module Language.Pck.Cpu.Execution (
, evalProg
) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), complement, shift, xor)
import Data.Word
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Language.Pck.Cpu.Instruction
import Language.Pck.Cpu.Register
import Language.Pck.Cpu.Memory
import Language.Pck.Cpu.State
run :: InstImage -> DataImage -> CpuState
run insts vals = case runState (evalProg False) (initCpuStateMem insts vals) of
(RsErr a, _) -> error a
(_, x) -> x
evalProg :: Bool -> EvalCpu ResultStat
evalProg isOneStep = loop
where loop = do inst <- fetchInst
res <- evalStep inst
case res of
RsHalt -> return res
RsErr _ -> return res
_ -> if isOneStep then return res else loop
evalStep :: Inst -> EvalCpu ResultStat
evalStep NOP = incPc
evalStep HALT = return RsHalt
evalStep (MOVI reg imm) = movimm reg imm
evalStep (MOV ra rb) = uniopInst (id) ra rb
evalStep (MOVPC ra) = movpc ra
evalStep (ADD ra rb rc) = biopInst (+) ra rb rc
evalStep (SUB ra rb rc) = biopInst () ra rb rc
evalStep (CMP ra rb) = cmpRR ra rb
evalStep (ABS ra rb) = uniopInst (abs) ra rb
evalStep (ASH ra rb rc) = biopInst (shift) ra rb rc
evalStep (MUL ra rb rc) = biopInst (*) ra rb rc
evalStep (DIV ra rb rc) = biopInst (div) ra rb rc
evalStep (AND ra rb rc) = biopInst (.&.) ra rb rc
evalStep (OR ra rb rc) = biopInst (.|.) ra rb rc
evalStep (NOT ra rb) = uniopInst (complement) ra rb
evalStep (XOR ra rb rc) = biopInst (xor) ra rb rc
evalStep (LSH ra rb rc) = biopInst (logicalShift) ra rb rc
evalStep (BRI f ad) = branchRI f ad
evalStep (JRI ad) = jumpRI ad
evalStep (J reg) = jump reg
evalStep (CALL reg) = call reg
evalStep (RET ) = ret
evalStep (LD ra rb) = load ra rb
evalStep (ST ra rb) = store ra rb
evalStep UNDEF = do pc <- readPc
return $ RsErr $ printf
"undefined instruction at pc = %d (0x%x)" pc pc
jumpRI :: Int -> EvalCpu ResultStat
jumpRI ad = do pc <- readPc
updatePc (pc + ad)
jump :: GReg -> EvalCpu ResultStat
jump reg = do ad <- readGReg reg
updatePc ad
branchRI :: FCond -> Int -> EvalCpu ResultStat
branchRI fcond ad = do flags <- readFlags
if judgeFCond flags fcond
then jumpRI ad
else incPc
linkReg :: GReg
linkReg = minBound::GReg
call :: GReg -> EvalCpu ResultStat
call reg = do pc <- readPc
val <- readGReg reg
updateGReg linkReg (pc+1)
updatePc val
ret :: EvalCpu ResultStat
ret = do val <- readGReg linkReg
updatePc val
movimm :: GReg -> Int -> EvalCpu ResultStat
movimm reg imm = do updateGReg reg imm
movpc :: GReg -> EvalCpu ResultStat
movpc reg = do pc <- readPc
updateGReg reg pc
load :: GReg -> GReg -> EvalCpu ResultStat
load ra rb = do vb <- readGReg rb
va <- readDmem vb
updateGReg ra va
store :: GReg -> GReg -> EvalCpu ResultStat
store ra rb = do (va, vb) <- readGReg2 ra rb
updateDmem va vb
cmpRR :: GReg -> GReg -> EvalCpu ResultStat
cmpRR ra rb = do (va, vb) <- readGReg2 ra rb
updateFlag FLZ (va == vb)
updateFlag FLC (va < vb)
biopInst :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> GReg -> GReg -> GReg -> EvalCpu ResultStat
biopInst op ra rb rc= do (vb, vc) <- readGReg2 rb rc
updateGReg ra (vb `op` vc)
uniopInst :: (Int -> Int) -> GReg -> GReg -> EvalCpu ResultStat
uniopInst op ra rb = do vb <- readGReg rb
updateGReg ra (op vb)
logicalShift :: Int -> Int -> Int
logicalShift val sft = fromIntegral $ toInteger $
(fromIntegral val :: Word32) `shift` sft