module ProjectM36.AtomType where
import ProjectM36.Base
import qualified ProjectM36.TypeConstructorDef as TCD
import qualified ProjectM36.TypeConstructor as TC
import qualified ProjectM36.DataConstructorDef as DCD
import ProjectM36.MiscUtils
import ProjectM36.Error
import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Primitive
import qualified ProjectM36.Attribute as A
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Either (rights, lefts)
import Control.Monad.Writer
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
findDataConstructor :: DataConstructorName -> TypeConstructorMapping -> Maybe (TypeConstructorDef, DataConstructorDef)
findDataConstructor dName = foldr tConsFolder Nothing
tConsFolder (tCons, dConsList) accum = if isJust accum then
case findDCons dConsList of
Just dCons -> Just (tCons, dCons)
Nothing -> Nothing
findDCons dConsList = case filter (\dCons -> dCons == dName) dConsList of
[] -> Nothing
[dCons] -> Just dCons
_ -> error "More than one data constructor with the same name found"
atomTypeForDataConstructorName :: DataConstructorName -> [AtomType] -> TypeConstructorMapping -> Either RelationalError AtomType
atomTypeForDataConstructorName dConsName atomTypesIn tConsList =
case findDataConstructor dConsName tConsList of
Nothing -> Left (NoSuchDataConstructorError dConsName)
Just (tCons, dCons) -> do
typeVars <- resolveDataConstructorTypeVars dCons atomTypesIn tConsList
pure (ConstructedAtomType ( tCons) typeVars)
atomTypeForDataConstructorDefArg :: DataConstructorDefArg -> AtomType -> TypeConstructorMapping -> Either RelationalError AtomType
atomTypeForDataConstructorDefArg (DataConstructorDefTypeConstructorArg tCons) aType tConss =
case isValidAtomTypeForTypeConstructor aType tCons tConss of
Just err -> Left err
Nothing -> Right aType
atomTypeForDataConstructorDefArg (DataConstructorDefTypeVarNameArg _) aType _ = Right aType
isValidAtomTypeForTypeConstructor :: AtomType -> TypeConstructor -> TypeConstructorMapping -> Maybe RelationalError
isValidAtomTypeForTypeConstructor aType (PrimitiveTypeConstructor _ expectedAType) _ = if expectedAType /= aType then Just (AtomTypeMismatchError expectedAType aType) else Nothing
isValidAtomTypeForTypeConstructor (ConstructedAtomType tConsName _) (ADTypeConstructor expectedTConsName _) _ = if tConsName /= expectedTConsName then Just (TypeConstructorNameMismatch expectedTConsName tConsName) else Nothing
isValidAtomTypeForTypeConstructor aType tCons _ = Just (AtomTypeTypeConstructorReconciliationError aType ( tCons))
atomTypeForDataConstructor :: TypeConstructorMapping -> DataConstructorName -> [AtomType] -> Either RelationalError AtomType
atomTypeForDataConstructor tConss dConsName atomArgTypes =
case findDataConstructor dConsName tConss of
Nothing -> Left (NoSuchDataConstructorError dConsName)
Just (tCons, dCons) -> do
typeVars <- resolveDataConstructorTypeVars dCons atomArgTypes tConss
pure (ConstructedAtomType ( tCons) typeVars)
resolveDataConstructorTypeVars :: DataConstructorDef -> [AtomType] -> TypeConstructorMapping -> Either RelationalError TypeVarMap
resolveDataConstructorTypeVars dCons@(DataConstructorDef _ defArgs) aTypeArgs tConss = do
let defCount = length defArgs
argCount = length aTypeArgs
if defCount /= argCount then
Left (ConstructedAtomArgumentCountMismatchError defCount argCount)
else do
maps <- mapM (\(dCons',aTypeArg) -> resolveDataConstructorArgTypeVars dCons' aTypeArg tConss) (zip (DCD.fields dCons) aTypeArgs)
let typeVarMapFolder valMap acc = case acc of
Left err -> Left err
Right accMap -> if accMap `M.isSubmapOf` valMap then
Right (M.union accMap valMap)
Left (DataConstructorTypeVarsMismatch ( dCons) accMap valMap)
case foldr typeVarMapFolder (Right M.empty) maps of
Left err -> Left err
Right typeVarMaps -> pure typeVarMaps
resolveDataConstructorArgTypeVars :: DataConstructorDefArg -> AtomType -> TypeConstructorMapping -> Either RelationalError TypeVarMap
resolveDataConstructorArgTypeVars (DataConstructorDefTypeConstructorArg tCons) aType tConss = resolveTypeConstructorTypeVars tCons aType tConss
resolveDataConstructorArgTypeVars (DataConstructorDefTypeVarNameArg pVarName) aType _ = Right (M.singleton pVarName aType)
resolveTypeConstructorTypeVars :: TypeConstructor -> AtomType -> TypeConstructorMapping -> Either RelationalError TypeVarMap
resolveTypeConstructorTypeVars (PrimitiveTypeConstructor _ pType) aType _ =
if aType /= pType then
Left (AtomTypeMismatchError pType aType)
Right M.empty
resolveTypeConstructorTypeVars (ADTypeConstructor tConsName _) (ConstructedAtomType tConsName' pVarMap') tConss =
if tConsName /= tConsName' then
Left (TypeConstructorNameMismatch tConsName tConsName')
case findTypeConstructor tConsName tConss of
Nothing -> Left (NoSuchTypeConstructorName tConsName)
Just (tConsDef, _) -> let expectedPVarNames = S.fromList (TCD.typeVars tConsDef) in
if M.keysSet pVarMap' `S.isSubsetOf` expectedPVarNames then
Right pVarMap'
Left (TypeConstructorTypeVarsMismatch expectedPVarNames (M.keysSet pVarMap'))
resolveTypeConstructorTypeVars (TypeVariable tvName) typ _ = Right (M.singleton tvName typ)
resolveTypeConstructorTypeVars (ADTypeConstructor tConsName _) typ _ = Left (TypeConstructorAtomTypeMismatch tConsName typ)
validateTypeConstructorDef :: TypeConstructorDef -> [DataConstructorDef] -> [RelationalError]
validateTypeConstructorDef tConsDef dConsList = execWriter $ do
let duplicateDConsNames = dupes (L.sort (map dConsList))
mapM_ tell [map DataConstructorNameInUseError duplicateDConsNames]
let leftSideVars = S.fromList (TCD.typeVars tConsDef)
rightSideVars = S.unions (map DCD.typeVars dConsList)
varsDiff = S.difference leftSideVars rightSideVars
mapM_ tell [map DataConstructorUsesUndeclaredTypeVariable (S.toList varsDiff)]
pure ()
atomTypeForTypeConstructor :: TypeConstructor -> TypeConstructorMapping -> TypeVarMap -> Either RelationalError AtomType
atomTypeForTypeConstructor (PrimitiveTypeConstructor _ aType) _ _ = Right aType
atomTypeForTypeConstructor (TypeVariable tvname) _ tvMap = case M.lookup tvname tvMap of
Nothing -> Right (TypeVariableType tvname)
Just typ -> Right typ
atomTypeForTypeConstructor tCons tConss tvMap = case findTypeConstructor ( tCons) tConss of
Nothing -> Left (NoSuchTypeConstructorError ( tCons))
Just (tConsDef, _) -> do
tConsArgTypes <- mapM (\tConsArg -> atomTypeForTypeConstructor tConsArg tConss tvMap) (TC.arguments tCons)
let pVarNames = TCD.typeVars tConsDef
tConsArgs = M.fromList (zip pVarNames tConsArgTypes)
Right (ConstructedAtomType ( tCons) tConsArgs)
findTypeConstructor :: TypeConstructorName -> TypeConstructorMapping -> Maybe (TypeConstructorDef, [DataConstructorDef])
findTypeConstructor name = foldr tConsFolder Nothing
tConsFolder (tCons, dConsList) accum = if tCons == name then
Just (tCons, dConsList)
resolveAtomType :: AtomType -> AtomType -> Either RelationalError AtomType
resolveAtomType (ConstructedAtomType tConsName resolvedTypeVarMap) (ConstructedAtomType _ unresolvedTypeVarMap) = do
tVarMap <- resolveAtomTypesInTypeVarMap resolvedTypeVarMap unresolvedTypeVarMap
pure (ConstructedAtomType tConsName tVarMap)
resolveAtomType typeFromRelation unresolvedType = if typeFromRelation == unresolvedType then
Right typeFromRelation
Left (AtomTypeMismatchError typeFromRelation unresolvedType)
resolveAtomTypesInTypeVarMap :: TypeVarMap -> TypeVarMap -> Either RelationalError TypeVarMap
resolveAtomTypesInTypeVarMap resolvedTypeMap unresolvedTypeMap = do
let resolveTypePair resKey resType =
case M.lookup resKey unresolvedTypeMap of
Just unresType -> case unresType of
subType@(ConstructedAtomType _ _) -> do
resSubType <- resolveAtomType resType subType
pure (resKey, resSubType)
otherType -> pure (resKey, otherType)
Nothing ->
pure (resKey, resType)
tVarList <- mapM (uncurry resolveTypePair) (M.toList resolvedTypeMap)
pure (M.fromList tVarList)
resolveTypeInAtom :: AtomType -> Atom -> Either RelationalError Atom
resolveTypeInAtom typeFromRelation atomIn@(ConstructedAtom dConsName _ args) = do
newType <- resolveAtomType typeFromRelation (atomTypeForAtom atomIn)
pure (ConstructedAtom dConsName newType args)
resolveTypeInAtom _ atom = Right atom
resolveTypesInTuple :: Attributes -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError RelationTuple
resolveTypesInTuple resolvedAttrs (RelationTuple _ tupAtoms) = do
newAtoms <- mapM (\(atom, resolvedType) -> resolveTypeInAtom resolvedType atom) (zip (V.toList tupAtoms) $ map A.atomType (V.toList resolvedAttrs))
Right (RelationTuple resolvedAttrs (V.fromList newAtoms))
validateAtomType :: AtomType -> TypeConstructorMapping -> Either RelationalError ()
validateAtomType typ@(ConstructedAtomType tConsName tVarMap) tConss =
case findTypeConstructor tConsName tConss of
Nothing -> Left (TypeConstructorAtomTypeMismatch tConsName typ)
Just (tConsDef, _) -> case tConsDef of
ADTypeConstructorDef _ tVarNames -> let expectedTyVarNames = S.fromList tVarNames
actualTyVarNames = M.keysSet tVarMap
diff = S.difference expectedTyVarNames actualTyVarNames in
if not (S.null diff) then
Left $ TypeConstructorTypeVarsMismatch expectedTyVarNames actualTyVarNames
Right ()
_ -> Right ()
validateAtomType _ _ = Right ()
validateTuple :: RelationTuple -> TypeConstructorMapping -> Either RelationalError ()
validateTuple (RelationTuple _ atoms) tConss = mapM_ (\a -> validateAtomType (atomTypeForAtom a) tConss) atoms
atomTypeVerify :: AtomType -> AtomType -> Either RelationalError AtomType
atomTypeVerify (TypeVariableType _) x = Right x
atomTypeVerify x (TypeVariableType _) = Right x
atomTypeVerify x@(ConstructedAtomType tConsNameA tVarMapA) (ConstructedAtomType tConsNameB tVarMapB)
| tConsNameA /= tConsNameB = Left (TypeConstructorNameMismatch tConsNameA tConsNameB)
| not (typeVarMapsVerify tVarMapA tVarMapB) = Left (TypeConstructorTypeVarsTypesMismatch tConsNameA tVarMapA tVarMapB)
| otherwise = Right x
atomTypeVerify x@(RelationAtomType attrs1) y@(RelationAtomType attrs2) = do
_ <- mapM (\(attr1,attr2) -> let name1 = A.attributeName attr1
name2 = A.attributeName attr2 in
if notElem "_" [name1, name2] && name1 /= name2 then
Left $ AtomTypeMismatchError x y
atomTypeVerify (A.atomType attr1) (A.atomType attr2)) $ V.toList ( attrs1 attrs2)
return x
atomTypeVerify (IntervalAtomType typA) (IntervalAtomType typB) = atomTypeVerify typA typB
atomTypeVerify x y = if x == y then
Right x
Left $ AtomTypeMismatchError x y
typeVarMapsVerify :: TypeVarMap -> TypeVarMap -> Bool
typeVarMapsVerify a b = M.keysSet a == M.keysSet b && (length . rights) (map (\((_,v1),(_,v2)) -> atomTypeVerify v1 v2) (zip (M.toAscList a) (M.toAscList b))) == M.size a
prettyAtomType :: AtomType -> T.Text
prettyAtomType (RelationAtomType attrs) = "relation {" `T.append` T.intercalate "," (map prettyAttribute (V.toList attrs)) `T.append` "}"
prettyAtomType (ConstructedAtomType tConsName typeVarMap) = tConsName `T.append` T.concat (map showTypeVars (M.toList typeVarMap))
showTypeVars (tyVarName, aType) = " (" `T.append` tyVarName `T.append` "::" `T.append` prettyAtomType aType `T.append` ")"
prettyAtomType (TypeVariableType x) = "?TypeVariableType " <> x <> "?"
prettyAtomType (IntervalAtomType tv) = "Interval (" <> prettyAtomType tv <> ")"
prettyAtomType aType = T.take (T.length fullName T.length "AtomType") fullName
where fullName = (T.pack . show) aType
prettyAttribute :: Attribute -> T.Text
prettyAttribute attr = A.attributeName attr `T.append` "::" `T.append` prettyAtomType (A.atomType attr)
resolveTypeVariables :: [AtomType] -> [AtomType] -> Either RelationalError TypeVarMap
resolveTypeVariables expectedArgTypes actualArgTypes = do
let tvmaps = zipWith resolveTypeVariable expectedArgTypes actualArgTypes
foldM (\acc tvmap -> do
let inter = M.intersectionWithKey (\tvName vala valb ->
if vala /= valb then
Left (AtomFunctionTypeVariableMismatch tvName vala valb)
Right vala) acc tvmap
errs = lefts (M.elems inter)
case errs of
[] -> pure (M.unions tvmaps)
errs' -> Left (someErrors errs')) M.empty tvmaps
resolveTypeVariable :: AtomType -> AtomType -> TypeVarMap
resolveTypeVariable (TypeVariableType tv) typ = M.singleton tv typ
resolveTypeVariable (IntervalAtomType ityp) typ = resolveTypeVariable ityp typ
resolveTypeVariable (ConstructedAtomType _ _) (ConstructedAtomType _ actualTvMap) = actualTvMap
resolveTypeVariable _ _ = M.empty
resolveFunctionReturnValue :: AtomFunctionName -> TypeVarMap -> AtomType -> Either RelationalError AtomType
resolveFunctionReturnValue funcName tvMap (ConstructedAtomType tCons retMap) = do
let diff = M.difference retMap tvMap
if M.null diff then
pure (ConstructedAtomType tCons (M.intersection tvMap retMap))
Left (AtomFunctionTypeVariableResolutionError funcName (fst (head (M.toList diff))))
resolveFunctionReturnValue funcName tvMap (IntervalAtomType tv) = IntervalAtomType <$> resolveFunctionReturnValue funcName tvMap tv
resolveFunctionReturnValue funcName tvMap (TypeVariableType tvName) = case M.lookup tvName tvMap of
Nothing -> Left (AtomFunctionTypeVariableResolutionError funcName tvName)
Just typ -> pure typ
resolveFunctionReturnValue _ _ typ = pure typ
resolvedAtomTypesForDataConstructorDefArgs :: TypeConstructorMapping -> TypeVarMap -> DataConstructorDef -> Either RelationalError [AtomType]
resolvedAtomTypesForDataConstructorDefArgs tConsMap tvMap (DataConstructorDef _ args) = mapM (resolvedAtomTypeForDataConstructorDefArg tConsMap tvMap) args
resolvedAtomTypeForDataConstructorDefArg :: TypeConstructorMapping -> TypeVarMap -> DataConstructorDefArg -> Either RelationalError AtomType
resolvedAtomTypeForDataConstructorDefArg tConsMap tvMap (DataConstructorDefTypeConstructorArg typCons) = atomTypeForTypeConstructor typCons tConsMap tvMap
resolvedAtomTypeForDataConstructorDefArg _ tvMap (DataConstructorDefTypeVarNameArg tvName) = case M.lookup tvName tvMap of
Nothing -> Left (DataConstructorUsesUndeclaredTypeVariable tvName)
Just typ -> Right typ