Changes in 1.6.16 * Fixes to accomodate GHC 8.4 Changes in 1.6.13 * Parse things like <function> and <Function> as constructors Changes in 1.6.12 * Treat reserved operators as infix constructors (best effort kind of thing) Changes in 1.6.11 * Add `pPrint`, which is `putStrLn . ppShow` Changes in 1.6.10 * Increase the precedence of unary minus Changes in 1.6.9 * Relax parsing of atoms, so that we can support things like the show instance of StdGen (e.g., [ 123 45, 786 10 ]) Changes in * Correct license in srouce files. Changes in * Correct the 'License' field in the Cabal file to match the license (MIT) Changes in 1.6.8: * Move source-repository pragma to top-level. Changes in 1.6.5: * Rename CHANGES to CHANGELOG to work with hackage. Changes in 1.6.4: * Drop dependency on happy >= 1.19 Changes in 1.6.3: * Add Safe Haskell annotations * Add CHANGES file * Add generated parser to package again. We do this, because otherwise the package fails to build on systems that do not have `happy`. This is a bit questionable, but hopefully it won't be too much of a problem.