-- | Processing code writer monad.
module Graphics.Web.Processing.Core.Monad (
  , runProcM, execProcM
  , runProcMWith
  , ProcMonad (..)
  , readArrayVar
  , writeArrayVar
  , newVarNumber
  , getVarNumber
  , setVarNumber
  ) where

import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Graphics.Web.Processing.Core.Primal
import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.String (fromString)

-- | Processing script producer monad. The context @c@ indicates the context
--   of the underlying 'ProcCode'. This context restricts the use of certain
--   commands only to places where they are expected.
--   The commands that you can run under this monad are mostly defined in
--   "Graphics.Web.Processing.Interface".
--   Once you have all the commands you want, use 'runProcM' or 'execProcM'
--   to generate the corresponding Processing code under the 'ProcCode' type.
newtype ProcM c a = ProcM { unProcM :: StateT Int (Writer (ProcCode c)) a }

{- ProcM monad definition

On the inside, ProcM is a monad which stores both a counter and some
processing code. The purpose of the counter is to give each variable
an unique name. Using an inner writer monad, using 'tell', we append
processing code. Each time we append the creation of a new var, we
generate the name of that variable depending on the state of the
counter. For example, if the counter is in 2, the variable will be
named "v_2" (see 'intVarNumber'). The context of the ProcCode stored
in the inner writer monad is propagated to the ProcM monad. 


-- | Generate Processing code using the 'ProcM' monad.
--   The code output is reduced.
runProcM :: ProcM c a -> (a,ProcCode c)
runProcM = runProcMWith 0

-- | Run a 'ProcM' computation with an initial var number.
--   It also applies a reduction to the output Processing code.
runProcMWith :: Int -> ProcM c a -> (a,ProcCode c)
runProcMWith n = second reduce . runWriter . (\sw -> evalStateT sw n) . unProcM

-- | Generate Processing code using the 'ProcM' monad, discarding the final
--   value.
-- > execProcM = snd . runProcM
execProcM :: ProcM c a -> ProcCode c
execProcM = snd . runProcM

instance Functor (ProcM c) where
 fmap f (ProcM w) = ProcM $ fmap f w
instance Applicative (ProcM c) where
 pure x = ProcM $ pure x
 pf <*> p = ProcM $ unProcM pf <*> unProcM p

instance Monad (ProcM c) where
 return = pure
 (ProcM w) >>= f = ProcM $ w >>= unProcM . f

-- | Add @1@ to the variable counter and returns the result.
newVarNumber :: ProcM c Int
newVarNumber = ProcM $ modify (+1) >> get

-- | Get the current variable number.
getVarNumber :: ProcM c Int
getVarNumber = ProcM get

-- | Set the current variable number.
setVarNumber :: Int -> ProcM c ()
setVarNumber = ProcM . put

intVarName :: Int -> Text
intVarName n = "v_" <> fromString (show n)

-- Processing Monad class

-- | Types in this instance form a monad when they are applied
--   to a context @c@. They are used to write Processing
--   code.
class ProcMonad m where
 -- | Internal function to process commands in the target monad.
 commandM :: Text -> [ProcArg] -> m c ()
 -- | Internal function to process asignments in the target monad.
 assignM :: ProcAssign -> m c ()
 -- | Internal function to process variable creations in the target monad.
 createVarM :: ProcAssign -> m c ()
 -- | Internal function to process array varaible creations in the target monad.
 createArrayVarM :: Text -> ProcList -> m c ()
 -- | Write a comment in the code.
 writeComment :: Text -> m c ()
 -- | Conditional execution.
 iff :: Proc_Bool -- ^ Condition.
     -> m c a -- ^ Execution when the condition is 'true'.
     -> m c b -- ^ Execution when the condition is 'false'.
     -> m c ()
 -- | Lift a 'ProcM' computation.
 liftProc :: ProcM c a -> m c a
 -- | Create a new variable with a starting value.
 newVar :: ProcType a => a -> m Preamble (Var a)
 -- | Create a new array variable with a starting list of values.
 newArrayVar :: ProcType a => [a] -> m Preamble (ArrayVar a)
 -- | Read a variable.
 readVar :: ProcType a => Var a -> m c a
 -- | Write a new value to a variable.
 writeVar :: ProcType a => Var a -> a -> m c ()

-- | When using this instance, please, be aware of the
--   behavior of 'readVar'.
--   /It does not matter when the variable is read/.
--   The result will /always/ hold the last value asigned to the variable.
--   For example, this code
-- > v <- newVar 10
-- > ten <- readVar v
-- > writeVar v 20
-- > point (10,ten)
--   will draw a point at (10,20).
instance ProcMonad ProcM where
 -- commandM, assignM, createVarM, createArrayVarM and writeComment
 -- send, using 'tell', to the inner writer monad.
 commandM n as = ProcM $ lift $ tell $ Command n as
 assignM = ProcM . lift . tell . Assignment
 createVarM = ProcM . lift . tell . CreateVar
 createArrayVarM n xs = ProcM $ lift $ tell $ CreateArrayVar n xs
 writeComment = ProcM . lift . tell . Comment
 -- Conditionals are a bit trickier. We need to make sure that
 -- the variable number traverses the conditional and keeps any
 -- modifications performed inside the conditional.
 iff b (ProcM e1) (ProcM e2) = ProcM $ do
   i0 <- get
   let (i1,c1) = runWriter $ execStateT e1 i0
       (i2,c2) = runWriter $ execStateT e2 i1
   put i2
   lift $ tell $ Conditional b c1 c2
 -- The method liftProc is useful for other mondas, like EventM
 -- or ScriptM that are built in top of ProcM.
 liftProc = id
 -- Create a new variable, automatically asigning a name depending
 -- on the current variable number.
 newVar x = do
   n <- newVarNumber
   let v = intVarName n
   createVarM (proc_assign v x)
   return $ varFromText v
 newArrayVar xs = do
   n <- newVarNumber
   let v = intVarName n
   createArrayVarM v $ proc_list xs
   return $ arrayVarFromText (length xs) v
 readVar = return . proc_read
 writeVar v x = assignM $ proc_assign (varName v) x

-- | Read a component of an array variable.
readArrayVar :: (ProcMonad m, Monad (m c), ProcType a) => ArrayVar a -> Proc_Int -> m c a
readArrayVar v n =
  case n of
    Proc_Int i -> let s = arraySize v
                  in  if (i < 0) || (i >= s)
                         then fail $ "readArrayVar: index out of bounds.\nArray size: "
                                  ++ show s
                                  ++ ".\nIndex given: "
                                  ++ show i
                                  ++ ".\nRemember that indices start from 0."
                         else readVar $ arrayVarToVar v n
    _ -> readVar $ arrayVarToVar v n

-- | Write a component of an array variable.
writeArrayVar :: (ProcMonad m, ProcType a) => ArrayVar a -> Proc_Int -> a -> m c ()
writeArrayVar v n x = writeVar (arrayVarToVar v n) x