# 1.6.0 ## Breaking changes - Fix `fuse`'s handling of annotated documents: - Don't remove annotations on empty documents. - Apply fusion within annotations. - Fix layouting of hard linebreaks with `Unbounded` page widths. ## Non-breaking changes - Speed up `group` for documents containing linebreaks and previously `group`ed documents. - Add debugging helpers in `Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Internal.Debug` - Documentation improvements and fixes # 1.5.1 - Removing trailing whitespace sometimes restored necessary whitespace in the wrong spot # 1.5 - Fix inconsistent formatting within align and wide sub-docs on narrow layouts # 1.4 - Add fixity declaration to `<+>`, matching `<>` - Fix removal of trailing whitespace # - Support Stack 2 # 1.3.0 - Add alignment to Pretty [a] instance - Fix removal of blank lines in `removeTrailingWhitespace` - Widened support for GHC versions 7.4–8.8 # - Fix dependency of doctest suite # 1.2.1 - Add function to trim trailing space in layouted `SimpleDocStream`, `removeTrailingWhitespace` - Add `Pretty` instances for `Identity` and `Const` # - Fix `alterAnnotationsS` (and thus `unAnnotateS`), which removed pushing, but not popping, style frames. This led to them throwing errors in pretty much all use cases. # 1.2 - `encloseSep` does no longer include an `align` wrapper; in other words, ```haskell encloseSep_old … = align (encloseSep_new …) ``` - Change the default ribbon fraction to 1 (was 0.4) - Expose `viaShow` and `unsafeViaShow` from the public module - Fix `layoutSmart` behaving as if there was no space left for unbounded pages # 1.1.1 - Add `panicPeekedEmpty` and `panicPoppedEmpty` to the panic module # - Rendering directly to a handle is now more efficient in the `Text` renderer, since no intermediate `Text` is generated anymore. - Remove upper version bounds from `.cabal` files # 1.1 - Allow `alterAnnotations` to convert one annotation to multiple ones, to support e.g. `Keyword ---> Green+Bold` - Remove `Pretty` instance for `Doc`: the implicit un-annotation done by it did more harm than good. # 1.0.1 - Add `alterAnnotations`, which allows changing or removing annotations. `reAnnotate` and `unAnnotate` are now special cases of this. - Fix »group« potentially taking exponential time, by making the (internal) `flatten` function detect whether it is going to have any effect inside `group`. - Add proper version bounds for all dependencies and backport them to version 1 - Haddock: example for `Pretty Void` # 1 - Add Foldable/Traversable instances for `SimpleDocTree`, `SimpleDocStream` - Add Functor instances for `Doc`, `SimpleDocTree`, `SimpleDocStream` - Add the simplified renderers `renderSimplyDecorated` and `renderSimplyDecoratedA` to the tree and stack renderer modules - Lots of typo fixes and doc tweaks - Add a changelog :-) # 0.1 Initial release.