Example: ```haskell document :: Html document = fold [ tag' "!doctype" [attr' "html"] , inline $ comment "This is an HTML document." , tag "html" [attr "lang" "en"] $ fold [ comment $ LazyText.unlines [ "A document consists of two main parts:" , " 1. The head, containing metadata" , " 2. The body, containing the visible content." ] , tag "head" [] $ fold [ inline $ tag "title" [] $ text "Example document" , tag' "meta" [ attr "name" "viewport" , attr "content" "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" ] , tag' "meta" [ attr "property" "description" , attr "content" "This was \"generated\" with Haskell." ] , tag' "link" [ attr "rel" "stylesheet" , attr "type" "text/css" , attr "href" "../examples.css" ] ] , tag "body" [] $ fold [ inline $ tag "h1" [] $ text "The example doc" , inline $ tag "p" [] $ text "A list of uninteresting facts:" , tag "ol" [] $ fold [ inline $ fold [ tag' "li" [] , text "4 < 7" ] , inline $ fold [ tag' "li" [] , text "Sometimes " , tag "span" [attr "style" "font-weight: bold"] $ text "emboldened" , text " text is used for emphasis." ] ] , inline $ tag "p" [] $ text "Please sign my guest book." , tag "form" [ attr "method" "POST" , attr "action" "/cgi-bin/guestbook.php" ] $ fold [ tag' "textarea" [attr "name" "message", attr' "autofocus"] , tag' "br" [] , inline $ tag "button" [attr "type" "submit"] $ text "Submit" ] ] ] ] ``` Generates the following HTML output: ```html Example document

The example doc

A list of uninteresting facts:

  1. 4 < 7
  2. Sometimes emboldened text is used for emphasis.

Please sign my guest book.