{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wcompat #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wincomplete-record-updates #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wincomplete-uni-patterns #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wredundant-constraints #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-} -- | -- Module : Refined3Helper -- Description : Contains convenient prepackaged 4-tuples to use with Refined3 -- Copyright : (c) Grant Weyburne, 2019 -- License : BSD-3 -- Maintainer : gbwey9@gmail.com -- -- Prepackaged proxies for use with 'Refined3.Refined3' -- module Refined3Helper where import Refined3 import Predicate import UtilP import Data.Proxy import GHC.TypeLits (AppendSymbol,Nat,KnownNat) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Time import qualified Data.Semigroup as SG -- | credit card with luhn algorithm -- -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> prtEval3P cc11 ol "1234-5678-901" -- Left Step 2. False Boolean Check(op) | FalseP -- -- >>> prtEval3P cc11 ol "1234-5678-903" -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,3], r3Out = "1234-5678-903"}) -- type Ccip = Map (ReadP Int) (Remove "-" Id >> Ones) type Ccop (n :: Nat) = Guard ('(n,Len) >> Printf2 "expected %d digits but found %d") (Len >> Same n) >> Luhn type Ccfmt (ns :: [Nat]) = ConcatMap ShowP Id >> SplitAts ns Id >> Concat (Intercalate '["-"] Id) type Ccn (ns :: [Nat]) = '(Ccip, Ccop (SumT ns), Ccfmt ns, String) type CC11 = Ccn '[4,4,3] -- not great for the general case: but specific case is easier ccn :: forall (ns :: [Nat]) . (KnownNat (SumT ns), P ns String, PP ns String ~ [Integer]) => Proxy (Ccn ns) ccn = mkProxy3 cc11 :: Proxy (Ccn '[4,4,3]) -- or Proxy CC11 cc11 = mkProxy3P -- | read in a datetime -- -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(DateTime1 UTCTime)) ol "2018-09-14 02:57:04" -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = 2018-09-14 02:57:04 UTC, r3Out = "2018-09-14 02:57:04"}) -- type DateTime1 (t :: Type) = '(Dtip1 t, Dtop1, Dtfmt1, String) type Dtip1 t = ParseTimeP t "%F %T" Id -- extra check to validate the time as parseTime doesnt validate the time component type Dtop1 = Map (ReadP Int) (FormatTimeP "%H %M %S" Id >> Resplit "\\s+" Id) >> Guards '[ '(Printf2 "guard %d invalid hours %d", Between 0 23) , '(Printf2 "guard %d invalid minutes %d", Between 0 59) , '(Printf2 "guard %d invalid seconds %d", Between 0 59) ] >> 'True type Dtfmt1 = FormatTimeP "%F %T" Id ssn :: Proxy Ssn ssn = mkProxy3 -- | read in an ssn -- -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> prtEval3P ssn ol "134-01-2211" -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = [134,1,2211], r3Out = "134-01-2211"}) -- -- >>> prtEval3P ssn ol "666-01-2211" -- Left Step 2. Failed Boolean Check(op) | number for group 0 invalid: found 666 -- -- >>> prtEval3P ssn ol "666-01-2211" -- Left Step 2. Failed Boolean Check(op) | number for group 0 invalid: found 666 -- -- >>> prtEval3P ssn ol "667-00-2211" -- Left Step 2. Failed Boolean Check(op) | number for group 1 invalid: found 0 -- -- >>> prtEval3P ssn ol "666-01-2211" -- Left Step 2. Failed Boolean Check(op) | number for group 0 invalid: found 666 -- -- >>> prtEval3P ssn ol "991-22-9999" -- Left Step 2. Failed Boolean Check(op) | number for group 0 invalid: found 991 -- type Ssn = '(Ssnip, Ssnop, Ssnfmt, String) type Ssnip = Map (ReadP Int) (Rescan "^(\\d{3})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{4})$" Id >> OneP >> Snd) type Ssnop = GuardsQuick (Printf2 "number for group %d invalid: found %d") '[Between 1 899 && Id /= 666, Between 1 99, Between 1 9999] >> 'True type Ssnop' = Guards '[ '(Printf2 "guard %d invalid: found %d", Between 1 899 && Id /= 666) , '(Printf2 "group %d invalid: found %d", Between 1 99) , '(Printf2 "group %d invalid: found %d", Between 1 9999) ] >> 'True type Ssnfmt = Printfnt 3 "%03d-%02d-%04d" -- | read in a time and validate it -- -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> prtEval3P hms ol "23:13:59" -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = [23,13,59], r3Out = "23:13:59"}) -- -- >>> prtEval3P hms ol "23:13:60" -- Left Step 2. Failed Boolean Check(op) | guard(2) 60 secs is out of range -- -- >>> prtEval3P hms ol "26:13:59" -- Left Step 2. Failed Boolean Check(op) | guard(0) 26 hours is out of range -- hms :: Proxy Hms hms = mkProxy3 type Hms = '(Hmsip, Hmsop >> 'True, Hmsfmt, String) type Hmsip = Map (ReadP Int) (Resplit ":" Id) type Hmsop = Guard (Printf "expected len 3 but found %d" Len) (Len >> Same 3) >> Guards '[ '(Printf2 "guard(%d) %d hours is out of range", Between 0 23) , '(Printf2 "guard(%d) %d mins is out of range", Between 0 59) , '(Printf2 "guard(%d) %d secs is out of range", Between 0 59)] type Hmsfmt = Printfnt 3 "%02d:%02d:%02d" -- | read in an ipv4 address and validate it -- -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> prtEval3P ip ol "" -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = [1,223,14,1], r3Out = ""}) -- -- >>> prtEval3P ip ol "" -- Left Step 2. Failed Boolean Check(op) | guard(3) octet out of range 0-255 found 999 -- -- >>> prtEval3P ip ol "" -- Left Step 1. Initial Conversion(ip) Failed | Regex no results -- -- >>> prtEval3P ip ol "" -- Left Step 2. Failed Boolean Check(op) | guard(1) octet out of range 0-255 found 257 -- type Ip = '(Ipip, Ipop, Ipfmt, String) type Ip1 = '(Ipip, Ipop', Ipfmt, String) ip :: Proxy Ip ip = mkProxy3 ip1 :: Proxy Ip1 ip1 = mkProxy3 type Ipip = Map (ReadP Int) (Rescan "^(\\d{1,3}).(\\d{1,3}).(\\d{1,3}).(\\d{1,3})$" Id >> OneP >> Snd) -- RepeatT is a type family so it expands everything! replace RepeatT with a type class type Ipop = GuardsQuick (Printf2 "guard(%d) octet out of range 0-255 found %d") (RepeatT 4 (Between 0 255)) >> 'True type Ipop' = Guards '[ '(Printf2 "octet %d out of range 0-255 found %d", Between 0 255) , '(Printf2 "octet %d out of range 0-255 found %d", Between 0 255) , '(Printf2 "octet %d out of range 0-255 found %d", Between 0 255) , '(Printf2 "octet %d out of range 0-255 found %d", Between 0 255) ] >> 'True type Ipfmt = Printfnt 4 "%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d" type HmsRE = "^([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])$" -- padded only -- dumb because strict validation should not be done twice: ie in ip and op! type Hmsconv = Do '[Rescan HmsRE Id, Head, Snd, Map (ReadBaseInt 10) Id] type Hmsval = GuardsQuick (Printf2 "guard(%d) %d is out of range") '[Between 0 23, Between 0 59, Between 0 59] type Hms4 = '(Hmsconv, Hmsval >> 'True, Hmsfmt, String) hms4 :: Proxy Hms4 hms4 = mkProxy3 type OctetRE = "(25[0-5]|2[0..4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])" -- no padded numbers allowed --type Ip4strictRE = "^" `AppendSymbol` OctetRE `AppendSymbol` "\\." `AppendSymbol` OctetRE `AppendSymbol` "\\." `AppendSymbol` OctetRE `AppendSymbol` "\\." `AppendSymbol` OctetRE `AppendSymbol` "$" type Ip4strictRE = "^" `AppendSymbol` IntersperseT "\\." (RepeatT 4 OctetRE) `AppendSymbol` "$" -- valid dates for for DateFmts are "2001-01-01" "Jan 24 2009" and "03/29/07" type DateFmts = '["%Y-%m-%d", "%m/%d/%y", "%B %d %Y"] type DateN = '(ParseTimes Day DateFmts Id, 'True, FormatTimeP "%Y-%m-%d" Id, String) type DateTimeFmts = '["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", "%B %d %Y %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"] type DateTimeN = '(ParseTimes UTCTime DateTimeFmts Id, 'True, FormatTimeP "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" Id, String) -- | convert a string from the given base \'i\' but stores it internally as a string of base \'j\' -- -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(BaseN 16)) ol "00fe" -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = 254, r3Out = "fe"}) -- type BaseN (n :: Nat) = '(ReadBase Integer n, 'True, ShowBase n, String) base16 :: Proxy (BaseN 16) base16 = mkProxy3 daten :: Proxy DateN daten = mkProxy3 datetimen :: Proxy DateTimeN datetimen = mkProxy3 type BetweenR m n = Refined3 Id (Between m n) Id Int type LuhnR (n :: Nat) = MakeR3 (LuhnY n) type LuhnR' (n :: Nat) = MakeR3 (LuhnX n) -- uses builtin Luhn vs long winded version LuhnX type LuhnY (n :: Nat) = '(Map (ReadP Int) Ones , Guard (Printfn "incorrect number of digits found %d but expected %d in [%s]" (TupleI '[Len, W n, ShowP])) (Len >> Same n) >> Guard ("luhn check failed") Luhn >> 'True , ConcatMap ShowP Id , String) type LuhnX (n :: Nat) = '(Map (ReadP Int) Ones , Luhn'' n >> 'True , ConcatMap ShowP Id , String) type Luhn'' (n :: Nat) = Guard (Printfn "incorrect number of digits found %d but expected %d in [%s]" (TupleI '[Len, W n, ShowP])) (Len >> Same n) >> Do '[ Reverse ,Ziplc [1,2] Id ,Map (Fst * Snd >> If (Id >= 10) (Id - 9) Id) Id ,FoldMap (SG.Sum Int) Id ] >> Guard (Printfn "expected %d mod 10 = 0 but found %d" (TupleI '[Id, Id `Mod` 10])) (Mod Id 10 >> Same 0) type Luhn' (n :: Nat) = Msg "Luhn'" (Do '[Guard (Printfn "incorrect number of digits found %d but expected %d in [%s]" (TupleI '[Len, W n, Id])) (Len >> Same n) ,Do '[Ones ,Map (ReadP Int) Id ,Reverse ,Ziplc [1,2] Id ,Map (Fst * Snd >> If (Id >= 10) (Id - 9) Id) Id ,FoldMap (SG.Sum Int) Id ] ,Guard (Printfn "expected %d mod 10 = 0 but found %d" (TupleI '[Id, Id `Mod` 10])) (Mod Id 10 >> Same 0) ]) -- noop true type Ok (t :: Type) = '(Id, 'True, Id, t) type OkR (t :: Type) = MakeR3 (Ok t) -- noop false type OkNot (t :: Type) = '(Id, 'False, Id, t) type OkNotR (t :: Type) = MakeR3 (OkNot t) -- | convert a string from the given base \'i\' but stores it internally as a string of base \'j\' -- -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(BaseIJ 16 2)) ol "fe" -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = "11111110", r3Out = "fe"}) -- -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(BaseIJ 16 2)) ol "fge" -- Left Step 1. Initial Conversion(ip) Failed | invalid base 16 -- type BaseIJ (i :: Nat) (j :: Nat) = BaseIJ' i j 'True type BaseIJ' (i :: Nat) (j :: Nat) p = '(ReadBase Int i >> ShowBase j, p, ReadBase Int j >> ShowBase i, String) -- | take any valid Read/Show instance and turn it into a valid Refined3 -- -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> :set -XTypeOperators -- >>> :m + Data.Ratio -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(ReadShow Rational)) ol "13 % 3" -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = 13 % 3, r3Out = "13 % 3"}) -- -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(ReadShow Rational)) ol "13x % 3" -- Left Step 1. Initial Conversion(ip) Failed | ReadP Ratio Integer (13x % 3) failed -- -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(ReadShow' Rational (Between (Pos 3) (Pos 5)))) ol "13 % 3" -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = 13 % 3, r3Out = "13 % 3"}) -- -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(ReadShow' Rational (Between (NegR 11 2) (Neg 3)))) ol "-13 % 3" -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = (-13) % 3, r3Out = "(-13) % 3"}) -- -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(ReadShow' Rational (Id > Pos 15))) ol "13 % 3" -- Left Step 2. False Boolean Check(op) | FalseP -- -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(ReadShow' Rational (Guard (Printf "invalid=%3.2f" (FromRational Double Id)) (Id > Pos 15) >> 'True))) ol "13 % 3" -- Left Step 2. Failed Boolean Check(op) | invalid=4.33 -- -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(ReadShow' Rational (Id > Pos 11))) ol "13 % 3" -- Left Step 2. False Boolean Check(op) | FalseP -- -- >>> let tmString = "2018-10-19 14:53:11.5121359 UTC" -- >>> let tm = read tmString :: UTCTime -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(ReadShow UTCTime)) ol tmString -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = 2018-10-19 14:53:11.5121359 UTC, r3Out = "2018-10-19 14:53:11.5121359 UTC"}) -- -- >>> :m + Data.Aeson -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(ReadShow Value)) ol "String \"jsonstring\"" -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = String "jsonstring", r3Out = "String \"jsonstring\""}) -- -- >>> prtEval3P (Proxy @(ReadShow Value)) ol "Number 123.4" -- Right (Refined3 {r3In = Number 123.4, r3Out = "Number 123.4"}) -- type ReadShow (t :: Type) = '(ReadP t, 'True, ShowP, String) type ReadShowR (t :: Type) = MakeR3 (ReadShow t) type ReadShow' (t :: Type) p = '(ReadP t, p, ShowP, String) type ReadShowR' (t :: Type) p = MakeR3 (ReadShow' t p)