomType attr then
      throwE (TupleAttributeTypeMismatchError (A.attributesFromList [attr]))
      pure $ \tupleIn -> let evalAndCmp atomIn = case atomEvald of
                               Right atomCmp -> atomCmp == atomIn
                               Left _ -> False
                             atomEvald = runReader (evalAtomExpr tupleIn atomExpr) rstate
                          pure $ case atomForAttributeName attrName tupleIn of
                            Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) -> case atomForAttributeName attrName ctxtup' of
                              Left _ -> False
                              Right ctxatom -> evalAndCmp ctxatom
                            Left _ -> False
                            Right atomIn -> evalAndCmp atomIn
-- in the future, it would be useful to do typechecking on the attribute and atom expr filters in advance
predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (AtomExprPredicate atomExpr) = do
  --merge attrs into the state attributes
  rstate <- ask
  runExceptT $ do
    aType <- liftE (typeFromAtomExpr attrs atomExpr)
    if aType /= BoolAtomType then
      throwE (AtomTypeMismatchError aType BoolAtomType)
      pure (\tupleIn ->
                pure $ case runReader (evalAtomExpr tupleIn atomExpr) rstate of
                  Left _ -> False
                  Right boolAtomValue -> boolAtomValue == BoolAtom True)

tupleExprCheckNewAttrName :: AttributeName -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
tupleExprCheckNewAttrName attrName rel = if isRight (attributeForName attrName rel) then
                                           Left (error "SPAMMIT" $ AttributeNameInUseError attrName)
                                           Right rel

extendTupleExpressionProcessor :: Relation -> ExtendTupleExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError (Attributes, RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError RelationTuple))
extendTupleExpressionProcessor relIn (AttributeExtendTupleExpr newAttrName atomExpr) = do
  rstate <- ask
  -- check that the attribute name is not in use
  case tupleExprCheckNewAttrName newAttrName relIn of
    Left err -> pure (Left err)
    Right _ -> runExceptT $ do
      atomExprType <- liftE (typeFromAtomExpr (attributes relIn) atomExpr)
      atomExprType' <- liftE (verifyAtomExprTypes relIn atomExpr atomExprType)
      let newAttrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute newAttrName atomExprType']
          newAndOldAttrs = A.addAttributes (attributes relIn) newAttrs
      pure (newAndOldAttrs, \tup -> let substate = mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tup rstate in case runReader (evalAtomExpr tup atomExpr) substate of
                 Left err -> Left err
                 Right atom -> Right (tupleAtomExtend newAttrName atom tup)

evalAtomExpr :: RelationTuple -> AtomExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError Atom)
evalAtomExpr tupIn (AttributeAtomExpr attrName) = case atomForAttributeName attrName tupIn of
  Right atom -> pure (Right atom)
  err@(Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError _)) -> do
    rstate <- ask
    case rstate of
      RelationalExprStateElems _ -> pure err
      RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ _ -> pure err
      RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ ctxtup -> pure (atomForAttributeName attrName ctxtup)
  Left err -> pure (Left err)
evalAtomExpr _ (NakedAtomExpr atom) = pure (Right atom)
evalAtomExpr tupIn (FunctionAtomExpr funcName arguments ()) = do
  argTypes <- mapM (typeFromAtomExpr (tupleAttributes tupIn)) arguments
  context <- fmap stateElemsContext ask
  runExceptT $ do
    let functions = atomFunctions context
    func <- either throwE pure (atomFunctionForName funcName functions)
    let expectedArgCount = length (atomFuncType func) - 1
        actualArgCount = length argTypes
        safeInit [_] = []
        safeInit [] = [] -- different behavior from normal init
        safeInit (_:xs) = safeInit xs
    if expectedArgCount /= actualArgCount then
      throwE (FunctionArgumentCountMismatchError expectedArgCount actualArgCount)
      else do
      _ <- mapM (\(expType, actType) -> either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expType actType)) (safeInit (zip (atomFuncType func) argTypes))
      evaldArgs <- mapM (liftE . evalAtomExpr tupIn) arguments
      case evalAtomFunction func evaldArgs of
        Left err -> throwE (AtomFunctionUserError err)
        Right result -> do
          --validate that the result matches the expected type
          _ <- either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify (last (atomFuncType func)) (atomTypeForAtom result))
          pure result
evalAtomExpr tupIn (RelationAtomExpr relExpr) = do
  --merge existing state tuple context into new state tuple context to support an arbitrary number of levels, but new attributes trounce old attributes
  rstate <- ask
  runExceptT $ do
    let newState = mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tupIn rstate
    relAtom <- either throwE pure (runReader (evalRelationalExpr relExpr) newState)
    pure (RelationAtom relAtom)
evalAtomExpr tupIn cons@(ConstructedAtomExpr dConsName dConsArgs ()) = runExceptT $ do
  rstate <- lift ask
  let newState = mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tupIn rstate
  aType <- either throwE pure (runReader (typeFromAtomExpr (tupleAttributes tupIn) cons) newState)
  argAtoms <- mapM (\arg -> either throwE pure (runReader (evalAtomExpr tupIn arg) newState)) dConsArgs
  pure (ConstructedAtom dConsName aType argAtoms)

typeFromAtomExpr :: Attributes -> AtomExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError AtomType)
typeFromAtomExpr attrs (AttributeAtomExpr attrName) = do
  rstate <- ask
  case A.atomTypeForAttributeName attrName attrs of
    Right aType -> pure (Right aType)
    Left err@(NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) -> case rstate of
        RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ attrs' -> case A.attributeForName attrName attrs' of
          Left err' -> pure (Left err')
          Right attr -> pure (Right (A.atomType attr))
        RelationalExprStateElems _ -> pure (Left err)
        RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ tup -> case atomForAttributeName attrName tup of
          Left err' -> pure (Left err')
          Right atom -> pure (Right (atomTypeForAtom atom))
    Left err -> pure (Left err)
typeFromAtomExpr _ (NakedAtomExpr atom) = pure (Right (atomTypeForAtom atom))
typeFromAtomExpr attrs (FunctionAtomExpr funcName atomArgs _) = do
  context <- fmap stateElemsContext ask
  let funcs = atomFunctions context
  case atomFunctionForName funcName funcs of
    Left err -> pure (Left err)
    Right func -> do
      let funcRetType = last (atomFuncType func)
          funcArgTypes = init (atomFuncType func)
      eArgTypes <- mapM (typeFromAtomExpr attrs) atomArgs
      case lefts eArgTypes of                   
        errs@(_:_) -> pure (Left (someErrors errs))
        [] -> do
          let eTvMap = resolveTypeVariables funcArgTypes argTypes
              argTypes = rights eArgTypes
          case eTvMap of
            Left err -> pure (Left err)
            Right tvMap -> pure (resolveFunctionReturnValue funcName tvMap funcRetType)
typeFromAtomExpr attrs (RelationAtomExpr relExpr) = runExceptT $ do
  rstate <- lift ask
  relType <- either throwE pure (runReader (typeForRelationalExpr relExpr) (mergeAttributesIntoRelationalExprState attrs rstate))
  pure (RelationAtomType (attributes relType))
-- grab the type of the data constructor, then validate that the args match the expected types
typeFromAtomExpr attrs (ConstructedAtomExpr dConsName dConsArgs _) = 
  runExceptT $ do
    argsTypes <- mapM (liftE . typeFromAtomExpr attrs) dConsArgs  
    context <- fmap stateElemsContext (lift ask)
    aType <- either throwE pure (atomTypeForDataConstructor (typeConstructorMapping context) dConsName argsTypes)
    pure aType

-- | Validate that the type of the AtomExpr matches the expected type.
verifyAtomExprTypes :: Relation -> AtomExpr -> AtomType -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError AtomType)
verifyAtomExprTypes relIn (AttributeAtomExpr attrName) expectedType = runExceptT $ do
  rstate <- lift ask
  case A.atomTypeForAttributeName attrName (attributes relIn) of
    Right aType -> either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expectedType aType)
    (Left err@(NoSuchAttributeNamesError _)) -> case rstate of
      RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ _ -> throwE err
      RelationalExprStateElems _ -> throwE err
      RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ attrs -> case A.attributeForName attrName attrs of
        Left err' -> throwE err'
        Right attrType -> either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expectedType (A.atomType attrType))
    Left err -> throwE err
verifyAtomExprTypes _ (NakedAtomExpr atom) expectedType = pure (atomTypeVerify expectedType (atomTypeForAtom atom))
verifyAtomExprTypes relIn (FunctionAtomExpr funcName funcArgExprs _) expectedType = do
  rstate <- ask
  let functions = atomFunctions context
      context = stateElemsContext rstate
  runExceptT $ do
    func <- either throwE pure (atomFunctionForName funcName functions)
    let expectedArgTypes = atomFuncType func
    funcArgTypes <- mapM (\(atomExpr,expectedType2,argCount) -> case runReader (verifyAtomExprTypes relIn atomExpr expectedType2) rstate of
                           Left (AtomTypeMismatchError expSubType actSubType) -> throwE (AtomFunctionTypeError funcName argCount expSubType actSubType)
                           Left err -> throwE err
                           Right x -> pure x
                           ) $ zip3 funcArgExprs expectedArgTypes [1..]
    if length funcArgTypes /= length expectedArgTypes - 1 then
      throwE (AtomTypeCountError funcArgTypes expectedArgTypes)
      either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expectedType (last expectedArgTypes))
verifyAtomExprTypes relIn (RelationAtomExpr relationExpr) expectedType = runExceptT $ do
  rstate <- lift ask
  relType <- either throwE pure (runReader (typeForRelationalExpr relationExpr) (mergeAttributesIntoRelationalExprState (attributes relIn) rstate))
  either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expectedType (RelationAtomType (attributes relType)))
verifyAtomExprTypes rel cons@ConstructedAtomExpr{} expectedType = runExceptT $ do
  cType <- liftE (typeFromAtomExpr (attributes rel) cons)
  either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expectedType cType)

-- | Look up the type's name and create a new attribute.
evalAttrExpr :: TypeConstructorMapping -> AttributeExpr -> Either RelationalError Attribute
evalAttrExpr aTypes (AttributeAndTypeNameExpr attrName tCons ()) = do
  aType <- atomTypeForTypeConstructor tCons aTypes M.empty
  Right (Attribute attrName aType)
evalAttrExpr _ (NakedAttributeExpr attr) = Right attr
evalTupleExpr :: Maybe Attributes -> TupleExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError RelationTuple)
evalTupleExpr attrs (TupleExpr tupMap) = do
  context <- fmap stateElemsContext ask
  runExceptT $ do
  -- it's not possible for AtomExprs in tuple constructors to reference other Attributes' atoms due to the necessary order-of-operations (need a tuple to pass to evalAtomExpr)- it may be possible with some refactoring of type usage or delayed evaluation- needs more thought, but not a priority
  -- I could adjust this logic so that when the attributes are not specified (Nothing), then I can attempt to extract the attributes from the tuple- the type resolution will blow up if an ambiguous data constructor is used (Left 4) and this should allow simple cases to "relation{tuple{a 4}}" to be processed
    attrAtoms <- mapM (\(attrName, aExpr) -> do
                          newAtomType <- liftE (typeFromAtomExpr A.emptyAttributes aExpr)
                          newAtom <- liftE (evalAtomExpr emptyTuple aExpr)
                          pure (attrName, newAtom, newAtomType)
                      ) (M.toList tupMap)
    let tupAttrs = A.attributesFromList $ map (\(attrName, _, aType) -> Attribute attrName aType) attrAtoms
        atoms = V.fromList $ map (\(_, atom, _) -> atom) attrAtoms
        tup = mkRelationTuple tupAttrs atoms
        tConss = typeConstructorMapping context
        finalAttrs = fromMaybe tupAttrs attrs
    --verify that the attributes match
    when (A.attributeNameSet finalAttrs /= A.attributeNameSet tupAttrs) $ throwE (TupleAttributeTypeMismatchError tupAttrs)
    tup' <- either throwE pure (resolveTypesInTuple finalAttrs (reorderTuple finalAttrs tup))
    _ <- either throwE pure (validateTuple tup' tConss)
    pure tup'