module ProjectM36.Atomable where
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Primitive
import ProjectM36.DataTypes.List
import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Maybe
import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Either
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Binary
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
class (Eq a, NFData a, Binary a, Show a) => Atomable a where
toAtom :: a -> Atom
default toAtom :: (Generic a, AtomableG (Rep a)) => a -> Atom
toAtom v = toAtomG (from v) (toAtomTypeG (from v))
fromAtom :: Atom -> a
default fromAtom :: (Generic a, AtomableG (Rep a)) => Atom -> a
fromAtom v@(ConstructedAtom _ _ args) = case fromAtomG v args of
Nothing -> error "no fromAtomG traversal found"
Just x -> to x
fromAtom v = case fromAtomG v [] of
Nothing -> error "no fromAtomG for Atom found"
Just x -> to x
toAtomType :: proxy a -> AtomType
default toAtomType :: (Generic a, AtomableG (Rep a)) => proxy a -> AtomType
toAtomType _ = toAtomTypeG (from (undefined :: a))
toAddTypeExpr :: Proxy a -> DatabaseContextExpr
default toAddTypeExpr :: (Generic a, AtomableG (Rep a)) => proxy a -> DatabaseContextExpr
toAddTypeExpr _ = toAddTypeExprG (from (undefined :: a)) (toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy a))
instance Atomable Integer where
toAtom = IntegerAtom
fromAtom (IntegerAtom i) = i
fromAtom e = error ("improper fromAtom" ++ show e)
toAtomType _ = IntegerAtomType
toAddTypeExpr _ = NoOperation
instance Atomable Int where
toAtom = IntAtom
fromAtom (IntAtom i) = i
fromAtom e = error ("improper fromAtom" ++ show e)
toAtomType _ = IntAtomType
toAddTypeExpr _ = NoOperation
instance Atomable Double where
toAtom = DoubleAtom
fromAtom (DoubleAtom d) = d
fromAtom _ = error "improper fromAtom"
toAtomType _ = DoubleAtomType
toAddTypeExpr _ = NoOperation
instance Atomable T.Text where
toAtom = TextAtom
fromAtom (TextAtom t) = t
fromAtom _ = error "improper fromAtom"
toAtomType _ = TextAtomType
toAddTypeExpr _ = NoOperation
instance Atomable Day where
toAtom = DayAtom
fromAtom (DayAtom d) = d
fromAtom _ = error "improper fromAtom"
toAtomType _ = DayAtomType
toAddTypeExpr _ = NoOperation
instance Atomable UTCTime where
toAtom = DateTimeAtom
fromAtom (DateTimeAtom t) = t
fromAtom _ = error "improper fromAtom"
toAtomType _ = DateTimeAtomType
toAddTypeExpr _ = NoOperation
instance Atomable ByteString where
toAtom = ByteStringAtom
fromAtom (ByteStringAtom b) = b
fromAtom _ = error "improper fromAtom"
toAtomType _ = ByteStringAtomType
toAddTypeExpr _ = NoOperation
instance Atomable Bool where
toAtom = BoolAtom
fromAtom (BoolAtom b) = b
fromAtom _ = error "improper fromAtom"
toAtomType _ = BoolAtomType
toAddTypeExpr _ = NoOperation
instance Atomable a => Atomable (Maybe a) where
toAtom (Just v) = ConstructedAtom "Just" (maybeAtomType (toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy a))) [toAtom v]
toAtom Nothing = ConstructedAtom "Nothing" (maybeAtomType (toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy a))) []
fromAtom (ConstructedAtom "Just" _ [val]) = Just (fromAtom val)
fromAtom (ConstructedAtom "Nothing" _ []) = Nothing
fromAtom _ = error "improper fromAtom (Maybe a)"
toAtomType _ = ConstructedAtomType "Maybe" (M.singleton "a" (toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
toAddTypeExpr _ = NoOperation
instance (Atomable a, Atomable b) => Atomable (Either a b) where
toAtom (Left l) = ConstructedAtom "Left" (eitherAtomType (toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy a))
(toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy b))) [toAtom l]
toAtom (Right r) = ConstructedAtom "Right" (eitherAtomType (toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy a))
(toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy b))) [toAtom r]
fromAtom (ConstructedAtom "Left" _ [val]) = Left (fromAtom val)
fromAtom (ConstructedAtom "Right" _ [val]) = Right (fromAtom val)
fromAtom _ = error "improper fromAtom (Either a b)"
instance Atomable a => Atomable [a] where
toAtom [] = ConstructedAtom "Empty" (listAtomType (toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy a))) []
toAtom (x:xs) = ConstructedAtom "Cons" (listAtomType (toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy a))) (map toAtom (x:xs))
fromAtom (ConstructedAtom "Empty" _ _) = []
fromAtom (ConstructedAtom "Cons" _ (x:xs)) = fromAtom x:map fromAtom xs
fromAtom _ = error "improper fromAtom [a]"
toAtomType _ = ConstructedAtomType "List" (M.singleton "a" (toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
toAddTypeExpr _ = NoOperation
class AtomableG g where
toAtomG :: g a -> AtomType -> Atom
fromAtomG :: Atom -> [Atom] -> Maybe (g a)
toAtomTypeG :: g a -> AtomType
toAtomsG :: g a -> [Atom]
toAddTypeExprG :: g a -> AtomType -> DatabaseContextExpr
getConstructorsG :: g a -> [DataConstructorDef]
getConstructorArgsG :: g a -> [DataConstructorDefArg]
instance (Datatype c, AtomableG a) => AtomableG (M1 D c a) where
toAtomG (M1 v) = toAtomG v
fromAtomG atom args = M1 <$> fromAtomG atom args
toAtomsG = undefined
toAtomTypeG _ = ConstructedAtomType (T.pack typeName) M.empty
typeName = datatypeName (undefined :: M1 D c a x)
toAddTypeExprG (M1 v) (ConstructedAtomType tcName _) = AddTypeConstructor tcDef dataConstructors
tcDef = ADTypeConstructorDef tcName []
dataConstructors = getConstructorsG v
toAddTypeExprG _ _ = NoOperation
getConstructorsG (M1 v) = getConstructorsG v
getConstructorArgsG = undefined
instance (Constructor c, AtomableG a) => AtomableG (M1 C c a) where
toAtomG (M1 v) t = ConstructedAtom (T.pack constructorName) t atoms
atoms = toAtomsG v
constructorName = conName (undefined :: M1 C c a x)
fromAtomG atom@(ConstructedAtom dConsName _ _) args = if dName == dConsName then
M1 <$> fromAtomG atom args
dName = T.pack (conName (undefined :: M1 C c a x))
fromAtomG _ _ = error "unsupported generic traversal"
toAtomsG = undefined
toAtomTypeG = undefined
toAddTypeExprG = undefined
getConstructorsG (M1 v) = [DataConstructorDef (T.pack dName) dArgs]
dName = conName (undefined :: M1 C c a x)
dArgs = getConstructorArgsG v
getConstructorArgsG = undefined
instance (Selector c, AtomableG a) => AtomableG (M1 S c a) where
toAtomG = undefined
fromAtomG atom args = M1 <$> fromAtomG atom args
toAtomsG (M1 v) = toAtomsG v
toAtomTypeG (M1 v) = toAtomTypeG v
toAddTypeExprG _ _ = undefined
getConstructorsG = undefined
getConstructorArgsG (M1 v) = getConstructorArgsG v
instance (Atomable a) => AtomableG (K1 c a) where
toAtomG (K1 v) _ = toAtom v
fromAtomG _ args = K1 <$> Just (fromAtom (headatom args))
where headatom (x:_) = x
headatom [] = error "no more atoms for constructor!"
toAtomsG (K1 v) = [toAtom v]
toAtomTypeG _ = toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy a)
toAddTypeExprG _ _ = undefined
getConstructorsG = undefined
getConstructorArgsG (K1 _) = [DataConstructorDefTypeConstructorArg tCons]
tCons = PrimitiveTypeConstructor primitiveATypeName primitiveAType
primitiveAType = toAtomType (Proxy :: Proxy a)
primitiveATypeName = fromMaybe (error ("primitive type missing: " ++ show primitiveAType)) (foldr (\(PrimitiveTypeConstructorDef name typ, _) _ -> if typ == primitiveAType then Just name else Nothing) Nothing primitiveTypeConstructorMapping)
instance AtomableG U1 where
toAtomG = undefined
fromAtomG _ _ = pure U1
toAtomsG _ = []
toAtomTypeG = undefined
toAddTypeExprG = undefined
getConstructorsG = undefined
getConstructorArgsG _ = []
instance (AtomableG a, AtomableG b) => AtomableG (a :*: b) where
toAtomG = undefined
fromAtomG atom args = (:*:) <$> fromAtomG atom [headatom args] <*> fromAtomG atom (tailatoms args)
where headatom (x:_) = x
headatom [] = error "no more atoms in head for product!"
tailatoms (_:xs) = xs
tailatoms [] = error "no more atoms in tail for product!"
toAtomTypeG = undefined
toAtomsG (x :*: y) = toAtomsG x ++ toAtomsG y
toAddTypeExprG _ _ = undefined
getConstructorsG = undefined
getConstructorArgsG (x :*: y) = getConstructorArgsG x ++ getConstructorArgsG y
instance (AtomableG a, AtomableG b) => AtomableG (a :+: b) where
toAtomG (L1 x) = toAtomG x
toAtomG (R1 x) = toAtomG x
fromAtomG atom args = (L1 <$> fromAtomG atom args) <|> (R1 <$> fromAtomG atom args)
toAtomTypeG = undefined
toAtomsG (L1 x) = toAtomsG x
toAtomsG (R1 x) = toAtomsG x
toAddTypeExprG _ _ = undefined
getConstructorsG _ = getConstructorsG (undefined :: a x) ++ getConstructorsG (undefined :: b x)
getConstructorArgsG = undefined