process-iterio-0.0.0: IterIO Process Library

Safe HaskellSafe



A library for enumerating OS process input and output with IterIO's stream transformers.



enumProcess :: FilePath -> [String] -> Onum ByteString IO aSource

Create an Onum that starts and executable at the given FilePath, passing it args, and routing the process's stdout to the Onum's output stream. If the executable fails, an exception is thrown with the contents of stderr.

cmd :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> [String] -> Inum ByteString ByteString m aSource

Create an Inum that starts and executable at the given FilePath, and passing it args. The Inum's input stream is routed to stdin, and stdout goes to the Inum's output stream. If the executable fails, an exception is thrown with the contents of stderr.