{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wcompat #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wincomplete-record-updates #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wincomplete-uni-patterns #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wno-type-defaults #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedLists #-} -- overloaded lists breaks some predicates {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module TestRefined where import TastyExtras import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Predicate import Refined import UtilP import UtilP_TH import Control.Lens import Data.Aeson import TH_Orphans () -- need this else refined*TH' fails for dates import Control.Monad.Cont import Text.Show.Functions () import GHC.TypeNats (Nat) suite :: IO () suite = defaultMain $ testGroup "TestRefined" (namedTests <> orderTests unnamedTests <> allProps) namedTests :: [TestTree] namedTests = [ testCase "always true" $ (@?=) ($$(refinedTH 7) :: Refined 'True Int) (unsafeRefined 7) , testCase "between5and9" $ (@?=) ($$(refinedTH 7) :: Refined (Between 5 9) Int) (unsafeRefined 7) ] unnamedTests :: [IO ()] unnamedTests = [ (@?=) (unsafeRefined @'True ("" :: String)) $$(refinedTH "") , (@?=) (unsafeRefined @((Len >> Same 4) && Luhn) [1,2,3,0]) $$(refinedTH [1,2,3,0]) , (@?=) (unsafeRefined @((Len >> Same 4) && Luhn >> Not) [1,2,3,1]) $$(refinedTH [1,2,3,1]) , (@?=) [(unsafeRefined 7, "")] (reads @(Refined (Between 2 10) Int) "Refined {unRefined = 7}") , (@?=) [] (reads @(Refined (Between 2 10) Int) "Refined {unRefined = 0}") , (@?=) [(unsafeRefined "abcaaaabb", "")] (reads @(Refined (Re "^[abc]+$" Id) String) "Refined {unRefined = \"abcaaaabb\"}") , (@?=) [] (reads @(Refined (Re "^[abc]+$" Id) String) "Refined {unRefined = \"abcaaaabbx\"}") , expectJ (Left ["Error in $: Refined:FalseP"]) (toFrom (unsafeRefined @(Between 4 7 || Gt 14) 12)) , expectJ (Right (unsafeRefined 22)) (toFrom (unsafeRefined @(Between 4 7 || Gt 14) 22)) , expectJ (Left ["Error in $: Refined:FailP \"someval\""]) (toFrom (unsafeRefined @(Between 4 7 || Gt 14 || Failt _ "someval") 12)) , (fst $ unRavelTI (tst1 ol 10 200)) @?= Right (10,200) , (fst $ unRavelTI (tst1 ol 11 12)) @?= Left "FalseP" , (fst <$> unRavelT (tst2 ol 10 200)) >>= (@?= Right (10,200)) , (fst <$> unRavelT (tst2 ol 11 12)) >>= (@?= Left "FalseP") ] allProps :: [TestTree] allProps = [ testProperty "readshow" $ forAll (arbRefined @(Between 10 45) ol) (\r -> read @(Refined (Between 10 45) Int) (show r) === r) , testProperty "jsonroundtrip" $ forAll (arbRefined @(Between 10 45) ol) (\r -> testRefinedJ @(Between 10 45) ol (unRefined r) === Right r) ] type Ip4RE = "^(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})$" type Ip4 = Rescan Ip4RE Id >> OneP >> Map (ReadBaseInt 10) Snd >> Ip4guard type Ip4guard = Guard "4octets" (Len >> Same 4) >> Guard "0-255" (All (Between 0 255)) type Ip6 = Resplit ":" Id >> Guard "count is bad" (Len >> Between 0 8) >> Guard "not a hex" (All (All (Elem Id "abcdefABCDEF0123456789"))) >> Guard "len is bad" (All (Len >> Le 4)) type Ip6A = Map (If (Id == "") "0" Id) (Resplit ":" Id) >> Map (ReadBaseInt 16) Id type Ip6B = Guard "count is bad" (Len >> Between 0 8) >> Guard "out of bounds" (All (Between 0 65535)) >> 'True type Ip6A' = Resplit ":" Id >> Map (If (Id == "") "0" Id) Id >> Map (ReadBaseInt 16) Id >> PadL 8 0 Id type Ip6A'' = Map (If (Id == "") 0 (ReadBaseInt 16)) (Resplit ":" Id) >> PadL 8 0 Id type Ip6B' = Guard "count is bad" (Len >> Same 8) >> Guard "out of bounds" (All (Between 0 65535)) >> 'True type Ip4A = Map (ReadBaseInt 10) (Resplit "\\." Id) type Ip4B = Guard "expected 4 numbers" (Len >> Same 4) >> Guard "each number must be between 0 and 255" (All (Between 0 255)) >> 'True type Ip4C = Printfnt 4 "%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d" -- base n number of length x and then convert to a list of length x of (0 to (n-1)) -- checks that each digit is between 0 and n-1 type MM1 (n :: Nat) = Map (ReadBase Int n) Ones type MM2 (n :: Nat) = ExitWhen "found empty" IsEmpty >> Guard "0<=x POpts -> Int -> Int -> RefinedT m (Int,Int) tst1 opts i j = withRefinedT @(Between 2 11) opts i $ \x -> withRefinedT @(Between 200 211) opts j $ \y -> return (unRefined x, unRefined y) -- prtRefinedTIO tst2 tst2 :: MonadIO m => POpts -> Int -> Int -> RefinedT m (Int,Int) tst2 opts i j = withRefinedTIO @(Between 2 11) opts i $ \x -> withRefinedTIO @(Stderr "start" |> Between 200 211 >| Stderr "end") opts j $ \y -> return (unRefined x, unRefined y) -- roundtrip tojson then fromjson testRefinedJ :: forall p a . (ToJSON a, FromJSON a, RefinedC p a) => POpts -> a -> Either String (Refined p a) testRefinedJ opts a = let ((bp,e),mr) = runIdentity $ newRefined @p opts a in case mr of Nothing -> error $ show bp ++ "\n" ++ e Just r -> eitherDecode @(Refined p a) $ encode r